The meaning of the name Alla, the nature and fate of its owner. What does the name Alla mean, what are its origin and history?


Any parent wants to give their child the most beautiful and unique name. It is important to understand its interpretation.

What does the name Alla mean? What is the origin and history of the name Alla?

The meaning of the name Alla

Alla is different, not from this world. The zodiac sign that patronizes Alla is Aries. He makes the girl wayward, with a complex character. Alla loves to compete with others. She likes to win the argument.

The planet that controls her life is the Sun, so Alla grows up as a cheerful and open child. The color that suits her more than others is scarlet. The tree that will become a charm for Alla is a mountain ash. The stone that will become a talisman for her is a ruby, he will be able to protect her from evil and negativity.

The origin and history of the name Alla

Alla is a Greek name. It has ancient roots and has been modified several times. The meaning of the name Alla is different, it is a modern meaning. There was an ancient interpretation of the name - that came with sunset.

Alla celebrates the birthday on the eighth of April. With the day of the angel of Alla, many signs are associated. Today the name is common on all continents. All is also commonly called Elami, Allochka, Elvira. But the original name sounds like Alla.

The nature and fate of Alla

It is worth noting the positive qualities of Alla's character:

• hardness;

• Sustainability;

• Pressure;

• Hard work.

Alla from an early age gets used to solve all her questions and problems on her own. She rarely complains about life and rarely asks for help. More relies on their own strength. He does not like criticism and cynical remarks.

It is also worth noting the negative traits of Alla's character. She is often unable to control her emotions, can be overly categorical and quick-tempered. Her self-esteem is too high, often Alla forgets about those people who have done a lot for her.

Since childhood, Alla has a complex character. It’s hard for her to agree with herself. She is naughty over nothing. He sleeps poorly at night. Parents sound the alarm and take the girl to the doctors, in search of the reasons for her excessive excitability. In fact, Alla has such a temper.

She is very restless. Almost never can remain silent, sit for a long time in one place. Often involved in fights. The school is ridiculed by classmates. Alla has a rather unusual appearance. She attracts the attention of others. He strives to always be in the first place, always to know more than others.

Alla has a strong sense of self-esteem. She strives to be the first in everything. At the same time, he is trying to achieve a lot at the expense of other people. Little Alla often brings her mother to tears - she asks her for more and more new dresses, new and new toys.

Alla is responsible for her studies, but often misses lessons. She seems to teachers a spoiled girl who often skips classes. Alla is more interested in nature walks. She can have bad habits at an early age because she is in a hurry to grow up.

Alla often has a cold and is sick. In the fall, she loves to mope, at the same time, not giving rest to others. When Alla has no mood, she becomes unbearable. Relatives try not to react to the unbearable nature of the girl, and as soon as possible give her to study in another city.

Alla loves herself madly and does not notice any flaws in herself. She may even be surprised when they tell her about her complex disposition. From an early age, Alla tries everywhere to do everything. She is engaged in several sections, circles. He tries not only to be the best in them, but even to surpass the teacher.

Alla often chooses a job related to money. She loves them very much and tries to live in abundance. She also loves attention and success, so she can easily become a public person. If Alla wants something new, unusual - she, without hesitation, will go on a long trip.

It’s hard to please Alla, she’s pretty difficult to meet with colleagues. It’s easier for her to work alone. The girl does not know how to obey. Even if the leader is right, Alla will never admit her mistake.

If the work does not bring Alla pleasure - she will not stay on it. Alla is very risky, so she can even play on the stock exchange. The main thing is her subtle sense of success. She very quickly finds her destination. Quickly develops connections and contacts. If Alla needs a person, she tries to do everything for him, but when the need disappears, she disappears from sight for a long time.

Alla has few friends. First of all, this is due to her complex character, and only then with her incredible desire to be always and everywhere first. It’s difficult for Alla to communicate with women, since she sees competitors in them. Therefore, she has been friends with boys since childhood, she can even wear men's clothes.

In the work, Alla is punctual, always takes responsibility, does not trust anyone with her work. Can work to achieve the goal without holidays and weekends. Alla has many envious people at work, but this does not stop her.

Alla's love

What does the name Alla mean? Other, different, unusual. She attracts men like a magnet with her eccentricity and mystery. Few can cope with her temper. Alla can be sharp even with her beloved man, because she believes that partners are created in order to complement each other.

Alla has a lot of plans that she easily implements. She can meet with several men at the same time and this secret will never be revealed. Alla loves huge and expensive gifts. Men give her to her. Alla rarely cares about her chosen one. She is so confident in her uniqueness that she does not worry about her personal life. Alla easily breaks up with men. Almost never alone.

Alla loves children, but devotes little time to them. She is more occupied with herself and her career. Alla has a lot of admirers and fans. She tries to find time for her personal life and career. Marries several times. He has good relations with ex-husbands and chosen ones. She does not tolerate betrayal, but she herself can change. Men appreciate her strength of character and independence.


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