The meaning of the name Ruslan: origin and history. Traits of character and fate of Ruslan


The fate of a person is affected by many different factors, including the name. The beautiful name Ruslan is not so popular today, but several decades ago was in demand among young parents. What character and fate await the holder of this name, we will consider further.

The origin and history of the name Ruslan

There are several versions of the origin and history of the name Ruslan. The most common and recognized is associated with ancient eastern roots and descent from the Turkic language. Aslan is translated as “lion”. There was very close communication between the inhabitants of Kievan Rus and the Turkic neighbors, hence the names such as Yeruslan, which can be found in Russian folk tales, and Ruslan, which everyone knows from Pushkin's poem. According to scientists, it was thanks to “Ruslan and Lyudmila” that the name became so popular in use. If in the nineteenth century it was exclusively literary, then in the twentieth century it became official in the Soviet and post-Soviet space.

Translated from the Slavic language, Ruslan is translated as “blond”. Basically, the name is found among the Kazakhs, as is the name Rustam. In recent decades, the female form of this name, Ruslana, has become popular, it sounds beautiful and noble. The meaning of the name Ruslan can be considered Russian, although the origin is Turkic.

What does the name Ruslan mean

There are several theories about the meaning of the name Ruslan. One version speaks of Turkic origin. Another is that the name was formed from the name of the people who lived in the Caucasus - Russian Alans or Rus-Alans. When translating the word “Alan” from Sanskrit, the meaning is “noble”. There is a third version. According to this interpretation, the name comes from the Old Scandinavian language and is translated as “Russian land” - “Rysaland”. In Russia, the term "lan" meant "land." According to the Orthodox and Catholic calendars, Ruslan does not mark a birthday, since the name is not on the list of saints.

The nature and fate of Ruslan

As a child, little Rus is quite moody. He is very emotional and characterized by inconsistency in his desires, and also loves to be praised. And if this is not, it may be offended. With peers, she feels easy and relaxed, can take risks without thinking about the consequences. In friendship, selflessness is characteristic of him. With age, his character begins to change, and Ruslan becomes selfish and harsh. His categoricalness often has no reason, but Ruslan will not concede, and will stand his ground.

As for intellectual abilities, they are at their best. Ruslan is a good student in school, goes forward and reaches his goal. And capriciousness in childhood will develop into a solid character in the future. Convincing a teenager in something is quite difficult, which can lead to conflicts with a teacher in an educational institution. Peers are sometimes afraid of his hot-tempered nature.

In a more mature age, Ruslan becomes restrained and not so emotional. Energy potential, perseverance, strong will and high intelligence help to achieve goals and success. Ruslan has a good character, and in himself he is patient and tolerant. Positive character traits: honesty, nobleness, well-developed intuition, determination, integrity, non-conflict. There are, of course, negative qualities in his character. Ruslan is quite proud and stubborn, and this can make him vindictive and even vengeful. It is difficult for him to forgive insults and betrayal, so Ruslan may not have many real friends. And because of his inconstancy, many consider him strange and do not fully understand, because Ruslan’s opinion can change radically.

In fact, Ruslan is a very passionate person. And to achieve my goals I’m ready to do a lot, though not without shyness. Despite the dislike of conflicts, on the way to the desired dream he can lose close friends and respect, make many enemies. He can accumulate insults for a long time and, if possible, will take revenge. But, despite these shortcomings, Ruslan is a wonderful, purposeful fighter who is firmly moving towards his goal. He loves to play sports, monitors his physical form, is good-looking, therefore the female sex adores him. He is also a narcissistic person who loves popularity. But he treats the elders very respectfully and with respect.

Ruslan is not alien to the desire for fame. He can perfectly realize his abilities in politics. Because it is not only able to easily find a common language with everyone, but also persists. She also always stands out from the crowd, loves to be in the spotlight, likes to speak to people and give interviews. The name Ruslan gives the owner ambitiousness and intelligence, so he can make a career in almost any field. He can be considered a careerist, since he is not afraid of obstacles. In addition to politics, the following areas of activity are suitable for him: finance, economics, advocacy, sports, acting.

Nature and time of year of birth:

Spring. This guy is distinguished by temperament and vanity, he is too emotional and self-confident, loves attention and tries to be a leader. And his energy and fearlessness, activity and activity help him build good relationships with the fair sex. But he is in no hurry to part with his freedom;

summer. Ruslan, who was born at this time of the year, has the following personality traits: openness, sociability, unwillingness to participate in conflicts, sincerity, good sense of humor. This simple guy with a share of frivolity loves a bright and festive life. He is the soul of the company and is able to smooth out any impending conflict;

autumn. During this period, prudent and pragmatic personalities are born who are very curious from childhood. They constantly strive for development, do not stand still and easily direct their entire energy potential in the right direction. They value trust and devotion very much and have a good character. Love for autumn Ruslan is, first of all, understanding, and only then passion and sensuality;

winter. The owner of the name Ruslan, born in the winter, will grow up to be a calm, serious and reasonable person. A scientific mindset will help achieve success in science, various studies and other professions where you need to show your mental abilities. Winter Ruslan will choose for her companions a calm, soft and sincere woman who will give him home comfort and coziness.

Ruslan’s health is good, despite the fact that he is inclined to test the strength of the body with alcohol abuse. Nevertheless, he tries to always look good and be in excellent shape. And in order to avoid depressive states, the family should have a favorable psychological climate and recognition of its success, since Ruslan is a very sensitive person.

Ruslana's totem animal is a lion, which symbolizes power, wealth, dominance, regality and power. No wonder the Turkic language translates his name as “Russian lion”.

The nature and fate of Ruslan in his personal life

What does the name Ruslan mean in love and marriage, what determines fate? There will always be many women around this man; he will never be deprived of female attention. And able to achieve the goal. Because he is surrounded by an army of fans who want to be with such a handsome man. Ruslan does not like monotony and behaves without constraint. In a relationship, he is very patient, and prefers mutual pleasure. He can quickly and briefly get carried away without noticing how quickly the relationship ends. At the same time, he is not sad for a long time and is ready for new searches. But his pride is on top. Therefore, the option when the woman throws he does not like. So revenge is just around the corner.

Life partner should have an attractive appearance, perhaps even envy others. Marriage for the owner of this name can be called another way of self-affirmation. Therefore, the external data of his second half are so important. But this does not prevent Ruslan from being jealous, and excessive attention to his beloved can cause him outbursts of anger.

A man often marries late, after he has completely walked up. And more often twice. Because the first family relationships do not always add up. And the requirements for the future wife are high. It should be not only bright and beautiful in appearance, but at the same time modest and obedient. Wife Ruslan will be faithful. But if she finds out about her betrayal, she can never forgive. He loves children, but not to selflessness. Not every woman is able to please this purposeful man. He does not tolerate assertiveness from the opposite sex, but must win love himself. It should be noted that Ruslan will not enter the river twice. Therefore, with his passions, he parted completely. Ruslan can have successful relationships with the owners of the following names: Vera, Kristina, Alexandra, Natalya, Anna, Tatyana, Polina, Nadezhda, Vasilisa, Elizaveta. But the alliance with Catherine, Irina, Svetlana, Xenia, Alice, Yana, Valeria will be less successful.

Ruslana can be called a good family man. He is a leader in life, and even his wife will not be able to impose his life style on him. But the beloved wife and children will always be protected next to such an intelligent and strong personality, because the family is an important priority for Ruslan.

The name undoubtedly affects the fate of the owner. It is always interesting to know what it means. But this factor is not determining. Each person is individual, therefore it is not necessary that the character traits characteristic of the name Ruslan will necessarily be in each individual.


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