Female opinion: Most women do not give bribes, but are ready to take them


Bribery is as old as the world. The first bribes are mentioned in the Law of Twelve Tables, according to which a person taking bribes was subject to the death penalty. Now the legislation in developed countries is much more humane to bribe-takers, and in some places this institution is practically eradicated due to the legal consciousness of citizens, and not fear of punishment. In Russia, Russian tsars and emperors unsuccessfully fought against dishonest officials. And what does the beautiful half of humanity think about this? The Women's Opinion Internet portal found this out through a three-part survey.

Participants were asked: "Have you paid bribes over the past year?" "Would you take bribes if you had such an opportunity?" and "Do you think bribery is eradicated in Russia?"

In 2012, 67.1% of women avoided illegal salary increases for civil servants and did not end up in situations where a bribe was required. Another 8.9% did not give out of principle, although they received unambiguous hints. Once, 5.8% of women had to give a bribe. And finally, 18.2% of them last year constantly cajoled the powers that be.

Although, as we see, the Russians practically do not give bribes, they themselves treat them calmly. Most of them would take bribes at the earliest opportunity or already take them. The votes in favor of bribery were as follows:

Would take, if such an opportunity - 11.5%
Yes, if I were 100% sure of impunity - 15.4%
Depends on the circumstances - 27.3%
And I already take bribes - 2.8%

The minority remained disinterested ladies, whose principles this contradicts - 43% of the vote.

Few people believe that corruption in Russia can be defeated - a quarter of respondents adhere to this opinion. 3% think the process is already running. The absolute majority - 72% - either do not believe in this miracle, or strongly doubt it.

A strange tendency is observed in Russian society: despite the fact that citizens speak out against corruption, they themselves are ready and even want to take bribes. In this regard, an old joke is revealing:

When in the USA they say that someone made a million dollars, the Americans admire: "Oh, this guy worked hard!" When people talk about this in Russia, the Russians enviously reply: "Oh, this type has stolen a lot!" Unfortunately, the Russians do not yet consider themselves capable of achieving a high position and material wealth honestly.

In the survey, 3110 women from 127 cities of Russia expressed their opinion. The age of respondents is from 20 to 45 years.


Watch the video: Why Do Men Cheat? (June 2024).