How to make a hero costume for a boy with your own hands. Heroic helmet, chain mail and boots from improvised materials


The image of an old Russian warrior is pleasant to all boys without exception. A caring mother can please the boy with a real costume of a hero, which is made with his own hands. It consists of a helmet, chain mail, armor and boots. How to turn simple things into a heroic entourage? Step-by-step instructions and a detailed master class will help with this.

What to make a helmet for a hero

The hero’s costume doesn’t look at all without a headdress, so a little warrior will need a beautiful helmet. It can be made from simple and affordable materials.

What you need to work:

• five liter plastic bottle;

• 500 ml plastic cup;

• laundry bag or mesh cut;

• silver or gold paint in a spray can;

• mounting double-sided tape;

• scissors and glue.

Working process

1. From the top of the bottle, cut out the base of the helmet. To do this, draw a wide frontal part with a marker, leave the sides flat. Cut off all unnecessary.

2. From the plastic cup we make the conical top of the helmet. To do this, cut out the bottom of the glass, cut vertically. From the resulting plastic sheet we cut out the cone, fasten it with double-sided tape.

3. Next, connect the helmet parts. We fasten the cone with adhesive tape to the plastic helmet from the inside.

4. We proceed to the manufacture of chain mail for a helmet. We make it from a bag for washing. Such a mesh is quite durable and inexpensive. You can use a mosquito net or the remains of tulle, but such material is thin and highly stretched.

5. We paint the mesh with spray paint in silver or gold color.

6. Next, we paint the helmet itself, applying several layers so that it does not shine through. Let the workpiece dry.

7. Cut the mesh and try on the helmet. In places of bonding we impose a double-sided tape, to which we fasten chain-mail mesh.

We try on a ready-made hero helmet for the baby. We proceed to the manufacture of other parts of the costume.

DIY chain mail and shirt for a hero

An indispensable attribute of a heroic costume is a shirt with a Slavic pattern and chain mail. To make a Bogatyr suit for a boy with your own hands, you need to stock up on the following materials:

• white spacious shirt;

• cut borders with a Slavic pattern;

• foil substrate under the laminate;

• glue, scissors, double-sided tape.

Working process

Step No. 1 Shirt of the hero

A simple white shirt or nightgown can be turned into a heroic shirt. To do this, it is enough to sew a beautiful border with a pattern on the bottom of the product. Now on sale you can find almost any border. The shirt for the hero is ready.

Step №2 Chain

Chain mail can be made in several ways.

1. A vest is cut out of an old knitted sweater, which is painted with spray paint. To do this, the vest is pulled over the back of the chair. This chain mail is quite light, but the smell of paint remains.

2. You can make scaly chain mail-shell. To make it, you will need rectangles of the same size, which are stapled in a checkerboard pattern. You need to start work from the bottom row of chain mail. In addition, rectangles should be painted on both sides. The dried parts are sewn onto a tight sleeveless jacket.

Important! You can make chain mail armor from a foil substrate for a laminate, cardboard, a plastic folder or other materials.

How to make boots and pants for a boy-hero costume with your own hands

Old Russian heroes wore high boots with bent socks and a figured top. You can’t find these on sale, but making them is quite simple from improvised materials.

What you need to work:

• dense fabric for boots;

• doublerin;

• dense linoleum or leather for the sole;

• thick threads for decorative work;

• awl, scissors.

Step number 1 pattern boots

We take the necessary measurements from the child’s feet and draw such a pattern.

We transfer the details of the side and front of the boots to the fabric, not forgetting the allowances for the seams. From dense linoleum or leather, we cut out the sole.

Step No. 2 We collect boots

We iron all the details. The front part of the shaft is additionally sealed with doubler so that the boots keep their shape.

On the sole with an awl, we make holes through which the bootleg will be sewn.

The details of the fabric boots are folded with the sides inward and sewed on a typewriter. We twist and try on the sole. We distribute the fabric along the side of the sole, pinning it with pins. Sew on the sole by hand, with straight and neat stitches.

Boots for the costume of the hero are ready!

Pants of the Old Russian hero are made of plain fabric. For their cutting, a pattern of any sweatpants or harem pants is suitable. We transfer the pattern to the fabric and sew the pants along the side and step seams, do not forget to tuck the bottom of the legs and insert the elastic into the belt.

You can use ready-made sweatpants made of knitted fabric of soft colors.

Shield and sword for a hero from improvised materials

The weapon makes the outfit more spectacular. As a rule, a do-it-yourself costume for a boy, sewn with his own hands, is supplemented with a shield and a sword.

To make a sword you will need:

• thick cardboard;

• paint in a spray can;

• metal and plastic jewelry;

• glue, scissors.

On thick cardboard we draw a sketch of the future sword. We cut out several parts that we glue together. This will give added strength to the finished product.

The dried-up blank of the sword is covered with several layers of spray paint to get an even and beautiful color. When the paint dries, proceed to decorate the sword.

For the decoration of the handle, you can take beads, multi-colored plastic or metal rhinestones, colored foil and more. Ornaments are glued in random order on the handle of a cardboard sword.

The shield for the warrior is made easy. In Slavic culture, the shape of the shield was simple, more like a circle or oval. The shield for the hero consists of several parts:

• the main part - 2 circles of cardboard. The diameter of the circle is calculated as follows: measure the length of the hand from the tip of the middle finger to the elbow of the child;

• borders - a cardboard hoop about 3-5 cm wide. The inner part of the hoop can be made curly;

• center circle with decoration: dragon head, sun or monogram.

The elements of the cardboard shield for the main part are glued together, after which they are painted and allowed to dry the workpiece. The border is painted separately, after which it is applied to the main part and glued. They also act with the central part of the shield. When the shield is ready, an elastic band is glued to it from the inside, which will fix it in your hand.

Working on a costume for a hero for a boy, you can give your everyday things a new purpose. By connecting imagination and ingenuity, you can accurately copy all the details from ancient legends. It is important not to overdo it with decorations, because a hero is a rather strict and formidable image.


Watch the video: Make Captain America's Suit & Shield - DIY Costume Squad (June 2024).