Female opinion: Lush noisy weddings are a waste of money


"Ah, this wedding, the wedding sang and danced!" - in the very tradition of the Russian wedding is noisy and crowded. But how does today's Europeanized youth relate to lavish weddings? Information portal "Women's Opinion" set as its goal to find out what modern Russians are investing in the concept of "wedding" today ...

The wedding, of course, is one of the most exciting and important events in the girl’s life, and that is why 21.8% answered that for them the wedding is a magnificent large-scale celebration of all envy. Although some "wouldn’t want to envy, but magnificent - yes. I want a dress, I want to throw a bouquet of a bride, I want to shoot wedding photos."

However, despite the traditional idea of ​​a wedding as a magnificent holiday, most women see their wedding as a modest celebration exclusively for the closest people. So say 50% of respondents. “For me, a wedding with all its traditional attributes is a waste of money. I don’t see the point of buying a dress for a lot of money so that it later gathers dust in the closet; invite a bunch of guests who have one single goal - to get drunk,” write the voting participants. “A wedding is a celebration for two, and not for mom, dad, friends and acquaintances. Therefore, for me the ideal wedding is to go to the registry office, sign and celebrate in the family circle.”

The majority of respondents say that they don’t really like weddings for a hundred or more guests, of which the bride and groom, by and large, do not know even half ... That is why in the end the most optimal option was not grandiose and large-scale celebration, but something in between a magnificent wedding and a holiday for loved ones: "In my opinion, a wedding is something very, very personal. Therefore, I would prefer to see only the closest relatives and friends that day - there is nothing for everyone else to do there" .

Interestingly, 15.5% of respondents do not plan to celebrate the beginning of family life at all: “It’s better to sign quietly, but to go on vacation,” they say. Secret marriage in the spirit of romance novels of the XVIII-XIX centuries - what could be more romantic? Is it a dream to spend a honeymoon somewhere on the tropical islands? After all, in the end, a wedding is a celebration of two loving hearts who decided to bond their relationship by marriage.

But 12.7% of voters say they don’t want to get married at all! And this is not surprising: the institution of marriage is not going through the best of times. Today it is believed that living in a civil marriage is much more convenient. Or maybe these girls have not yet met a man with whom they would like to live their whole lives: "in health and illness, in wealth and poverty"?

The survey involved 1360 women from 105 cities of Russia aged 20 to 45 years.


Watch the video: Scott Bradlee: "Outside the Jukebox". Talks at Google (July 2024).