Delicious and simple desserts: prepare quick sweets at home! The easiest recipes for desserts from cookies, chopsticks, fruits, sour cream and gingerbread


Sweets are a pleasure. A good dessert will be the right end to dinner or a great treat. At home, you can cook a lot of everything interesting and tasty.

Here are easy recipes for desserts from a wide variety of products.

Delicious and simple desserts - general principles of preparation

Desserts with pastries take the most time to prepare. But there are lightweight recipes using a microwave, slow cookers. If you need to cook something in haste, then use corn sticks, gingerbread cookies or cookies. Useful goodies are usually dominated by fruits, berries, cottage cheese and other dairy products. The products are laid in layers or stirred, some of them are molded, folded, it all depends on the recipe. Finish cooking decoration.

What can be used for decoration:

• chocolate or coke chips;

• cocoa powder, cinnamon;

• nuts, dried fruits;

• small sweets, dragees;

• mint leaves.

If the dessert is cold, then for cooking you will need only dishes, a knife, a board, sometimes a mixer and a strainer. For quick baking, in addition to products, molds and rugs are needed. It is convenient to use silicone, to which nothing sticks, does not stick.

Microwave Brownie Dessert Easy Recipe

Delicious and simple desserts do not always require the use of an oven. This version of brownie is excellent in the microwave; the cooking process does not take more than fifteen minutes with baking.


• 150 g butter;

• 200 grams of sugar;

• 1 packet of vanilla;

• 50 g of cocoa;

• 150 grams of flour;

• 2 eggs;

• 0.5 sachets of ripper.


1. Open a packet of butter, measure the right amount, cut into pieces and melt in a microwave. But you do not need to overexpose and heat strongly, only slightly, so that you do not cool down for a long time. We take out the oil, let it cool down for now.

2. Combine the flour, the cultivator, add dark cocoa powder to them and sift through a sieve.

3. Combine eggs and granulated sugar. Beat with a mixer for two minutes, in the process add the prepared oil.

4. Add the flour mixture with cocoa powder, add vanilla, stir and transfer the dough into a silicone mold.

5. Set for 5 minutes, cook at the highest power.

6. Remove the brownie from the microwave. You can immediately sprinkle with grated chocolate while the baking is hot. It thaws, then hardens in the form of a glaze. Or just cover with a layer of powdered sugar.

Tasty and simple dessert "Potato" in 5 minutes

Many people know the Potato cake, but not everyone is aware that there are very easy recipes for this dessert. It will take several minutes to cook. You can choose absolutely any cookie, even a sponge cake trim will do. It is only important to adjust the amount of condensed milk.


• 0.4 kg of cookies;

• 100 g plums. oils;

• 3 tbsp. l cocoa;

• 1 can of condensed milk.


1. It is best to use softened butter for a cake. But if this is not the case, then put a piece in the microwave oven, set the mode of defrosting products, drive away a few minutes until soft.

2. While the butter is spinning in the microwave, pour the cookies onto a large board or countertop. We roll it with a rolling pin until we get crumbs. If there are small pieces, then it's okay. You can grind it with a combine, meat grinder.

3. Add cocoa to the liver, stir. Enter the oil and rub it with your hands.

4. Open the can of condensed milk, add and stir. It’s best to do all this with your hands to feel the consistency.

5. Once cookies begin to resemble plasticine, condensed milk is enough.

6. Wet hands with cold water and sculpt cakes. They can be given not only the shape of potatoes, but also any others.

7. Put on a board or on a dish, send for 10 minutes in the freezer. If there is a lot of free time, then we just keep it in the refrigerator on the shelf.

Easy Corn Stick Dessert Recipe

You can make different delicious and simple desserts from corn sticks, this is just one option. It is often called the lazy anthill. It’s better to choose small sticks, it will be tastier.


• 400 g butterscotch;

• a large pack of sticks;

• 100 g of chocolate;

• 100 g of oil.


1. To prepare the fill, it is best to use a pan with a thick bottom. If it is not, then we collect a water bath, that is, we install a small pan on a second container with water, but a larger one.

2. We chop the chocolate, cut the butter and send it all to melt.

3. Butterscotch is better to use medium hardness type "Kiss-kis". We remove the labels and immediately add them to the butter with chocolate, let them heat. Stir with a spatula until the lumps are completely melted.

4. Pour sticks into a convenient bowl.

5. Pour the melted mass with toffee, gently stir and put the slide on a plate. Let's freeze.

6. You can roll balls from such sticks, arrange them into small forms, including silicone.

Delicious and simple dessert with sour cream and bananas.

