White pimples in newborns - the causes of their appearance, types. What to do if white pimples appear in newborns


White pimples in newborns can occur on the skin immediately after birth, while still in the hospital. In many cases, such rashes develop in the baby 2-3 weeks after birth. They are observed in 50% of infants.

Reasons for the appearance of white pimples

White pimples in newborns can occur in the following conditions:

• acne;

• miles;

• closed comedones;

• prickly heat.


Acne - the reason for their appearance is the hormonal background of the child. Its restructuring at the time of birth is not finished, and the mother's hormones are still present in the body. This occurs in cases when during pregnancy a woman synthesizes an excessive amount of estradiol. The possibility of it entering the child’s body is high. In such cases, in a newborn, in addition to the appearance of white pimples on the body, a puberty clinic may occur. If necessary, drug treatment is carried out to even out the increased hormonal background. The localization of acne is the face and neck. Multiple rashes have a yellowish tint. When they appear, it is necessary to maintain clean and dry skin.

Closed Comedones

Closed comedones are another type of rash on the forehead, cheeks and chin. They are inflammatory in nature, are papules (nodules) of a brilliant white color. Localized in groups or as single elements. In addition to them, the child may experience pustular white pimples.

Prickly heat

In the hot season, a child may experience prickly heat in the form of white or pink spots and pimples. They occur with hyperhidrosis - increased sweating. This can occur as a result of the high temperature in the room, or with excessive wrapping or too warm clothes on the baby. On permanently wet skin, white pimples appear in newborns, first in the neck, then spread to the face. Sweating can be stopped if comfortable conditions are created: the temperature in the room should not exceed 18-220 C. To prevent further rashes, the child’s clothing should be made from natural materials.


Milia (milium) - "millet grains", are located mainly on the face. Their appearance is associated with the functioning of the sebaceous glands, which begins immediately after the birth of the child. The glandular ducts during this period go through another stage of formation. Therefore, the fat produced by the glands themselves does not go outside, but accumulates in their cavity, forming white pimples. Thus, immaturity of the sebaceous glands is manifested. Milies develop as a result of blockage of the excretory ducts of the glands, look like small pearls and appear as single elements. For a child’s health, the appearance of miles is not dangerous. They do not cause discomfort, pain, itching, fever or poor health. White pimples in newborns do not belong to skin diseases and are not manifestations of pathology. They are completely harmless and do not require special treatment. They are a natural adaptive reaction.

It is necessary to wash and wipe the baby dry in the morning and evening and without fail - after each feeding. They disappear after about 1-1.5 months on their own, when the ducts of the sebaceous glands are cleared. In their place there are no scars or spots.

Localization of pimples in newborns

In some cases, milia appear in the form of single elements on the upper or lower eyelid of the child - the so-called millet. The main reasons for their appearance over the centuries include:

• allergens;

• exposure to ultraviolet radiation;

• calcium deficiency during teething;

• as in most cases - blockage of the sebaceous gland.

Special drug treatment is not required. It is necessary to find out the cause of the occurrence in order to remove it. The main treatment is hygiene.

In the oral cavity, white pimples occur for various reasons. The most common cause is stomatitis. It occurs when using a non-sterile nipple for a bottle or dummy, when kissing relatives.

The appearance of pimples on the palate can be a manifestation of dysbiosis. It occurs when treating a child with antibiotics.

Miles often arise on the genitals. The reason for their appearance is the same: blockage of the sebaceous glands, everything goes through with the restoration of their normal functioning. But with such a localization of the child, it is necessary to show the pediatrician or dermatologist: this may be the initial manifestation of a urogenital infection - mycoplasmosis.

The appearance of such white pimples in newborns on the skin of the trunk has the same reasons:

• excess maternal hormones;

• blockage of the sebaceous ducts.

Permanent hygiene measures are required:

• daily bathing and air baths;

• it is not recommended to apply creams or oil to the whole body - they complicate skin breathing and can cause blockage of the ducts.

Treatment and prevention of rashes on the skin of a child

Since all white pimples arising for any reason on the child’s body do not need medication or any other treatment in order to avoid such rashes, or not cause their further spread, proper skin care is necessary.

It is not recommended for any types of rashes to open them. You can not independently treat acne with solutions containing alcohol, lotions, ointments.

When the first symptoms appear, you need to contact a pediatrician or dermatologist, who will establish the cause of the appearance of pimples and give tips on how to care for the newborn.

Child hygiene

It is important to conduct regular and regular hygiene procedures with the child.

The daily bathing of the child in a weak solution of manganese is shown. Effective baths with decoctions of herbs with antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties: chamomile, succession. It should be remembered that any medicinal herbs can cause allergic reactions. In this regard, careful monitoring of the skin condition is necessary: ​​if red spots appear, this may be a manifestation of an allergy.

Most often, white pimples appear on the face, so you need to thoroughly wash your face after eating several times a day, wetting your skin dry. If it is not possible to wash with running water, you need to wipe your face with a damp towel. After washing, you can not wipe, but only get wet the delicate skin of the face.

In order to avoid damage to the skin, scratching pimples and the occurrence of inflammatory processes on the face, the child needs to take care of his nails: trim his nails in a timely manner and put on mitts and scratches on his hands.

It is not recommended to apply on the skin where there are rashes, baby cream or oil, as they form a greasy film and prevent the penetration of oxygen. This can be an impetus for pustular formations. Therapeutic ointments, especially hormonal ones, are prescribed only by a doctor.

Other preventative measures

It is important to maintain a clean and stable air temperature in the children's room. This requires regular wet cleaning in the room, frequent ventilation. Toys and all objects with which the child is in contact should be in perfect cleanliness. Underwear and bedding, diapers should be ironed on both sides after washing. For washing and rinsing, the use of special products and detergents is recommended.

When breastfeeding a newborn, a nursing woman should thoroughly wash her breasts with clean boiled water before and after feeding, and also pay attention to her diet: eliminate fatty and spicy foods, as well as causing allergic reactions in the baby.

In the case of artificial or mixed feeding, you need to carefully monitor new mixtures or complementary foods, the reaction of the skin to the introduction of new products.

When pimples appear on the genitals, it is necessary to wash the baby more often, change diapers, arrange air baths so that the skin breathes. High-quality care will accelerate the disappearance of the physiological rash, prevent the occurrence of sweating and irritation, improve the general condition of the baby.

Self-treatment of a newborn, without consulting a pediatrician or dermatologist, can cause irreparable harm to the skin. It should be completely ruled out. Only a specialist will be able to correctly determine the cause of acne and the diagnosis, prescribe treatment, if necessary.


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