A little puppy nibbles everything. What to do if a puppy nibbles everything and how to wean it


A very common occurrence when a dog nibbles something. But not all breeders know the reason for this behavior, how to eliminate it or help the pet.

Why do puppies bite everybody

Puppies, like little trackers, explore their surroundings. And as children feel everything with their fingers, puppies have to try "by the tooth." They are so acquainted with the world and learn to communicate with the environment.

The second reason for this behavior is that their teeth are cut. This process lasts more than one month. The gums itch, sometimes even bleed. To soothe the itch, puppies begin to nibble, while their pain is reduced. You can help the baby by freezing a rope or a crowded rag in the refrigerator. The dog will be delighted with such a "gift", and the cold will dull the pain.

In order to at least somehow entertain themselves, little dogs, bored, bite all the things in their environment. Thus, they compensate for the lack of attention of their master and entertain themselves.

In a still small and unformed puppy body, the personality of an adult dog is already growing. And in order to show their superiority to the outside world, puppies begin to gnaw and chew various things.

There are calm dogs and hyperactive. To the second to somewhere to draw their energy, they all day and do that they are looking for various things and cracking them.

Mental disorders or depression. Strong boredom or fear makes the puppy gnaw at everything indiscriminately. And if you don’t identify the problem during the time and help the dog, it will bite everything to pieces already in adulthood.

How to help a puppy

Dog handlers and zoopsychologists insist that a puppy from a young age needs to be weaned to do so. You can’t let him chew everything. But it’s unacceptable to beat your dog. A battered animal will remain in a constant state of stress.

The only thing that the pet will understand after the next humiliation is that it is necessary to nibble when the owner does not observe this. And already in adulthood, not just a littered rag or slipper will fall into your teeth, but more expensive and significant things for the owner.

The puppy needs to be trained in that it is possible to nibble, but only with the permission of its owner. And not everything that gets in his way. There are lots of toys with which the four-legged can grind his teeth.

How to wean a puppy nibble everything

Wean a little puppy to bite everything in a row from three months of age to half a year. An alternative to chewing must be provided. The best way to solve the problem is to buy toys for your little pet.

Before buying, you should decide which toy you need, how to choose it correctly. Do not blindly buy everything in pet stores. You can limit yourself to a few items, but at the same time teach your puppy to bite them, and not eat up new shoes of his master.

It is important to teach your puppy how to play beautiful, colorful and nourishing toys. However, not all owners of tetrapods know how to do this correctly:

· Waving a toy in front of the baby’s very nose, thereby making him interested;

· Hide somewhere a new subject of hobby, let the puppy look for him;

· Tie the toy to the rope and remove it from the dog, creating the illusion that the object is running away and the dog needs to chase it and certainly catch it;

· Give a sniff a toy, and then throw it away, let the future dog catch up.

It is very important to encourage the baby for all the right actions. Pat him on the head, treat him with something tasty. If the puppy is tired, and he again draws attention to objects forbidden to chew, it is necessary by all possible means to distract him and interest him in something else. Then for the same and praise the baby.

Over time, the dog will like it when it is praised and treated, then he will already begin to train his master.

What to do if the puppy nibbles everything

Dog handlers share tips on how to wean a little dog to deal with the destruction of housing. You need to pay more attention to the dog and play with him more often. During games, you must not allow the pet to bite a person or spoil his clothes with his teeth. They stop the fun during the bite and, with their whole appearance, make it clear to the dog that it hurts and you don’t need to do that.

You need to try to devote a lot of time to the growing dog. If you need to leave your pet alone, you should put him in the dog’s arena or cover the room, restricting access to all household items. Be sure to leave him chewing toys.

Until the baby has grown up, it is better to remove all things of value or that may pose a threat to the dog’s life. Before six months, remove all remotes, glasses and children's toys. The bin should not be freely accessible to the animal.

During walks with the puppy, trying to physically load him when he arrives home, the puppy will not be bored and he will not bite home things. By the age of three months, you can already walk your pet several times for 20-30 minutes. During walks, dog handlers recommend starting training classes, no more than 10 minutes a day.

One of the reasons why the dog chews home slippers is their smell. After all, they smell like a beloved master, and she did it because of her great love for you. Therefore, if a pet has eaten new shoes, you only need to blame yourself. It was not worth leaving them in the access area of ​​the baby.

Purchased toys or skin-dried bones must always be in the house. If the baby plays without pleasure, they need to grate things a little with meat or malt. Also periodically change one to another, so as not to bother.

In order for the dog to physically develop and chew during walks in the fresh air, it is worth buying a ball, a flying saucer, various sticks and ropes.

It is necessary to begin to train the dog in teams. The puppy must understand what it means "can" and "not." If the dog chews a thing that he should not touch, you need to say this in an ordered tone. In no case do not yell at the baby this can lead him into a state of shock. We must offer the toy to say that you can take it and praise the pet.


Watch the video: German Shorthair Pointer Puppies Nibble Your Fingers! - Puppy Love (June 2024).