The occipital part of the head hurts: causes and provoking factors. What to do if the occipital part of the head hurts, how to relieve pain?


Your head hurts very often, and you don’t know what to do?

Most people in this case just drink a pill and forget about the pain, but the problem will not go anywhere.

Pain in this part may indicate that a disease is developing. That is why you need not just drink an anesthetic pill, as is customary to do, but run to the doctor.

The occipital part of the head hurts

The pain in the head can have a different nature, it can be aching, pressing, dull and so on. In some cases, it is concentrated in one part of the head, and sometimes it gives to all parts of the head. Moreover, in each of this cases, the cause of its occurrence may be different.

So, if the occipital part of the head hurts, the causes of this condition may be as follows:

Diseases of the thoracic spine or cervical

In the case of the development of such a disease, it is difficult enough to determine in which place the pain is localized - in the back of the head or neck.

When moving, pain can intensify, while the pain will be very acute. The main reason for the occurrence of such sensations is the proliferation of bone processes, they are localized along the edges of the vertebrae or are compressed by the vessels that go to the brain.

Body position was wrong

If you are in an uncomfortable or incorrect position for a long time, the muscles of the cervical or spine can become very saggy, resulting in severe or moderate pain in the head.

Unpleasant sensations as a rule make themselves felt in the evening, but immediately after the rest, the condition will improve. Basically, this problem arises among office workers or drivers, because it is they who have to stay in an uncomfortable position for a long time.


The disease is characterized by the fact that there is a compaction in the muscles of the cervical spine, posture is disturbed. Anything can lead to this - staying in an uncomfortable position, hypothermia.

Gradually, this will cause the muscles to be tightened. Movements will become difficult, a dull, aching pain will appear in the back of the head.


The occipital nerve can become inflamed due to hypothermia or the development of diseases of the spinal column. Pain in this case will occur when it is not expected at all, and seizures can be severe. Pain is given to the shoulders, back and even to the ear. At the time of any movement, the discomfort will intensify.

Arterial hypertension

High blood pressure - these are frequent and regular pains in the back of the head, they can be accompanied by nausea or the so-called flies in front of the eyes. Hypertension worsens in the morning, as well as after prolonged physical exertion.

Mental or muscle tension

Frequent stresses, inability to relax, constant problems - all this can lead to pain in the back of the head. It is not difficult to explain them - the muscles in the neck are constantly tense, vasospasms are observed, stress hormones increase. In the evening and night, the pain becomes unbearably strong, over time, it will become stronger. In most cases, women over thirty are faced with such problems.

Cervical migraine

Migraine is a rather unpleasant disease, it occurs due to vascular pathologies. In the temples, nape, on the face, there is a burning pain. Moreover, bouts of pain will be accompanied by tinnitus, frequent dizziness, blurred vision. The patient is literally in a state of fainting.

Lack of exercise or lack of oxygen

In the occipital part of the head there are pains of a dull or aching nature, they are especially strong in the evening. The patient can not fully engage in their own affairs. The disease is inherent in office workers working in a room where it is poorly ventilated.

The optic nerve is tense

Pain in the back of the head can occur due to improperly selected glasses or lenses. The optic nerve is in great strain. Also, pain can occur in those people who are constantly working at a computer, their vision is also in constant tension.

Other diseases

Severe pain in the back of the head can be a sign of any disease related to the brain. If they are repeated periodically, and constantly with renewed vigor, you need to visit a doctor and undergo an examination. During the examination, many serious diseases can be detected, for example, a brain cyst, cancer, and so on.

As you can see, if the occipital part of the head hurts, the causes can be numerous and it is simply impossible to make a diagnosis on your own.

What to do when the back of the head hurts

In case of severe pain in the back of the head, you must first visit a medical institution and undergo an examination. However, if it’s possible to go to the doctor right now no, You can try to alleviate your condition yourself at home:

1. Pay sufficient attention to your rest and work. Most often, in order to completely get rid of pain, it’s enough to relax. The daily regimen must be clearly worked out - at least eight hours are given to sleep, you need to go to bed at the same time. Getting up in the morning is better before. Before going to bed, be sure to take a contrast shower, this will help relieve tension and strengthen blood vessels.

2. Actively engage in sports - if, due to your work, you have to sit a lot, you need to try to change your body position as often as possible, you can make head turns, bend over. Get up every hour and just walk. If possible, sign up for a pool or gym.

3. Normalize your pressure - if the pain in the back of the head hurts precisely for this reason, then the only way to get rid of it is to control your hypertension.

4. Pay attention to the diet of your diet - no matter how strange it may sound, but it is thanks to the removal of all toxins that you can normalize your condition. It is recommended to drink at least one liter of water per day, refuse fatty and salty foods. Abuse of bad habits also causes irreparable harm, so addiction will have to be abandoned.

5. Watch your emotional state. If your life is associated with constant stress and depression, you need to learn how to calm down first. Try as often as possible and take longer walks in the fresh air, do yoga. Before going to bed, take a bath, decoctions of motherwort or valerian are useful.

6. Visit a massage room - you can relieve muscle spasm with massage, in the same way blood circulation will be improved.

7. The head should always be warm - no drafts and walks without hats in the cold season.

What to do if the occipital part of the head hurts, the doctor must decide, there simply can’t be any talk of any medication.

What to do when the back of the head hurts - traditional methods

Knowing the causes of pain in the back of the head, it will be difficult to diagnose yourself on your own. At the first symptoms, you need to go to the hospital and undergo an appropriate examination. In order for the diagnosis to be made correctly, you need to be examined by the following specialists:

1. Traumatologist or exercise therapy doctor.

2. Neurologist.

3. Cardiologist.

Often the pain is so strong that the patient cannot fall asleep. To date, there are several common methods for treatment and include the following:

1. Massage.

2. Medicines.

3. The use of manual therapy.

4. Physiotherapy.

The choice of treatment will depend on what exactly caused the pain. For example, with osteochondrosis, taking any pain medication simply does not make sense. In this case, only manual therapy can help, as well as massage.

With migraines or overwork, you can relieve pain with a glass of hot tea. In some cases, it is recommended to use ice, it is applied directly to the back of the head and relieves pain. Folk methods say that you can relieve pain using a conventional cabbage leaf. It is applied directly to the part where the pain is localized.

In order not to encounter such a problem in the future as pain in the back of the head, you should not neglect exercise in the mornings, often walk in the air. Working for computers, get distracted for at least a few minutes and do gymnastics.


Watch the video: What causes a headache in the back of the head ? Protect your health - Health Channel (June 2024).