Wrinkles around the eyes: how to effectively deal with them at any age


Wrinkles ... How much we want to delay the time before the first acquaintance with them. And often we ignore the first manifestations, blaming everything on fatigue.

However, you should not indulge yourself with illusions, because the first thing is wrinkles around the eyes, which can and must be fought, because their appearance does not mean that they will remain with you “live” forever!

And what does it say about women who already have “wrinkles” on their wrinkles? It is sad that many women with this unpleasant manifestation of wisdom and life experience simply reconcile and accept as they are, not trying to change anything.

Why do wrinkles appear around the eyes?

1. Insufficient sleep duration. When a woman does not get enough sleep - it can be seen. This will surely remind you of the formed bags and fine wrinkles around the eyes. If you can afford complete rest, you will immediately notice how fine wrinkles will smooth out and the complexion will become much fresher. Just do not tighten with it - so you risk getting deeper wrinkles.

2. Unbalanced nutrition. As a person, it is also easy to determine how a person eats. If there are practically no vegetables and fruits in the daily menu, preferably fatty, fried and floury food, then as a result you have a gray-greenish complexion and bags.

3. Drinking insufficient amounts of fluid. The lack of moisture causes premature aging of the skin. However, you do not need to drink a lot before bedtime, because at night you are a couple with your body relaxing. And the excess fluid, as expected, does not appear in a natural way, but is retained in the tissues. Try to drink at least 1.5 liters. clean water throughout the day.

4. Stress. Negative emotions, as well as malnutrition make their negative "contribution" to the skin condition. Try to protect yourself from unpleasant experiences, and if you can not - just change your attitude to what is happening. Remember the popular wisdom that the nerve cells are not restored!

5. The negative impact of ultraviolet radiation. Probably, it will not be news for anyone that excessive sun exposure accelerates the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes. To protect yourself is easy - use sunglasses.

6. Poor quality cosmetics and careless attitude to the skin around the eyes. Apply all the cream and mask in this delicate area should be very light movements. Rough pressure and stretching traumatize the skin and provoke the appearance of wrinkles.

Pretty girls and women! Let's not let everything go with the flow, but take drastic measures! And you do not need to buy expensive cream and make "youth injections", the main thing is your desire, a little time and a minimum of products from your refrigerator!

Sesame mask removes wrinkles around the eyes

It is desirable to use this mask for ladies from 30 years. First you need to chop 2-3 spoons of seeds, turning them into flour. Since they are quite fat, you get a consistency similar to halva. Then mix with a spoonful of fatty homemade sour cream (or cream). It should be pretty cool pasta. Apply it with a sponge on the area around the eyes, and relax, having closed your eyes for 20-30 minutes. After gently rinse with water.

After this procedure, the "bags" and "bruises" under the eyes will disappear, the skin will become more fresh and moisturized.

Aloe Vera Eye Cream

It is not for nothing that aloe is called a "home doctor", because it is universal both in medicine and in cosmetology: it disinfects wounds, eliminates skin problems and inflammation, moisturizes, smoothes small wrinkles, tightens.

Just mix a spoonful of aloe vera juice with oil of your choice - olive, castor or sunflower, apply to the area around the eyes. Hold costs from 15 to 30 minutes. Do a couple of times a week and forget about wrinkles around the eyes!

Honey mask removes wrinkles around the eyes

Take a tablespoon of this liquid honey, add one spoonful of crushed oatmeal and the same strong tea (without sugar). If the mixture is very thick, you can dilute it with water. Next, warm the mixture on the steam bath until the flakes evaporate. Apply the mask to the area around the eyes. If 20 minutes have passed, then go rinse first with warm and then cool water. Wear eye cream.

Anti parsley wrinkle eye mask

Parsley is rich in vitamins, without which the skin ages and fades. Greens tones, brightens and smoothes the skin.

Option 1. Just turn the parsley with a blender into mush. Make two swabs from gauze, put parsley on them and hold for about 20 minutes in front of your eyes.

Option 2. First make a decoction of parsley: chop the greens and cover with boiling water, leave to steam for at least 20 minutes. Finely rub ½ raw potatoes, slightly squeeze the juice. In 1 spoonful of potatoes, add 2 tablespoons of parsley infusion and a spoonful of flaxseed or olive oil. The mask should be spread on gauze tampons and applied to the skin in the eye area for 15-20 minutes.

Rules for eliminating wrinkles around the eyes

Wrinkles will start to disappear if you follow several rules:

1. To the delicate skin around the eyes should be treated carefully enough - in any case, do not pull it, do not rub your eyes, do not delay the eyelids. All cosmetic procedures should be performed very gently, barely touching with your fingertips.

2. When applying cream and face masks, do not forget about the lower part of the cheekbone and the area between the temple and the corner of the eye.

3. Before using masks and creams be sure to clean the skin. Apply means from the inner corner to the outer corner - over the upper eyelid (just do not touch the moving part of the eyelid), and vice versa, along the lower eyelid - from the outer corner to the inner corner. Improper application can be a disservice. After all, you do not want to have wrinkles around the eyes?

4. Do not apply masks and creams for the face in the area around the eyes.

5. Choose products according to age: cosmetologists advise girls under 25 to use moisturizing and toning agents, after 25 they should use nutrients with a slight tightening effect, after 40 you should focus on a thorough lifting.

Special exercises from wrinkles around the eyes

There are a number of special exercises for the face, aimed at tightening the skin without plastic surgery, smoothing even the deepest wrinkles. You can do this kind of gymnastics at any age, and you will enjoy the obvious result a month after regular workouts. Skin color will improve, bags and bruises will disappear, wrinkles around the eyes will begin to smooth out. You can look 5 years (and this is not the limit) younger completely free, the main thing is not to be lazy.

Before you do the exercises, you should thoroughly clean your face and wash your hands, remove your hair and sit comfortably, preferably in front of a mirror. Start by doing each exercise 10 times, increasing the amount over time.

We tighten the skin under the eyebrows

Raise your eyebrows very high, with all your might. Secure them in this position with your index fingers (not with pads, but with phalanges). Then close your eyes tightly, and do not open until you finish the exercise. Sharply, with effort begin to firmly squeeze and relax the eyelids. This is a great exercise in order to get rid of the "sagging century", tightening the skin.

Getting rid of the "crows feet"

Use the cushions of your index fingers to lightly press the outer corners of the eyes, and the middle ones - the inner corners. Begin to open your eyes wide, raising your eyebrows high. You should feel the tension in the upper eyelid region, lifting it up.

"Pump up" the lower eyelid

The position of the fingers - as in the previous exercise. Look up, having raised eyebrows well, while you need to squint lower eyelids. When done correctly, you will feel the work of the lower eyelids.

"Pump up" the upper eyelid and improve vision

Just open wide and close your eyes. In this case, the entire face should be fixed (watch your eyebrows and forehead), only the eyelid muscles work. This exercise not only eliminates wrinkles around the eyes, but also improves vision.

May your eyes always shine with happiness and health!


Watch the video: A Non-Invasive Procedure to Treat Wrinkles and Puffiness Around the Eyes (June 2024).