Do-it-yourself original birthday gift for a guy - simple solutions. How to please a guy with an original New Year's gift


When the holiday date is approaching, whether it’s Birthday or New Year, girls often ask themselves: "What to give a guy, preferably an original one?"

The best gift is a present made from the heart with your own hands.

An original birthday gift for a guy with his own hands: materials and methods

For example, deciding to give a set of sweets to a loved one, we think that it is boring. But if you make a gift as a love story or a moment of memories, the banality will disappear.

A poster with catchphrases characterizing your relationship with a guy or his character

For crafts, you will need a Whatman paper, colored markers, felt-tip pens or pencils, carbon paper (in case you do not have a special talent for drawing), sweets that match the written phrase by name. The meaning is that after writing a phrase, replace a word in it and stick a suitable sweetness instead.

You can write approximately these phrases:

- you and I are inseparable, like two sticks of TWIX;

- you are my Miracle;

- at least for you on MARS;

- our life with you is a complete paradise pleasure and so on.

Or, for example, a poster can tell a story, starting from the moment of acquaintance and leading along the arrows to lead to the final final phrase.

To create an original birthday gift for a guy with his own hands, first draw pictures, and then just place chocolates and all sorts of goodies evenly on the poster. Do not spare colors and shades, the brighter the drawings, the more pleasant it is to consider the details of the poster.

Also a little advice. Do not stick labels from already eaten sweets and empty jars, because this is a gift, and the gift should be as informative as possible.

Hundred reasons

Very hard work, but what a nice gift you get.

For crafts, you need A4 paper 3-4 sheets, a pencil or pen, marker, satin ribbon, glue and a beautiful box or jar.

Cut the sheet across thin strips of 3 cm wide. You should get 100 strips on which you need to write the reason that will combine them.

For example:

- 100 reasons why I love you;

- 100 reasons why I want to be with you;

- 100 reasons why you are dear to me and so on.

This is how the bundles look in the bank. Also quite original.

After you come up with and write all the reasons, wrap each around the pencil and without removing it, tie it with a satin ribbon. Do not tighten the paper too tightly on the pencil, because it will be impossible to remove it after finishing work.

You can tie a bundle with ribbon, or you can tie a ribbon with a bow. You can make a gentle neat bow with a fork.

To do this, you need a table fork with four cloves. Put the tape on the left edge of the fork, pull it behind the fork and pull it out from the opposite side. Now, pass one edge into the middle of the fork between the cloves, loop the distant tape and pull the edge back through the top. Tie a knot. The bow is ready.

Now you have two options: tie a ribbon with a ready-made bow on parcels or make it separately and stick it on a parcel for beauty.

Collect all the reasons in a box or jar and beautifully sign it or stick a piece of paper with the name of the gift on it. Do not skimp on the nice hearts of the picture when making, because he is your boyfriend. Wrap the box with a ribbon with a magnificent bow.

An original gift for a guy for the new year: materials and methods

New Year is associated with a fairy tale and fulfillment of desires. So give an original gift to a guy for the new year.

Christmas tree of love

Present to your beloved a desktop Christmas tree decorated with balls with your photos and inscriptions about love.

For this gift you will need a desktop plastic tree, transparent glass balls, your joint photos with him, you can add photos of his family (brothers, sisters, parents) to this tree, shredded polystyrene (optional), two-color satin ribbon, tinsel and Christmas tree garland. Scissors, a funnel for transfusion of liquids and glue are also required.

Remove the springs from the balls, releasing the neck. Pour a handful of fine foam into the ball using a funnel for pouring drinks. Twist the photo with a funnel, insert it into the ball and plug it with a cap with a spring. You can make out without foam, so it will also be beautiful.

Tie the prepared satin ribbons to the balls and place them on the Christmas tree. The tree itself with balls will look empty. Add to them pieces of paper with wishes or love confessions hanging on ribbons from a tree. Since you prepared two colors of satin ribbons, hang the balls on a ribbon of one color, and wishes on a ribbon of a different color. You can add inscriptions with sweets.

Hang bows from the remains of satin ribbons on the Christmas tree, add tinsel and a garland.

Candy sleigh

An excellent DIY gift is a sweets sleigh. It gives a feeling of fairy tale and magic.

For this original gift for a guy for the new year, a prerequisite is the presence of two curved sweets "Sweet cane", multi-colored ribbons and a bow, as well as a handful of sweets and chocolates. You can complement the crafts with a figure of chocolate Santa Claus or chocolate coins in a shiny wrapper.

Put on a table a tape or several of the same length parallel to each other. Put sweet canes across the tapes approximately in the center. Put the chocolates and sweets on the cane so that the lowest sweets are the largest and the highest are the smallest.

Lift the ends of the ribbons to the top, firmly pressing the sweets, and tie a tight bow over them. Now slip one or more ribbons between the sweet canes parallel to them under the sled, just raise the edges to the crown and tie a bow. Make the bow lush a lot looped. Cut the ends of the tapes or twist them with springs.

Complete the resulting sleigh with chocolate figures of fairytale characters.

An original gift for a guy with his own hands: tips from professionals

• Remember that originality is about design, not content. In an original birthday present for a guy with his own hands, the main thing is not what you give, but how you present it. You can give something insignificant, but how nice it will be for those to whom the gift is intended.

• Do not be shy in your gifts to talk about love and how dear to you and how you need it. These gifts hold the relationship together.

• If you make a craft from sweets, then do not spare money and give only the most delicious sweets. Not tasty sweets, he will not be happy.
