Best painkillers by customer reviews. How to choose a good pain medication?


A migraine attack, a fracture, a malignant tumor, a badly torn tooth - intolerable pain can appear for many reasons. In order to cope with pain, you will need to choose a good remedy for pain.


This drug is used for mild to moderate pain. The main component is ibuprofen, which inhibits the synthesis of prostagladins. A small amount of the drug contains codeine - a narcotic substance that acts on the receptors of the central nervous system. After taking, there is a painkiller effect. In addition, the drug relieves temperature, inflammation and cough syndrome.

The drug can be used in battles of various nature:

• myalgia;

• migraine;

• pain with influenza and SARS;

• toothache;

• rheumatic.

The drug is made in the form of suppositories, suspensions, tablets, gel. It is forbidden to use with renal, respiratory, heart failure. Also, do not use with excessive sensitivity to the components in the composition of the drug. After taking, such third-party reactions as insomnia, anemia, nausea, heartburn can occur.


The medication is prescribed for moderate and severe pain. It can also be used for traumatic, inflammatory and vascular pains. It is characterized by high efficiency, quick and long exposure. The main component is tramadol, which inhibits the conduction of nerve impulses.

The drug is released in the form of tablets, suppositories, capsules, solution, drops. Occasionally provokes undesirable effects such as vomiting, dizziness, nausea. It has a sedative effect.


This medication is related to anti-inflammatory non-steroid medications. The tool is used to eliminate pain of mild to moderate severity. The main component is diclofenac sodium, which inhibits the synthesis of prostagladins.

The drug is prescribed for bruises, sprains, inflammation after injuries, toothache, and febrile syndrome. It is released in the form of tablets, injections, gel. Valid for 6 hours after administration. During treatment, such undesirable reactions as dizziness, irritability, and disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract can occur. P postoperative time reduces swelling.


The drug is an opioid non-narcotic painkiller. Among the opioid agents, butorphanol is the most potent. Effective even in small doses. It is prescribed for severe pain after childbirth, with injuries, with cancer. It is released only in the form of ampoules for injection. Very quickly copes with pain of various kinds.

The effect of the drug is observed up to 4 hours. There is practically no dependence after drug therapy. It is forbidden to carry out treatment when carrying a baby and breastfeeding. After administration, such side effects as dizziness, vomiting, nausea, respiratory depression may occur.


This is a very inexpensive pain reliever. It acts as the drug of choice for headaches of various nature. The composition contains acetylsalicylic acid, which helps fight the island-inflammatory process and perfectly anesthetizes. The caffeine in the composition helps to expand the capillaries and eliminate pain. Paracetamol in the composition will help to cope with a headache if it occurs due to high temperature.

But since acetylsalicylic acid is in the composition, the drug should never be given to children and people with bleeding disorders. Also, the drug will have a negative effect on gout and stomach disease.


A good remedy for pain, which is usually considered a cardiac and nervous medicine. But with certain types of pain in the head, the remedy becomes indispensable. These pains include those that appeared due to insomnia or overwork. Loose nerves do not allow you to sleep well. Lack of normal sleep leads to even greater problems with nerves, which leads to dull headaches.

It is possible to overcome neurotic disorders at the initial stage due to sedative effects. Do not have to resort to tranquilizers. Despite the fact that the sedative effect is not so strong, but the drug can not be used by those people whose daily activities require increased attention.


It is a very good remedy for pain, which is related to the NSAID drug group. In addition to the analgesic effect, Nimesil has a restraining effect on the island-inflammatory process and will not allow the process to spread further.

The drug is dispensed in granules, from which a therapeutic solution is prepared. This form is convenient when the oral mucosa is involved in inflammation. It is forbidden to use the drug in patients with peptic ulcer of the stomach and with impaired blood coagulation. With prolonged use of the drug, a number of third-party reactions may occur.


The drug is also related to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and is characterized by a pronounced analgesic effect. But to use the tool is possible only after the dentist has performed absolutely all manipulations with the tooth. If the drug is used before visiting the doctor, then be sure to warn him. This is due to the fact that anesthesia may not fully work and you will have to select another medication.

The disadvantage of the tool is a number of contraindications for use. It is forbidden to use in childhood, when carrying a baby and when breastfeeding. This drug deserves the highest rating.


Watch the video: Painkiller: Inside the Opioid Crisis (July 2024).