Apple pie (step by step recipe) is a favorite homemade treat. Apple Pie: A Quick Step-by-Step Recipe


Pie with apples is the most popular homemade baking, the aroma of which will not leave anyone indifferent. Each mistress has her own signature recipe for apple pie.

Apple pie step by step recipe - the basic principles of preparation

There are a huge number of options for preparing this baking from simple charlotte to complex apple pie with creams. The cake may be closed, open or aspic.

Apple pie is a step by step recipe made from puff, kefir, biscuit, cottage cheese, shortbread or yeast dough.

Puff pastry can be prepared on your own, or use the store dough. Quick or jellied cakes are baked from batter based on sour cream, eggs, kefir, etc.

Stuffing apples can be fresh or canned. For the cake, it is better to use sweet and sour varieties. Ideal for this is Antonovka. For a change, raisins, cinnamon, chopped walnuts, lemon zest or cardamom are added to the apple filling.

From the ingredients of the recipe knead the dough. Apples are washed, peeled, core, peeled and cut into slices of medium thickness, or chopped into small cubes.

Then baking is formed. In closed pies, the apple filling is placed inside the dough. For open pies, the base is formed from the dough into which the apple filling is laid out. For jellied pies, apples are laid to the bottom and poured with batter.

Pie dough is kneaded on wheat, oatmeal or cornmeal. Or use a mixture of wheat flour with bran. Sugar can be replaced with honey, and people with diabetes can use fructose or a sweetener.

Mostly butter is added to the dough, but if you want to get low-calorie pastries, you can replace it with low-fat sour cream.

Apple pie step by step recipe can be prepared lean. To do this, knead a yeast or a simple dough on water. Instead of butter, lean is added to it.

Finished cakes are decorated with sugar, grated chocolate, ground cinnamon.

Recipe 1. Closed Apple Pie: A Step-by-Step Recipe



medium apples - seven pieces;

butter - half a pack;

granulated sugar - a glass.


fat sour cream - 100 grams;

wheat flour - two glasses;

butter - two tablespoons;


sugar - two tablespoons.

Cooking method

1. The dough oil must be soft so that the dough is tender and tasty. To do this, remove it from the refrigerator and leave it on the table for at least half an hour. Drive eggs into a deep bowl. Pour sugar and whisk with a mixer until foam is formed. You can grind the yolks with sugar separately, and beat the whites separately in a strong foam. Then combine the two masses and mix gently. The second option is preferable if you are preparing dough for jellied cake. This will add to it splendor and airiness.

2. Add sour cream to the egg mass. It is also advisable to remove it from the refrigerator in advance so that it is not cold. Send soft butter here. Mix everything well with a spoon, or whisk lightly with a whisk.

3. Transfer the flour a couple of times through a sieve. In small portions, add it to the liquid mixture, constantly mixing, so that no lumps form. Do not spill all the flour at once, as lumps may remain in the dough. In addition, you will not be able to adjust the consistency of the test. When it will be difficult to mix the mass with a spoon, put it on a table sprinkled with flour and continue to knead with your hands. It should be elastic, but not hard dough. Roll the finished dough into a ball, cover it with a cup and leave it to rest.

4. While the dough is resting, begin to prepare the filling. Take only ripe apples, with no signs of rot and wormholes. Wash fruits well and wipe with a towel. If the peel is tough, apples are best peeled. Remove seeds and septa. Cut the fruit into slices that are not too thick. Put in a bowl. Apples tend to darken quickly so that this does not happen, sprinkle them with freshly squeezed lemon juice. To do this, take a lemon. Cut it in half and squeeze the juice directly into apple slices. Do not worry, it will not add acid, but it will retain a beautiful bright color.

5. Take the dough, knead it slightly and begin to form a cake. To do this, roll it into a circle, the thickness of which should be no more than two millimeters. The circumference of the reservoir should be approximately 40x40. But you are guided by the size of your form.

6. Put apple slices on the dough and evenly distribute them over the entire surface of the formation. Sprinkle with sugar or powder on top. Cut the butter into small pieces and lay them on top of the apples. It can also be frozen in a freezer, and then chopped on a coarse grater directly above the apple filling. In the baking process, it will disperse throughout the filling.

7. Now roll the dough by wrapping the filling inward, in the form of a roll. Put a layer of dough on a towel or cling film. With their help, roll the roll will be easier. Give the cake a head start on a bagel or horseshoe.

8. Grease the mold. Put the pie in it. Its edges should not touch the sides.

9. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Put a pie in it and bake for an hour. During the baking process, juice mixed with sugar will be released, which at high temperature will turn into caramel. Gather it with a spoon and pour the cake on top. This procedure must be repeated every five minutes. Remove the finished cake from the oven, sprinkle it with icing sugar, cool, cut into slices and serve with drinks.

Recipe 2. Open apple quiche: a step by step recipe


five medium apples;

vanillin - a bag;

butter - 230 g;

baking powder - sachet;

premium flour - two and a half glasses;

milk - half a liter;

granulated sugar - a glass with a slide;

chicken egg.

Cooking method

1. Cut a small piece from the oil and put it in the refrigerator. It will be needed to lubricate the form. Melt the remaining oil. You can do this by putting it in a stewpan and putting it on a minimum fire. Or mark the oil in a bowl and place it over a pot of boiling water. Add half the granulated sugar, baking powder, vanillin and a half cup of flour to the ghee. Knead a firm, elastic dough with your hands. Roll it into a ball, wrap it with cling film and send it to the refrigerator.

2. Now start cooking custard. Beat the egg in a small saucepan, add sugar and milk. Beat with a whisk until sugar crystals dissolve. Add the remaining flour and continue to shake until no lumps remain. If there is no whisk, you can use a mixer. Put the mixture on the stove. Turn on medium heat and cook until mass is obtained, the consistency of thick sour cream. During the cooking process, mix continuously so that the cream does not stick to the bottom, walls and does not turn out lumps. Remove the saucepan from the heat and cool the cream until it is barely warm. Add soft butter to it and beat until smooth. For flavor, add vanilla or citrus zest.

3. Wash apples, wipe with a towel. Core out. Cut the flesh into small slices of medium thickness.

4. Lubricate the mold with a piece of oil left for this purpose, or cover it with special baking paper. The uniform should be with high sides. Better to use detachable.

5. Remove the dough from the refrigerator. Place it in a mold and begin to knead with your hands, spreading over the entire surface. Form small sides. The thickness of the dough should be the same.

6. Pour the custard into the dough piece. Spread apple slices nicely over the entire surface, gently squeezing them into the cream.

7. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Put an apple pie in it and bake for forty minutes. Remove the finished cake from the oven, cool right in the form. Then remove, slice and serve with hot or cold drinks.

Apple pie (step by step recipe) - tips and tricks

  • To prevent the cake from being moist inside, place it only in a preheated form.
  • Before putting it in a ceramic oven in a hot oven, cover it with moist parchment so that it does not crack.
  • If the cake began to burn from above, cover it with foil, or place a baking sheet over it.
  • Jellied apple pie can be baked not only in the oven, but also in a slow cooker.
  • To make the filling juicy, sprinkle apples with granulated sugar.


Watch the video: How to make Quick and Easy Apple Pie recipe (July 2024).