Description of the best varieties of remont raspberries for the South of Russia: characteristics and photos. Features of planting and care for remont raspberries in southern Russia


Repair raspberries are famous for their unprecedented productivity. It bears fruit twice a season, which allows you to remove large berries until the frost. But gardeners often complain that cultivating a crop is not easy, and the result is not always pleasing. In order not to be disappointed after planting remont raspberries, you need to know all the subtleties of the variety and the features of caring for it. In fact, this is not a big deal.

Features of repairing raspberry varieties

Everyone knows that remont raspberries yield twice a season. For the first time, berries are formed on last year's shoots, and in autumn the bush bears fruit on the shoots of the current year. This feature allows you to feast on delicious berries to frost. But it is important to understand that the second time the crop ripens only in regions with a warm climate, where in October there are no frosts. In the central part of Russia, in the Urals and in Siberia, remont raspberries give only one crop and crop care in these regions is significantly different. But the inhabitants of the southern part of Russia were more fortunate.

In a warm climate, the culture produces a large berry; from one bush, up to 5 kg of raspberries are harvested. Autumn harvest withstands short-term frosts, continues to sing in good weather. The bushes themselves are less sick, rarely affected by pests.

Another distinguishing feature of the repairing raspberry varieties is poor shoot formation. Bushes practically do not give growth. For better or worse, everyone decides for himself. If propagation is necessary, a shortage of planting material may occur.

Description of the best varieties of remont raspberries for southern Russia

To collect a good raspberry crop, it is important to choose the right variety that can grow and bear fruit in your area. For the south of the country, varieties capable of adapting to snowless winters and drought are suitable.

The best variety among the remont raspberries, which showed good results in the south of Russia, is Heritage. This is a bush of American selection, it tolerates frosts well, but is sensitive to excess moisture. With proper care gives from 3 to 6 kg of berries. Raspberries are dark red in color, large, weighing up to 4 grams. It retains its aroma and taste for a long time, does not over mature, does not crumble, and tolerates transportation well. The shrub requires support and garter, as the shoots slope under the weight of the crop.

Another unpretentious variety is Eurasia. It can be grown on any soil, it is rarely sick, tolerates frost, drought. The bush is erect, shoot length up to 1.5 m. Yield more than 3 kg per season. The second wave of fruiting occurs in mid-September. The berries have a ruby ​​color, pronounced taste and aroma, suitable for conservation and fresh consumption. It is well preserved during transportation, which allows you to grow the variety on an industrial scale.

No less popular variety of raspberries "Joan G" Scottish selection, which tolerates hot spring and summer. Bushes with powerful shoots, without thorns, form up to 6 shoots, the length of which is not more than 1 m. Fruiting occurs in the first year after planting. Berries are sung from July to frost. The berry is large, about 7 grams, dark red in color, tastes sweet and sour. Raspberry is dense, tolerates transportation well, does not crumble and does not drain. Grow a bush on a trellis or pylon.

The variety of Repairant Raspberry Brilliant is recognized as the best for the South of Russia. Berries are not baked in the sun, and the roots of the shrub well tolerate frost and lack of moisture. The bush is medium-sized, shoot formation is weak, branches without thorns, which facilitates the harvest process. The berry is medium-sized, about 5 grams, tastes sweet and sour, red in color with a characteristic sheen. The harvest is distinguished by excellent keeping quality and transportability.

The best varieties of remont raspberries with yellow berries for the South of Russia

Raspberry "Orange Miracle" of domestic selection is distinguished by sprawling bushes, the shoots of which are completely covered with thorns. Raspberries are vigorous, the length of the branches reaches 2 m, but they grow for a long time. About 8 shoots are formed per year. Fruiting begins in mid-summer, lasts until frost. Productivity of more than 3 kg per bush. Berries of amber color, fragrant, dense, well tolerate transportation, do not fall apart. The taste depends on weather conditions, often sweet.

Grade advantages:

Hypoallergenic berries;

· Large size raspberries, about 8 grams;

· Long life cycle.

In one place, Orange Wonder raspberries have been grown for over 15 years without updating. In this case, the berries do not degenerate, do not lose their taste and do not grow smaller.

The raspberry variety "Apricot" is considered fruitful among shrubs with yellow fruits. Harvested in the first year after planting. Bushes with powerful shoots, erect, practically without thorns. The crown is compact, medium-sized. The berry is round, medium size, pleasant apricot color with a good taste. From one bush it is possible to collect up to 3 kg of raspberries. The variety is unpretentious, resistant to disease, does not require garter.

Features of growing and caring for maintenance varieties of raspberries in southern Russia: the best recommendations

In the southern regions of the country, the problem of growing remont raspberries is drying the shoots. Strong winds in winter and spring dry the shoots and root system of the plant, the bush dies. Therefore, raspberry cultivation in these regions must be approached in a special way.

Bushes are planted in quiet places that are protected from gusts of strong winds. You can place the garden bed along the wall of the house, under the crown of trees. The place may be shaded so that the berries do not bake in the bright sun.

The best time for planting seedlings is autumn. It is better to refuse spring planting, since the temperature rises rapidly during this period, young plants do not tolerate drought well, require a lot of attention and often die.

Landing pits are prepared in advance. Their size corresponds to the root system of the seedling, the depth of the holes is about 40 cm. The soil is well mixed with organic and mineral fertilizers before planting, and then poured into the bottom of the pits.

To collect a good harvest of berries in the spring, it is important to keep as many shoots of the last year as possible. To improve their growth and development in the spring, nitrogen fertilizers are applied, for example, urea. The solution is prepared at the rate of 40 g of the drug per 1 square. m. beds. The raspberry yield is significantly increased.

It is extremely important to monitor soil moisture, especially in the spring and summer. If the weather is too dry, then the raspberry must be watered, and the soil around is mulched. For industrial cultivation, plots are laid on the banks of rivers, on the side of mountains, where there is more natural rainfall.

Do not forget about late autumn water-loading irrigation, bushes do not tolerate winter well without it. After the last harvest, the garden is abundantly watered, and the root zone is mulched.


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