Minced pie: step by step recipes for meat feast. We prepare hearty and fragrant mince pies according to step-by-step recipes


Meat pies are considered the most satisfying. They are ideal for breakfast, lunch and dinner. They can have a bite to eat at work or at home, treat friends and please relatives. In general, it's time to cook! Here are the most successful step-by-step recipes for mince pies that are always obtained.

Minced pie - general principles of preparation

Nowadays, pastry from jellied dough is very popular. It is cooked on kefir or on mayonnaise, sour cream, does not require much time. Below are two different step-by-step recipes for mince pies from quick dough. For those people who have free time and a great desire to conjure in the kitchen, homemade yeast dough will be a great solution. It makes the most magnificent pies. If not at all before the test, then you can buy it in the store. Below is a wonderful step-by-step recipe for puff pastry with minced meat.

What is added to the filling:

• eggs and cheese;

• cereals;

• different vegetables.

Usually these products are fried with minced meat in a pan. But you do not need to bring the filling to full readiness, it will come in the oven. It is important to cool the mass before connecting to the dough even to a warm state.

Pies before baking are usually greased with an egg, but this is not suitable for all options. If the dough is jellied and liquid, then this will not work. In this case, after cooking, you can lubricate with a drop of vegetable or butter. Not only a beautiful shine, but a pleasant aroma will appear, the crust will become softer.

Minced pie: a step-by-step recipe from yeast dough

The dough is prepared on water and dry yeast, one of the simplest options. In this step-by-step recipe for minced meat pie, you will additionally need boiled rice, you can use the leftover side dish.


• 300 g of minced meat;

• 150 g of boiled rice;

• 2 onion heads;

• 250 ml of water;

• flour and salt;

• 1 tsp with yeast tubercle;

• 30 g butter;

• 50 ml of vegetable oil;

• 0.5 tablespoons of sugar;

• spices, one egg.


1. The dough must be kneaded at least two hours before the planned time for baking the cake. Heat the water to 40 degrees. You can use part of the milk. Pour into a pan or in a large bowl.

2. Add half a teaspoon of salt, add granulated sugar and yeast, mix well until dissolved.

3. Add flour, start kneading dough, gradually pour in vegetable oil. Crumple the mass until smooth.

4. Cover the dough with a towel, but not very dense. It must let air through so that the mass rises. We put in a warm place, you can in the sun or at the battery.

5. If there is no boiled rice, then take about 60-70 g of dried cereal, rinse. Pour into boiling water and boil until almost done. Drain the rice in a colander, let it cool down for now.

6. Cut the onion into arbitrary pieces.

7. Butter is sent to the pan, melt and heat, put the onions and fry.

8. Add the minced meat to the onion, fry with it for a few more minutes, until the meat is completely light on all sides. If it releases a lot of juice, then evaporate.

9. Put spices in minced meat, stir and turn off.

10. Combine the rice with the meat component of the filling. If it is not salty, then add a little more salt.

11. After a couple of hours, we get out the dough, which has already managed to rise well. Divide into two different parts, make one piece a little more, it will be the bottom of the cake and the sides. We roll it first.

12. Transfer the layer to a baking sheet or to a mold.

13. We spread the stuffing from minced meat with rice.

14. Now we roll out the second piece of dough, hide the filling. The edges of the lower layer and the top of the pie are connected, you can beautifully twist them with flagella.

15. In the center we make a hole, usually it is simply pierced with a finger.

16. Beat the egg, grease the cake.

17. Put in an oven preheated to 200 degrees. Bake for about 20-25 minutes, look at the color of the crust on the meat pie.

Minced cabbage pie: step by step recipe

A variant of a very satisfying pie that looks more like a main course. It is best to use cabbage juicy white. If desired, boiled eggs, fried onions or carrots can be added to the filling, we make to your taste. The dough in this step-by-step recipe for minced pie is prepared semi-liquid aspic.


• 500 g of cabbage;

• 0.3-0.4 kg of minced meat;

• 200 ml of yogurt;

• 200 g mayonnaise;

• 10 tablespoons of flour;

• a spoonful of oil;

• 1 tsp soda;

• three eggs for the dough.


1. Place a large frying pan on the stove, add a spoonful of oil. If the meat is not fat, then more is possible. If the minced pork and lard, then limited to a few drops of oil. It is enough to grease the surface. It is better not to cook the filling without fats.

2. Put minced meat in a frying pan, fry for a couple of minutes.

3. Chop white cabbage, mash with hands, shift to minced meat and fry together for another four minutes. Remove the filling from the fire, season with spices, cool.

