Gelatin Face Mask Recipes


Gelatin is used not only for the preparation of certain dishes, but also for cosmetic purposes. The substance is useful for facial skin care. Gelatin masks have a rejuvenating, moisturizing and cleansing effect. The achieved result can be fixed, using other cosmetics.

The benefits of gelatin for the skin

Gelatin - This substance, the main component of which is collagen protein. It is obtained by processing the connective tissue of various animals. Using gelatin in the composition of cosmetic masks, you can improve the condition of the epidermis and compensate for the lack of collagen. Preparation of the tool will be easy to implement at home.

The benefits of gelatin for the skin of the face:

  • Increasing the tone of the epidermis, giving it elasticity and elasticity;
  • Improving blood microcirculation;
  • Smoothing shallow wrinkles;
  • Deep pore cleansing;
  • Lightening of age spots;
  • Ensuring adequate nutrition and hydration of the skin;
  • Improved complexion;
  • The saturation of epithelial cells with oxygen;
  • The regulation of the sebaceous glands.

Food gelatin does not cause allergies and is a fairly cheap product.

The preparation and application to the skin of masks with gelatin is associated with certain manipulations. It is important to properly prepare the gelatin base. To ensure quick results, you should add to the mixture other ingredients: egg white or yolk, honey, sour cream or drugs.

Who is recommended gelatin masks?

Gelatin does not cause an allergic reaction and is indicated for use by all. The exception is the presence of individual intolerance. In this case, the preparation of cosmetics based on the substance should be completely abandoned.

Gelatinous masks are useful when:

  • Age-related changes on the skin of the face. The tool effectively fights wrinkles, sagging and loss of elasticity of the epidermis;
  • The presence on the skin of freckles, lentigo and other age spots. Cosmetic blends with gelatin have a light whitening effect;
  • Prone to acne, acne, black spots. Together with activated carbon or aspirin, gelatin masks help cleanse the pores;
  • Violation of the sebaceous glands. Regular procedures allow you to moisten the epidermis or, conversely, to eliminate oily sheen.

Gelatin masks are contraindicated in case of rosacea and excessive dry skin. It is also undesirable to carry out procedures if there are inflammations and open wounds on the skin. This will aggravate the situation and lead to the progression of inflammatory processes.

The preparation of masks based on gelatin should be carried out in accordance with generally accepted rules. In the opposite case, the tool will not have a positive result and will lead to a deterioration of the skin condition of the face.

How to make a mask of gelatin for the face at home?

Preparation of the gelatin mask is associated with a lot of manipulations. To gelatinous mixture turned out the right consistency, you must follow some rules. The procedure does not take much time, and the result will exceed all expectations.

General recommendations for making masks from gelatin for the skin of the face:

  • It is recommended to use food gelatin;
  • Gelatin powder can be diluted with water, milk or non-carbonated mineral water. The substance should be allowed to swell in the liquid for half an hour;
  • The increased gelatin is completely dissolved in a water bath or in a microwave. In this case, the liquid cannot be brought to a boil, since high temperatures reduce the effectiveness of gelatin;
  • Other ingredients are added to the prepared gelatin base: egg, banana pulp, cream, butter or activated charcoal;
  • Mix the components of the future mask is not allowed in the metal pan. Metal has a bad effect on some products, oxidizing and reducing their useful properties;
  • Removing the mask from gelatin is better to implement, steaming the skin with warm steam. So the hardened gelatinous film will return to a liquid state and easily be removed from the face.

It is worth remembering that the mask with gelatin and other ingredients should not be stored in the refrigerator. The use of cosmetics is carried out immediately after preparation.

Gelatin Mask with anti-wrinkle egg

Each representative of the fair sex to preserve youth and beauty should take care of facial skin. With the help of cosmetics prepared at home, to get rid of shallow wrinkles is not difficult. The selection of ingredients and preparation of the mixture does not take much time, and the effectiveness of the gelatinous mask will surpass modern cosmetic procedures.