The easiest desserts recipes are often made from fruits; bananas are used here. Additionally, you need marshmallows. We take the simplest without filling and glaze, vanilla flavor is better. You can replace bananas with other soft fruits, for example, peaches, ripe pears, apricots. Or we use seedless berries, but not too ripe and wrinkled.


• 2 bananas;

• 200 g marshmallows;

• 350 g sour cream;

• 2 tbsp. l sah. powders.

For decoration, you can use cocoa powder or chocolate, coconut. Tasty with chopped nuts.


1. Cut the marshmallows into small cubes.

2. Peel the bananas, cut into slices, mix with marshmallows, put the dessert in a deep bowl.

3. Combine sour cream with icing sugar, beat for a couple of minutes, pour bananas with marshmallows, gently stir.

4. Can be arranged in portions.

5. Top with nuts or chocolate.

Easy recipe for cottage cheese and berry dessert

Berries for this treat can be used absolutely any. If you take cherries or cherries, then you need to take out all the bones.


• 200 g of berries;

• 220 g of cottage cheese;

• 2 tbsp. l powdered sugar;

• vanilla to taste.


1. Divide the berries in approximately half. Puree one part with a blender until a homogeneous slurry is obtained, add half the icing sugar, you get a kind of jam.

2. Combine the curd with icing sugar, stir. If the product is dry or with lumps, then first we introduce a little sour cream, cream, fermented baked milk.

3. Add to the curd mass fresh berries that are left. Gently stir.

4. Put half the cottage cheese in a bowl, then half the cooked jam and cottage cheese again. Pour the remaining jam on top. If desired, you can put a few whole berries or a mint leaf for decoration.

Delicious and simple apple and cinnamon dessert

Baked apples are not only delicious and simple desserts, but also healthy treats. A microwave will be used for cooking, but you can cook in the traditional way in a preheated oven.


• 3 apples;

• 1 tbsp. l honey;

• 1 tsp cinnamon

• 1 tbsp. l nuts.


1. Rinse the apples. Cut from the side of the twigs in each stub, but do not pierce to the very end. It should make a hole. You can do it in another way. Cut the apples in half, choose the middle, you get a small bowl.

2. Combine honey with cinnamon. If it is frozen, then we heat it.

3. Add chopped nuts and divide the whole mass into three apples.

4. We shift to a flat plate, put in the microwave. Cook for 2-4 minutes, depending on the variety. Maximum power. Readiness is determined by softness.

5. Either put the apples in an oven preheated to 200 degrees. Bake also until soft.

Tasty and simple gingerbread dessert

A very easy dessert recipe for those who love cakes. Here the delicacy is prepared from gingerbread. You can choose any taste, but better without filling.


• 500 g of gingerbread;

• 2 bananas (optional);

• 600 g sour cream;

• 3 tbsp. l powder

• vanilla, nuts to taste;

• 70 g of chocolate;

• 30 g plums. oils.


1. Beat sour cream with icing sugar, add vanillin to the resulting cream. Since the cakes are sweet, you don’t need to steal much sugar.

2. Peel the bananas, cut into slices. Chop some nuts. You can cook a cake without it, just from gingerbread, it also turns out delicious.

3. Cut the gingerbread cookies in half lengthwise to make plates. If they are high, then you can cut into three parts, thin cakes soak faster.

4. In a silicone mold or in a regular (but covered with a film) bowl, put a little cream, level it.

5. We lay out a layer of gingerbread, grease with cream, put bananas, nuts and also lightly grease. We lay with a new layer of gingerbread and so on.

6. If the cream remains, then pour on top, stretch with a spoon to fill all the voids.

7. Put the gingerbread dessert for a couple of hours in the refrigerator. There it will impregnate, harden, the layers will grow stronger.

8. We take out, we turn on a plate. If a film was used, then remove.

9. Melt chocolate and butter. Pour the cake on top with the prepared icing. Let stand a little longer until the top layer solidifies.

Delicious and simple desserts - useful tips and tricks

• Most homemade desserts do not like long-term storage. It is better to cook them immediately before use. This is especially true for recipes with sour cream, cream, cottage cheese and fresh berries, fruits.

• Sour cream should not be whipped with sugar for a long time, especially a product with high fat content. Grains may appear, that is, oil.

• Any dessert will taste better if it smells good. The addition of vanilla, cinnamon, essences, liquors is welcome.


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