Why is the ex-girlfriend dreaming? Basic interpretations of different dream books - what the ex-girlfriend dreams of


In a dream, you can see loved ones, relatives, friends and loved ones. You may also dream of complete strangers. Why is the ex-girlfriend dreaming? How to interpret such a dream?

What the ex-girlfriend dreams about - basic interpretation

If you dreamed of an ex-girlfriend, do not immediately panic and think that a black streak will begin in your life. Such a dream is more likely to make you think about the correctness of the actions that you are currently taking. Perhaps you were cursing with someone, inadvertently sorting out relationships with someone. Not wanting, at the same time, to create a conflict situation.

It is important to interpret the dream, given all its details:

• Under what circumstances did you happen to meet an ex-girlfriend;

• What were you doing at that moment;

• Have you spoken to her;

• Who else participated in your dream.

If during such a dream you were anxious - it means that not all feelings and emotions regarding your ex-girlfriend have died out. So you still want to communicate with her subconsciously, or to sort out the situation that has developed in your relationship. Perhaps you can’t release her image in any way and this worries you.

If you felt joy that you had a dream about a former girl, it means that you will also be glad to see her in reality, you can easily say goodbye to the past and easily forget that you were once connected with someone. But you do not want quarrels, you are ready at any moment to go to a truce.

If in a dream you see someone beating your ex-girlfriend, you want revenge. Not necessarily to her, but to someone who in the past did very ugly to you, who betrayed you and now you really want to restore justice, because it is your choice that depends on justice. Go on, or stop there.

If in a dream you give flowers to an ex-girlfriend, then you want to have a lot of affection and love in your relationship, in your relationship with a new lover. The image of an ex-girl in such a dream will help you understand what exactly in the past relationship was not what you did against your will, what you could have done differently.

If you see her crying because of you, try not to humiliate and insult anyone in reality. Try not to betray or allow anyone to betray your loved ones. Such a dream can speak of a big problem, of which you will become a witness and participant. You can become that person on whom life and health of other people will depend. Also, such a dream can portend your tears and disappointments, if in a dream you cry with your ex-lover.

If in a dream you offer a hand and a heart to your ex-girlfriend - in reality you will seek encouragement in a matter in which you know little. You may want to open a new profitable business, but you will understand that in fact, you do not have enough skills and ingenuity.

If in a dream you are embracing lying on a bed with an ex-girlfriend, you lack tenderness and understanding, perhaps you give more than you receive and cannot restore this balance. You want to see a return in people and not to panic every time you see that something is going wrong. And you are constantly panicked, as soon as you begin to notice that events are beginning to occur in some unmarked scenario. Do not be afraid, most likely you are simply losing yourself due to the huge stream of events.

If in a dream you are screaming at an ex-girlfriend, you are lacking in encouragement. You do a lot for others and constantly forget to do something for yourself. Stop saving on yourself, stop restricting yourself in something. Be honest and straightforward.

If in a dream you walk with your ex-lover in the park, in reality you will really want new intrigues and new experiences. It will seem to you that you never loved anyone more than your former lover. But this is not so. You just want new impressions and new emotions. Find for yourself the person who will give them to you.

If you dream of a former pregnant girl, expect pretty unpleasant news. They may take you by surprise, and you will think for a long time about how to get out of a difficult situation. You might even think of running away, forgetting yourself and not thinking about how your life goes on.

Solve all financial issues in advance if you dream that your ex-girlfriend is giving you something. Such a dream promises monetary losses and financial turmoil. In this dream you can see a large amount of money presented to you by your ex-lover, but the more money she gives, the more trouble you will have.

If you dream that an ex-girlfriend is knocking on doors, on windows and demanding you let her in, you forgot about someone. You forgot to fulfill your obligations, or just help someone. Think well about who we are talking about.

What does the ex-girlfriend of Freud dream about

In Freud’s dream book it is said that if you dreamed of an ex-girlfriend, you can’t forget the adventures that you had with her. Perhaps you can’t switch from past relationships to completely new ones that would bring a lot of joyful moments to your life.

If in a dream you carry an ex-girlfriend in your arms, you again want something pleasant and unusual. Want a repetition of the relationship that you had with this passion. But they cannot be the same all the time. Cannot be repeated. The dream book advises to seek spiritual closeness in a relationship.

If in a dream you give flowers to an ex-girlfriend, you will again dream of romantic dates, but on a different one. If you dreamed about your boyfriend's ex-girlfriend, you are very prone to jealousy.

Self-doubt, self-reliance can speak in you. You very often pay attention to who said what, who, how and what did. The dream book advises to pay attention only to your inner feelings and not to allow the tragic completion of affairs. Do not destroy jealousy relationships.

If you dream that your boyfriend’s ex-girlfriend is marrying another, you yourself want to change something in your life. You really want to relax for yourself, switch. Perhaps you wanted to marry the guy with whom you are currently in a relationship. But you have changed your mind and you will not be able to return the relationship back to the state where you were both happy.

If a pregnant woman dreams of her husband’s ex-girlfriend, it’s time to take a closer look at her friends. Some of them are clearly negative towards you. You yourself could have noticed this before, but persuaded that it seems to you.

What is the dream of the ex-esoteric dream girl

The Esoteric dream book says that the image of a former girl in a dream means that you still live in the past and do not want to get out of it. You just want to live on as you did before, but now everything has changed and you just won’t be able to do everything as you could before.

If you kiss a former girl in a dream - you should beware of troubles from the closest person. It can be your close friend, your colleague, or even a relative. Do not initiate anyone into your innermost secrets. Let them remain only yours.

If you are dreaming that an ex-girlfriend is talking to you on the phone, wait for the disturbing news from far away. You will be informed of some unpleasant news that can affect your life for a long time.

What is the dream of a former girl in other dream books

In the dream book, Grishina says that the ex-girl portends disorders and apathy. Keep yourself in control, do not go to extremes, do not seek to prove anything to anyone. If you kill a former girl in a dream - you are very painful, but get rid of attachment to her. You will be very critical of yourself if in a dream you scream at an ex-girlfriend. You can criticize others, but this does not mean that they deserve it.

Aesop’s dream book says what the ex-girlfriend is dreaming of. This dream tells you to move forward more actively, not to be afraid of anything, not to lag behind in your desires and aspirations of the second half.

If you are going to visit old friends, and on the eve you had a dream about an ex-girlfriend - try not to remember the past, do not discuss it with anyone, then you will be calm and balanced. You will be happy that you can joyfully look forward. If you carry an ex-girlfriend in your dream by car - try to postpone long-distance travels, now they will not bring you any benefit.


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