Recipes home remedies for wrinkles:

  • Pour 1 tsp. food gelatin 2 tbsp. l milk Put the container to warm up in the microwave at full power for 1 minute. During this time, the substance must be completely dissolved. Add a beaten egg to the warm mixture. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed to a uniform consistency. Apply the product to the skin for 20 minutes. Then wash your face with warm water.
  • Mix 1 tbsp. l gelatin with 5 tbsp. l filtered water. In 10 minutes. the substance will absorb moisture and swell. Putting the liquid in a water bath and stirring regularly, we achieve the complete dissolution of gelatin. In the cooled mass add beaten egg whites, 1 tsp. starch and 10 drops of wheat germ oil. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes. The gelatin film is gently removed with warm water.
  • In the tank mix 5-8 tsp. milk with 1 tsp. gelatin. To dissolve the substance, it should be heated in a water bath. Add to the mixture the yolk and 1 tsp. any oil. Apply the product to the skin and leave for 20 minutes. After the procedure, wash with warm water.

Gelatin wrinkle masks for the face have a pronounced effect. The stunning result is already noticeable in the 5th procedure. The skin is tightened and smoothed, and wrinkles become less noticeable.

Rejuvenating mask with gelatin and banana

Gelatin mask is indicated for use primarily by women over the age of 40 years. The substance has a beneficial effect on wilting skin, smoothes shallow wrinkles and has a lifting effect. Enhance the effect of cosmetics will help fruit ingredient - banana. The flesh of the fruit will moisturize the epidermis and fill it with vitamins and minerals.

Mask with gelatin and banana the easiest to prepare. Pour 2 tsp. edible gelatin with a small amount of hot water. When the substance is completely dissolved, add banana pulp, crushed into gruel, into the mixture. A lot of room temperature applied to the skin. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes.

Refresh the skin and make the epidermis firm and elastic will help gelatin mask with banana and vitamins. Cooking process:

  • Pour 1 tsp. gelatin 3 tbsp. l milk Heat the mass in a water bath;
  • Grind banana pulp with a blender, add a little water;
  • Mix the prepared base of gelatin and banana;
  • Add 3-5 drops of vitamin A and E to the mixture and mix the ingredients;
  • Apply the finished cosmetic to the skin;
  • After 20 minutes wipe your face with a cotton pad dipped in milk.

It is desirable to repeat the procedure 1-2 times a week for a month. Many women with age-related changes, note the rejuvenating effect after 14 days of use.

Gelatin & Aspirin Purifying Mask

The skin needs regular cleansing of dirt and secretion of the sebaceous glands. This will free the pores from contaminating elements, saturate them with oxygen and prevent their blockage. In the latter case, the situation is fraught with the appearance of acne, black spots and wrinkles on the epidermis.

It is recommended to make cleansing masks most often for people with oily skin.

The best way to clean the skin will be the preparation of gelatinous cosmetics with aspirin. The drug contributes to the narrowing of pores and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Gelatin and Aspirin Mask Recipe:

  • Pour 1-2 tsp. gelatinous granules 6 tbsp. l water or milk;
  • Melt the substance in a water bath or in the microwave;
  • Crush into powder 2 aspirin tablets and mix with 60 ml. water;
  • Connect the two masses and add 2 tsp. liquid honey; mix the ingredients;
  • Apply the mixture with gelatin on the skin with a special brush;
  • Remove residues with warm water or a damp cotton pad after 20 minutes.

The procedure is carried out before going to bed three times a week. In particular, this schedule should adhere to people with oily skin. The procedure can be performed once a week by women with dry or normal epidermis.

The result after the mask with gelatin and aspirin will pleasantly surprise with its cleansing effect. The tool draws out toxins from the pores and eliminates acne and black spots.

Mask with gelatin and activated carbon from black dots

For rejuvenation and deep cleansing of the skin, it is recommended to use activated charcoal. In combination with gelatin, a positive result can be achieved much faster. Regular cosmetic procedures will make your face smooth, clean and healthy.

Recipes masks with gelatin and activated carbon:

  • Dilute 1 tbsp. l gelatin 125 ml. apple juice (with increased skin fat) or milk (with excessive dryness). Add 2 tablets of activated carbon to the mixture ground into powder. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and apply a homogeneous mass to the face. When the film dries, gently remove it with your hands.
  • Mix 2 tbsp. l green tea and chamomile broth. Add 1 tsp. crushed activated carbon and 1 tbsp. l swollen gelatin. After mixing the ingredients, apply the mask on the skin in several layers. After a maximum of half an hour remove the hardened film.
  • Melt 2 tsp. gelatin in water by heating in a water bath. Add 2 tablets of crushed activated carbon to the gelatin base. Apply the mixture to the skin with a brush or fingertips. Remove the film when the medium dries.

