Festering eye in a newborn: causes of pathology. The eye of a newborn is festering - what should I do, first aid to the baby, if the eyes fester?


From the first day of life, babies may experience health problems. Very often, parents notice that the newborn has a festering eye.

What to do in such a situation and how to treat can be found in this article.

Causes of rotting eye

Each parent is concerned about the question of why the newborn has a festering eye. The reasons may be of a different nature. Most often it is:

• reaction to medications;

• chlamydia;

• conjunctivitis;

• allergic reaction;

• a cold;

• underdevelopment of the lacrimal glands;

• dacryocystitis.

The most common causes are conjunctivitis and dacryocystitis. The first disease occurs due to infection of the eye. It can appear due to a cold. There are many varieties of conjunctivitis, so the method of therapy is always selected individually.

Dacryocystitis is a disease associated with obstruction of the lacrimal canal. After the birth of the baby and the first cry, the protective film does not always break. The accumulation of tears leads to the multiplication of microbes. Subsequently, the eye begins to fester. Most often with such a pathology, the lacrimal canal is cleaned.

In the maternity hospital, the child is buried Albucid. The reaction to this medication may be suppuration of the eye. After carrying out washing procedures, the release of pus passes.

Pus may appear due to a child’s allergy in response to a meal or medication. Other irritants can also affect. Excessive secretion of tears leads to redness and souring of the eyes.

Principles of treatment of suppuration of the eyes

All therapeutic measures can be divided into general and specific. General are indicated for various types of inflammation of the eye. Specific include the use of various drops with antibiotics or antiflogistic agents. Only a specialist is involved in the selection of drugs and the appointment of a dosage. If the newborn has a festering eye, what to do, which method the doctor will also say.

Common conservative methods include eye washing. You can perform the procedure with a 0.2% solution of Furacilin or simple boiled water. Eye washing in babies should be carried out in compliance with certain rules. These include:

1. It is very important to observe the rules of hygiene. Before carrying out the manipulations, the parent must wash his hands with soap. Use only sterile pipettes and clean swabs.

2. After prolonged sleep, leaking pus turns into crusts. The first step is to soften it. Moisten the swab in the prepared product and apply for a few seconds to the affected area. After this, the crusts soften and are easily removed. Pus must be removed very carefully so as not to damage the eye. If it is too dry, then soak it several times.

3. For each eye, use only a new clean swab. The temperature of drug solutions should be 37 degrees.

4. After eliminating purulent crusts, drip drops prescribed by the ophthalmologist into the eyes. To carry out the instillation procedure, it is necessary to pull the outer corner a little and drip the medicine into the resulting bag. Perform the same manipulations with the second eye.

5. When instilled using a pipette, its contact with the mucous membrane is not allowed. This will help spread the infection.

6. Healing with drops is carried out about 4-6 times a day. When washing with Furacilin or decoctions of the procedure, carry out every two hours.

Newborns are usually prescribed antibiotics such as Ciprolet or Chloramphenicol. Only the doctor can choose the right concentration. If you follow all the rules of hygiene and the use of alternative recipes, you can get rid of the disease very quickly at the very beginning of the manifestation of symptoms. It is important to pay increased attention to the care of the baby, in order to prevent the repeated progression of the disease.

The newborn has a festering eye: what to do and how to treat?

If the newborn has a festering eye, which can be caused by various factors, then the use of chamomile infusion will be effective. With it, you need to wipe the eye and eyelid. You can also make tea. The recipes for the following:

1. Pour 1.5 tablespoons of dried chamomile into a glass and pour boiling water over everything. Cover tightly and leave to infuse for an hour. Dampen a sterile cotton swab in the resulting medicine and wipe the eye. Do this in the direction from the temple to the inner corner of the eye. The procedure should be carried out with caution in babies up to three months. The dermis of the eyelid is very tender, so it is possible to provoke a hemorrhage of small capillaries by chance.

2. Tea brewing. If the newborn has a festering eye, which was caused by conjunctivitis, then it is necessary to wipe the eyes with tea leaves. Make a strong infusion and perform manipulations in the same way as in the first case.

3. The solution of furatsilina. To prepare the drug, you need to dissolve 1 tablet in half a glass. Use only boiled water. Wipe the procedure up to 5 times a day.

4. Miramistin. You can also rinse the eyes with newborns using Miramistin solution. The solution is prepared in a ratio of 1 to 1. Rinse 4-5 times a day. Use only new cotton pads for each procedure. Be sure to use different cotton swabs for each eye. The drug actively fights microbes, removes pus.

Many mothers are of the opinion that instillation of breast milk in the eye of a baby will contribute to a speedy recovery. They believe that milk has a bactericidal property and is absolutely sterile. Milk acts as a nutrient medium, therefore, will contribute to the multiplication of bacteria. Mom’s breasts are often exposed to candidiasis and staph infection. Symptoms of such diseases may not appear at all. The result is the addition of a new infection to an existing disease. If rotting of the eye is observed, then it is necessary to approach the problem with all seriousness.

Tear tubule massage

Every mother should know that with this pathology, after each breastfeeding, it is necessary to massage the lacrimal sac. No treatment with drops and rinses will give a result if a film is present in the lacrimal tubule. It must be carried out with extreme caution. Before the procedure, be sure to wash your hands so that a secondary infection does not join. You should also cut your nails so as not to scratch the dermis. To do this, slightly press on the bag and make movements up and down at least eight times. If you correctly follow all the recommendations, then a little pus should go out of the lacrimal canal. If this is not observed, then the mother violated the technique of the procedure. The sooner you start carrying out such manipulations, the greater efficiency you can expect.

No need to be afraid of pressure on the pouch. Too gentle pressure will not improve. The cure for such a disease must begin as early as possible. This is due to the fact that after six months conservative treatment will not make any sense. It is not possible to treat dacryocystitis without massage. Washing the eyes and using drops with antibiotics only eliminate the symptoms, but not the cause of the disease. The inflammation will be repeated again and again. With proper therapy, the disease disappears after three weeks. If recovery is not observed, then an eye wash in the hospital is performed. In the event that conservative treatment has not yielded results, a tubule sensing procedure will be performed. The procedure is performed under anesthesia and takes only a few minutes.

Every mother should remember that first of all it is necessary to identify the cause of the disease. Otherwise, you can harm the health of your baby and exacerbate the situation. To prevent most diseases, daily eye contact is necessary. Rinse eyes twice a day, use only clean swabs. To wipe eyes only from an external corner to an internal. For the prevention of the disease does not require special disinfectant solutions. It is enough to rinse your eyes with just boiled water.


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