What krill oil can benefit and what’s special about it. Can there be harm from krill oil, why is it better than fish oil?


Krill oil is a modern alternative to fish oil, no less useful, but in some ways superior to it. And since the use of krill oil has its own characteristics, it is important to know literally everything about it.

How the composition and benefits of krill oil are related

A miniature crustacean called krill is reminiscent of shrimp in its appearance, taste and cooking methods. The habitat is mainly icy ocean waters where they feed seals, penguins and of course - fish of all stripes.

But only one species - Euphausia superba (Antarctic krill) is a valuable commercial object on the part of humans, and no less than meat (can be purchased frozen and canned) appreciate the oil obtained from krill.

And although it has been known (if we talk about the countries of Asia) from the end of the XVIII century, only in our time, thanks to scientific data, it became possible to appreciate it.

Recent studies have identified him on the scale of the value of biologically active additives, a place that even exceeds fish oil by several dozen times.

And this is due to a number of reasons:

• it is known that seafood is able to accumulate mercury and other harmful substances, both due to the peculiarities of its biology and due to human pollution of the world's oceans. Commercial krill, firstly, lives in relatively clean waters, and secondly, it is located at the very bottom of the food chain (its food is phytoplankton and algae) and does not have time to “soak” anything harmful in a short life cycle;

• for many, fish oil is associated with a specific, unpleasant aftertaste, while krill oil is just peculiar, but does not cause taste rejection, and even more so - some people like to season salads with them;

• krill oil is more bioavailable because its fatty acids are represented to a greater extent by water-soluble phospholipids, which provide easy and quick absorption of nutrients through the human gastrointestinal tract. While similar fish oil acids are dependent on digestible ones an order of magnitude worse, triglycerides insoluble with such ease.

The lion's share of the benefits of krill oil is created by a substance called astaxanthin.

This is, say, in one bottle the red pigment of oil and a powerful (no worse than vitamin E) antioxidant for humans, which performs the following functions:

• protects cells from the damaging effects of free radicals, thereby delaying the aging of the body and creating prevention of cancer;

• has anti-inflammatory effect in diseases of internal organs;

• protects the skin from UV damage.

With regular use, astaxanthin accumulates in the retina of the eye, preventing loss of vision, maintaining its sharpness and improving color perception.

Like any seafood, krill oil well satisfies the need for iodine.

Krill oil is produced in the form of capsules of various dosages, but there are also chewable tablets with it, which is interesting, sometimes enriched with other useful additives.

The daily rate of krill oil is different, it depends on gender, weight and age, health features, whether treatment or prevention is required, and other data.

But the dosage ranges from about 500 to 3,000 mg per day.

It is optimal for the body to perceive the use of krill oil with breakfast or another snack in the morning.

In which cases the benefits of krill oil are particularly pronounced

The anti-inflammatory benefits of krill oil are especially noticeable in the treatment of diseases such as rheumatism, osteochondrosis, osteoarthritis and the like, with sprains and excessive muscle loads that can be obtained, for example, in sports.

Oil intake helps to reduce pain and swelling, as well as restore joint mobility.

Krill oil is able to suppress the manifestations of allergic reactions of various origins and enhance the effectiveness of antihistamines.

Also, the benefits of krill oil with regular use are expressed in the following:

• strengthening the body against seasonal mass diseases like SARS and ARI, as well as against colds;

• strengthening bone tissue;

• optimization of the liver and protecting it from damage that occurs in connection with overeating harmful food (for example, fatty) and alcohol consumption;

• relieving pain of various origins.

It is very important to consume krill oil for those who want to lose extra pounds and get their body in perfect shape, as it speeds up metabolism, prevents the deposition of fats and supports muscles and ligaments during sports activities, preventing the death of excess cells and contributing to muscle building.

Krill oil definitely benefits the female appearance - the skin becomes soft but elastic, its imperfections disappear and wrinkles are smoothed out.

And in the sphere of purely female health, the reproductive functions are normalized and the symptoms of PMS and monthly periodic pain are reduced.

How Omega-3 Provides Benefits of Krill Oil

With all the extraordinary properties of krill oil, it would not be half as valued if it did not contain (like fish oil) polyunsaturated fatty acids.

The human body is not able to synthesize them, so it remains only to choose their sources in food, drinks and, of course, in useful additives.

The pearl of these acids is Omega-3, the importance of which for health is multifaceted:

• Improving blood circulation and blood composition, including lowering triglycerides, cholesterol and hemoglobin growth, normalizing sugar levels;

• improvement of the vascular system, including through accelerated renewal of the vascular endothelium, which ensures their elasticity coupled with strength;

• a positive effect on the level of serotonin production, which is expressed in stress resistance, the effect of krill oil as an antidepressant, and even in the removal of disturbing and nightmare dreams from hours of night rest;

• accelerated regeneration, since Omega-3 acids affect the entire body at the deepest and most detailed level, down to cell membranes;

• Also, krill oil improves memory and mental performance.

What could be the harm from krill oil

Certainly, the harm of krill oil during an allergic reaction to it is significant, and the likelihood of this is especially high if it was previously observed with the use of other seafood. However, as already mentioned, this amazing fat itself can fight allergies, and such a reaction to it is extremely rare.

It is important to note that full studies on the effect of krill on the body of pregnant women have not yet been completed, and therefore it is advisable to consult your doctor, who is also responsible for recommendations on the individual health and safety of taking it during this important period. dietary nutrition of the expectant mother.

But theoretically, most likely, most likely, instead of harm from krill oil, there will be benefits.

This seafood has the ability to slow down blood coagulation.

Therefore, to avoid harm from krill oil, it is forbidden to combine it with anticoagulant drugs and it is necessary to stop taking it 2 weeks before the planned surgical intervention.

Also, the safety of consuming krill oil during use of drugs that lower blood pressure or alter blood sugar levels is questionable.


Watch the video: KRILL OIL vs FISH OIL: Which Omega 3 Supplement Is Better IS IT SAFE (June 2024).