After the procedure, it is desirable to use a moisturizer, because activated charcoal can overdry the epidermis too much.

To make a mask with activated carbon and gelatin is contraindicated in the presence of problems with blood vessels.

Moisturizing gelatin mask with cream

With quality care for the epidermis, much attention is paid to moisturizing the skin. In particular, people with a dry skin type need it. The production of sebaceous glands in sebum in small quantities leads to peeling. To compensate for the lack of moisture, you can use masks with gelatin and cream.

The principle of preparation of cosmetics:

  • Mix 1 tsp. gelatin with 7 tsp. cream;
  • Heat the gelatinous mixture in a water bath until completely dissolved;
  • Add to the tool 1 tsp. melted butter;
  • Stir the ingredients to obtain a homogeneous mass;
  • Treat the skin with the resulting composition;
  • After 20 minutes wash off the mask with warm water or herbal decoction;
  • Complete the procedure by applying a moisturizer.

The composition of the cosmetic product can be supplemented with honey, parsley juice, sour cream or glycerin. The mask with gelatin will then become not only moisturizing, but also nourishing. The recipe is indicated for use by persons with dry and flaky skin, as well as by aged women.

It is enough to do cosmetic procedures with gelatin 1-2 times a week. During the monthly course you can achieve good positive results. Gelatin in combination with cream eliminates peeling, tightens the skin, nourishes with nutrients, protects against adverse weather conditions.

Gelatin Mask instead of Botox

Many women, faced with the first age changes, make Botox injections in beauty salons. Botulinum prick smoothes wrinkles, but it has many side effects. Rejuvenation can be achieved with the help of gelatin masks, without resorting to costly and harmful procedures.

Recipes for facial masks from gelatin against wrinkles instead of Botox:

  • Pour 1 tsp. gelatin 2 tbsp. l water. After half an hour, the swollen substance is heated in a water bath to completely dissolve it. Add to a warm mass of 1 tsp. peach oil, aloe juice, vitamins E and A. Apply the mixture on the skin for 20 minutes. and wash off the mask with warm water.
  • In the pre-dissolved gelatin add 2 tablets of spirulina (alga), 0.5 tsp. lemon juice and 3 drops of vitamin A. The ingredients of the mask are carefully ground and mixed. The mixture is applied with rubbing movements on the problem areas of the epidermis and left for half an hour. After a fixed period of time, the gelatinous film is removed, and the skin is treated with anti-aging cream.
  • Dissolve 2 tsp. gelatin in 4 tbsp. l non-carbonated mineral water. Add beaten egg white and 4 tbsp. l glycerol. After mixing the ingredients, apply a mask on the skin. After 20 min. the product is washed off with warm water.

The rejuvenating effect is achieved by collagen, which consists of gelatin.

Mask of gelatin, applied regularly, tightens facial contours, removes wrinkles, tones and nourishes with vitamins. Procedures, in contrast to Botox injections, do not lead to adverse reactions and have only a positive effect.

Recommendations for use

You can achieve amazing results if you carry out cosmetic procedures correctly. To make a gelatin mask for the face at home, you should follow the recommendations.

Tips for using gelatin masks for skin:

  • Before carrying out the procedure, you should ensure that there are no allergies to the mask components;
  • Ingredients for the preparation of cosmetics are used exclusively fresh;
  • Gelatin mask should be applied to the epidermis after taking a shower or bath;
  • Means it is necessary to process not only face skin, but also a zone of a neck and a decollete;
  • The procedure is best done while lying down, when the facial muscles are completely relaxed;
  • The duration of exposure of the ingredients to the skin varies from 15 to 30 minutes;
  • Remove gelatinous film should be very careful not to injure the epidermis. It is better to wash off the mask using warm water;
  • Apply a cosmetic with gelatin should be 1-2 times a week for a month. Then it is recommended to take a two-week or monthly break.

Gelatin masks give a stunning result, if properly treat the preparation and use of funds. After several procedures, the skin of the face is saturated with essential trace elements and becomes elastic and elastic. Rejuvenating and moisturizing effect of masks with gelatin noted all the fair sex.


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