Fortune telling at tea


The art of predicting the future in a tea cup is much less common than practice on coffee grounds, however, according to experts, it is no less true.

Plus, tea fortune-telling is one of the safest contacts with the other world, in which undesirable energy guests who bring troubles cannot come from there to an inexperienced questioner (as can be the case with mystical handling of mirrors, needles, and letter boards).

For this, finally, no special equipment is required, and the process of considering the future (and less often - studying the past) is extremely simple, for this you do not need to study wise works (as, for example, when reading fortune-telling on runes).

All that is required is to decide what the clusters of tea leaves in the cup look like, and then find the appropriate interpretation for them (detailed lists of signs can be found on the Internet).

The history of fortune-telling on gulls dates back at least fifteen centuries, that is, everything goes from dawn on the popularity of the drink itself. Peerless heights in this have reached in China. The traditions of tea drinking in Victorian England naturally differed from oriental ceremonies, and tea fortune-telling also changed gradually, marching around the world. And then we will focus on its adapted version, however, retaining many of the original features.

You will need high-quality leaf tea leaves, black or green tea - there is no difference, but drinks that include other plants (for example, flower petals, berries) are not suitable.

From dishes, you need a saucer and a cup - inside is white and without a pattern. Everything happens in a manner similar to the usual preparation of a drink - a teaspoon of dry tea leaves is poured into a cup and poured with freshly boiled water, cover the dishes with a saucer and wait 5-10 minutes. And immediately note - tea should not be supplemented with either sugar, honey, or milk.

Another most important nuance - to make a cup of tea and drink it should be one person, but interpret the symbols - maybe another.

So this prediction technique is suitable for the company. The main thing is that there should be no rush and harshness in anything - according to the legends, spirits attracted by the curiosity of fortunetellers do not like this very much and can confuse the truth.

And here's what to do to start the fortune-telling after the tea is ready:

  1. Relax, focus on issues of interest and enjoy tealeaving a little bit (with a tablespoon) of liquid in the cup.
  2. Grasp the handle of the dishes with your left hand and shake all the leftovers with vigorous, circular movements clockwise, ensuring that the tea leaves are distributed, clinging to the porcelain, on the walls.
  3. It is important to clarify - the ability to guess how much to brew tea and leave at the end of the liquid in order toso that the residual mass takes the form of certain images, and not a sticky lump - all this will come with time. And you can also practice churning the leftovers like this, and then proceed to tea drinking with fortune telling.

Once again, it’s worth noting - fortune-telling on gulls is not a layout of runes, where everything is clear, like day. Enormous knowledge in this technique is given to the imagination of the predictor. He should start with a cursory glance into the cup. Does it cause positive or negative emotions? Having correlated the first impression with the general character of the questions formulated in the mind, one can start reading the signs.

Most fortunetellers agree that you need to move clockwise, from the handle. Nearby, the gulls with it speak of the past.

The entire surface of the walls is about the future in general, that which is closer to the edge of the cup is about the nearest events, and that at the bottom is about the most distant in the future.

Determining what these or those gulls look like should be easy and unique. That is, if it is a long wand - so be it. And if it is a deer, do not try to make out a vase in it. Pickiness about one's own initial opinion is confusing.

And sometimes you can see the big picture. For example, a house. And already in it are smaller signs.

Naturally, it is unacceptable for a more understandable image to add water and shake the cup again - if for some reason you can’t guess, then now it’s not Fate.

As for the signs from the tea leaves, they are very numerous. But the most common are:

  • lush flower - romantic relationships with the opposite sex, an outbreak of dying feelings in marriage;
  • wing of a bird - news (good or bad);
  • a fish - surprise, a good combination of circumstances;
  • lamp - a difficult situation in which relatives and friends come with support;
  • triangle pointing down - collapsed plans;
  • egg - possible pregnancy;
  • owl - monetary losses;
  • mill - to get what you want, you have to work hard, perhaps to the detriment of personal time and even health;
  • hat - life will provide new opportunities that you just need not to miss;
  • arc - great responsibility, tests at work;
  • wild boar - a conflict situation in which the fortunetelling course of events is constrained to lose;
  • key - Do not make hasty decisions;
  • clock - no matter what the fortuneteller conceived, one must hurry;
  • crown - success in plans, unexpected luck;
  • dog - there are big purchases for the house;
  • parallel lines with dots in the middle - a profitable acquaintance;
  • bee - recognition by the society of merit, fortune-teller qualities;
  • broad line from top to bottom or obliquely - a pleasant trip;
  • peacock - acquisition of some large property, inheritance;
  • dagger - there are health problems that have not yet made themselves felt or not taken seriously;
  • arrow - An unexpected painful blow that reflects on deeds or feelings;
  • swan - calm in life, agreement with all loved ones;
  • shovel - a fortuneteller is important not to forget about their obligations and promises;
  • broom - completion of an unfavorable period in life;
  • snake - against a fortuneteller weave a conspiracy;
  • pear - Well-being in finance, peace in the home.

Also, it’s worth noting the numbers - they predict dates for exciting guessing events, as well as letters - the names of people who play crucial roles in his life and plans begin on them.


Watch the video: How to read tea leaves. Tasseography, Enchanted Endeavours Ep. 10 (June 2024).