4. Beat three eggs. You can knead with a whisk or an electric mixer, the blender is not suitable.

5. Add salt to eggs, pour yogurt, introduce mayonnaise and stir well.

6. Add soda mixed with flour. You do not need to extinguish, there will be enough acid sour milk. Still, beat well and immediately pour half into the greased form.

7. Spread the filling on top with a spoon. You can’t dump all at once in a bunch. Otherwise, it will immediately begin to fall to the bottom.

8. Water the filling with the remaining dough. Again, in no hurry, do it gently with a spoon.

9. Put the cake to bake. The temperature in the oven is 180-190 degrees. In time, the pie with minced meat and cabbage will be cooked for about 35 minutes.

Jellied pie with minced meat: a quick recipe step by step

There are a lot of recipes for jellied pies, this is one of the most successful and it has a special assembly. The filling does not mix with cakes and does not drown. You can use any meat. In this step-by-step recipe for minced meat, boiled eggs are additionally used.


• 1.5 tbsp. flour;

• three eggs;

• a glass of kefir;

• 0.5 cups of mayonnaise;

• 1 bag of ripper;

• salt.

For filling:

• 350 g of minced meat;

• 100 g of onion;

• three eggs;

• butter and spices;

• you can add herbs, garlic.


1. Start making the cake better with the filling. Cut the onion, send the vegetable to the pan, fry for a minute.

2. Put the minced meat to the onion, cook for another five minutes, put the salt, pepper, you can squeeze one clove of garlic. Turn off the stove.

3. In a large bowl, break the eggs for the dough. Whisk for a minute. Put the salt, pour the kefir, immediately spread the mayonnaise. Beat another minute.

4. Fill the dough with flour mixed with a cultivator. Beat the mass again for one minute.

5. Pour the dough into a mold or onto a spread sheet of foil. We make a thin layer about half a centimeter.

6. Put the mold in the oven for 5-8 minutes, so that the first layer of the cake seizes, the filling does not drown. The temperature is 200. We set it up, then the bottom will not be browned ahead of time.

7. Rub the boiled eggs or cut into cubes.

8. We take out the base of the pie from the oven, spread the minced meat, sprinkle with eggs.

9. Top up with the remaining batter. Level the layer with the back of the spoon.

10. Re-send the cake to the oven. Now bake it until the top crust is rosy.

Puff pastry with minced meat: a step by step recipe (with tomatoes)

A variant of unrealistically juicy and tasty pastries. This step-by-step recipe for mince pie uses fresh and ripe tomatoes. They are not added very much, but it is this ingredient that gives an unusual taste.


• 400 g of minced meat;

• 2 onion heads;

• 1 clove of garlic;

• 2 tomatoes;

• 100 g of cheese;

• 500 g of dough;

• egg, spices;

• 30 g of oil.


1. Dice peeled onion heads into cubes. In general, it can be added more, it will not be worse.

2. Pour oil into a large skillet, put to warm up. Immediately put the kettle, you need boiling water.

3. Pour onion into oil, fry for a minute, add minced meat, cook for another five minutes, season with spices, salt, toss a clove of garlic. Cool the filling.

4. Grate cheese, combine with minced meat.

5. On tomatoes, cut the skin, pour them with boiling water for a minute, rinse with cold water and remove a thin skin. Cut peeled tomatoes into small pieces or circles.

6. Remove the dough from the freezer, let it lie down at room temperature for about half an hour, then unfold and roll it out so that it turns out to be cut into two layers. One we do more, it will be the bottom of the pie with sides. We spread it in the form.

7. We distribute the stuffing of minced meat with onions and cheese according to the test.

8. Lay on top slices of prepared tomatoes.

9. On the second piece of dough we make several holes and transfer it to the pie. While the edges do not pinch.

10. Shake the testicle, moisten the brush and carefully pass along all the edges of the cake to make the dough sticky.

11. After that, the ends can be sealed.

12. Bake the cake for about half an hour at 200 degrees.

Minced Pie - Tips & Tricks

• The oven always warms up in advance. If you put the cake in a cold oven, then the yeast dough will deteriorate, cover with a crust. The sand dough will dry, it will turn out tough, it will not crumble. Puff pastry types do not tolerate temperatures below 200 degrees, the cake will turn out not very tasty.

• On the foil, you can cook not only meat or fish, but also pies. It will keep dishes clean, and can also serve as a form. It is especially convenient to use foil for filler dough, which strives to stick.

• If the pie turned out to be not very beautiful on top, then you can sprinkle it with a thin layer of cheese at the end of baking and still brown.

• Is the cake tough? Hot pastries should be immediately covered with a towel folded in several layers. The crust will move away, it will become softer.

• If the bottom of the cake is burnt, you need to carefully turn it over and clean this side with a knife, you can use the rough side of the grater.


Watch the video: How to Make Mince Pies - The Victorian Way (June 2024).