Men of prestigious professions - are there any chances for paradise in a hut


Sylvester Stallone, Dustin Hoffman, Brad Pitt, Dmitry Nagiev, Victor Tsoi, Alain Delon ... What unites all these men except glory and wealth?

Strange as it may sound, all of them at some time were representatives of not prestigious and even somewhat humiliating professions. Who would have thought that the world famous actor Dustin Hoffman began his career with the post of assistant in the psychiatric ward of the hospital.

The dream man, Brad Pitt, experienced all the difficulties of a waiter. Brutal physical instructor Dmitry Nagiyev is familiar with the profession of a loader. And the icon of style and the standard of male beauty Alain Delon is generally a certified butcher.

All these men, thanks to their talents, incredible hard work and, of course, a happy occasion, reached the peak of popularity and luxury, saying goodbye to their first not prestigious craft forever. But, in fairness, it is worth noting that not all fairy tales end with the wonderful transformation of a simple Ivanushka into a prince.

What should a woman do if on her life's journey just met Ivanushka, who from life does not need either a kingdom or even a horse in addition? If having mastered his beloved, albeit not such a prestigious craft, he does not want to beat out either princes or princes? Does this mean that the spouse and children of such a simple hard worker are doomed to spend his life in poverty, counting a penny to his father’s salary?

Professions not compatible with prestige?

One of the surveys conducted among female office workers was considered the least prestigious specialties of an electrician, plumber, driver, builder, turner and, sadly, a teacher. Men of these professions seem unattractive to the fair sex.

Life under the same roof with them seems to women far from in a rainbow light. Firstly, you cannot boast of such a husband to your classmate friends who have long and confidently felt the status of an oligarch’s wife or, in extreme cases, the wife of the city’s best surgeon. How can I admit to the former excellent pupil that her husband is working hard at construction sites from morning to night or sitting out over student notebooks in the evenings?

Secondly, the chance of becoming the wife of a millionaire in such cases is practically zero. Therefore, dreams of overseas villas, expensive boutiques and the best hotels in the world will have to be destroyed even at the inception stage. Instead, master the art of saving, which is hateful to ladies.

Thirdly, most women are potential or already held mothers. Naturally, they are not least concerned about the question: “What can a hardworking father or a dad teacher teach his child?” And, in the end, if a lady has one, all the more, several higher educations behind her, what will she talk with her electric spouse on long winter evenings over a cup of tea?

Two sides of the same coin

No matter how much they say that any work is held in high esteem, all of the above arguments can hardly be taken and crossed out with one line. There is some truth in them; that is the truth of our life. But any truth is a double-edged sword. Therefore, it is worth looking at a man of a non-prestigious profession from a slightly different angle.

First of all, such a man is a much better option for a spouse than a parasite man. Having become accustomed to sitting comfortably on his parents' necks all his life, he, without a twinge of conscience and with considerable joy, will transfer to his wife's fragile but reliable neck. Okay, parents (they are reaping the “beneficent” fruits of their upbringing), but why does this spouse? Therefore, a locksmith husband or a minibus driver, in comparison with such a drone, is already a treasure.

It is also worth noting that a lawyer, doctor or oilman diploma in your pocket and a successful career are completely different things. If a person chose a specialty for himself, only on the basis of prestige, without any talents or emotional impulses, then the specialist will turn out “so-so” from him. Therefore, the question: “Who is more promising - a doctor who does not distinguish an appendicitis attack from hepatic colic, or a virtuoso turner?” - is rhetorical. And no one excludes the possibility that over time a good master will be able to organize his own business, if there would be a desire and support for loved ones. And what is working in good conscience, he knows firsthand.

A confused man at the crib with the baby or near the stove, frankly, the sight is more than natural. But in situations where you need to replace a light bulb, repair a wheel that has fallen off a baby carriage or repair a door lock, men's helplessness looks somehow unnatural and even pathetic. And here, men of working professions have a certain advantage, since working with their hands is a common thing for them.

I blinded him from what was ...

And yet, the problem of the "prestige" of a particular male profession will always affect female self-esteem (especially when it comes to your soul mate). Here, it’s worth remembering that it has long been popularly believed that a smart wife, even from an ordinary peasant in the eyes of the public, will be able to make an enviable husband. And not far away - even the best of men will not be able to appreciate. Consequently, the prestige of the husband in many respects also depends on which woman is next to him.

As for the paradise in the hut, the chances of creating it depend little on the profession of the husband. First of all, they depend on how much this husband is focused on family life. What kind of upbringing and education he received in his family (after all, the profession of a turner or locksmith does not exclude a high level of intelligence in a person).

The presence or absence of bad habits, of an unbearable nature, and the ability to take responsibility for the fate of loved ones play a role here.

And the prestige of the profession ... Is it unpleasant for a woman when she turns to her husband for half a city for help, because by ear he can determine a malfunction in the car. Or all the stove benches in the country were made with his golden hands. Or a dad teacher can give his child such a level of overall development that no encyclopedia will give.

But isn’t this a woman’s paradise - a husband and a father to be proud of?


Watch the video: Techno-Primitivism (July 2024).