The most “harmful” husbands by zodiac sign: TOP-3. What to do with them?


Women often wonder why they were so unlucky. My friend’s husband is attentive, courteous, ready for anything for her. And besides, years pass, and their relationship does not change. And of course you have to compare with your husband, who lives with whom oh how difficult it is! What is the reason for such a relationship? Who or what is to blame for the fact that two cannot get along under one roof. Today we’ll try to figure out which men of the zodiac signs are the most harmful.

Women should arm themselves with knowledge about such men, beware of them whenever possible, and if feelings flare up, know what to expect from the chosen one.


Men born under this sign for the opposite sex at first glance do not hide anything bad in themselves. They are charming, they know how to please a girl and what needs to be done for this. To do this, they use any methods, even the most ignoble.

In this case, the first place among men in terms of harmfulness is occupied by those born under the sign of Scorpio. All because the stars generously endowed them with such negative qualities as:

  • irritability;
  • aggressiveness;
  • jealousy, often unreasonable;
  • vindictiveness;
  • pickiness;
  • cold;
  • selfishness.

And this is not a complete list of those negative qualities that do not allow him to get along under the same roof with his wife. The fact is that Scorpios are often able to "stick their sting into a companion" for no reason. And they can compete in the ability to spoil the mood of all those around them, positively-minded and cheerful people. And for this, just the bad mood of a Scorpio man is enough.

Scorpio will never allow himself to be subordinate to his wife. But any aspects of life, emotions, her feelings will be under the strict control of her husband. Scorpio himself can start a romance on the side, but if his wife decides to leave, he will stop her in every way, since he has a highly developed possessive instinct.

In the first place this man has power. He is most afraid of being humiliated. And if someone allows himself, he will have to face Scorpio’s revenge, because he can’t forgive this sign. He may wear a grudge for years, but he will surely find the right moment to take revenge on the offender.

How to get along with Scorpio under one roof

Over the years, closer to old age, Scorpio men learn to fight their aggression, ignore the attacks of others. Most often, their undeserved insults towards his wife and insults also reach them. Nevertheless, this sign will look for a strong woman in his companions, he becomes attached to his peers. And in no case should a wife show her weaknesses or open her soul to a Scorpio man.


The second place in terms of harmfulness among men is occupied by Aquarius. Before marriage or before the birth of a child, they are attentive, courteous. Representatives of this gender are always fun, memorable dates. To lure a girl, they are able to write poetry and create sites. But all for the time being. In a marriage, Aquarius themselves suffer, and they do not give life to their wife. In general, the good question is whether Aquarius needs a family. He lives in his world, his thoughts are occupied with the most important issues, for example, how to save the world. Therefore, he has neither time nor desire to engage in routine affairs. In addition, the initiative in the family will always come from the wife, as this is not given to the Aquarius man.

In a family, Aquarius can consider for himself only the position of a leader. They are irritable and quick-tempered, in a fit of rage they can fall on his wife. And this is putting it mildly, since often such relationships reach tyranny. All this often happens for no reason. Why they do this, not one Aquarius can explain. He is able to bring his wife to nervous exhaustion, and then he himself will file for divorce, explaining this by the fact that family ties destroy his emotional balance.

How to get along with an Aquarius man under one roof

Aquarius will remain calm and satisfied if the wife gets her husband out of his world and amuse himself with pride. Will be able to do this Lions, Pisces, Libra, Sagittarius, Gemini. And only on condition that it will be a truly loving wife.


The scales harm and indecision somehow border, which is the cause of the nervousness of these men. Their harm is manifested in the fact that they are dirty. Quietly, but for a long time, without sparing anyone. Moreover, if they are suddenly pulled out, they make an innocent face.

From this man, one can expect denunciations of an employee, he is also able to snibber, and because of a trifle quarrel with his best friend.

And Libra will try in every possible way to avoid responsibility, because they do not like to make decisions. And it’s worth saying that their main slogan is “I feel bad, let it be bad for everyone.”

How to get along with Libra

This dirty sign is often involuntary. Maybe out of boredom, or maybe they looked at him wrong, or maybe in order to cheer himself up.

In order for Libra to stop mischief, the wife must help him to feel his importance. Libra man wants to be surrounded by care, respect, and of course, do not load him up with important decisions.


At first glance, it may seem that the Cancer man is faithful, decent, family, but this most likely concerns a woman born under this sign. Man Cancer is not that "wall", not wanting to be responsible for the family. Since childhood, they are used to the fact that close ones overcome all difficulties for them, therefore, gigolos, henpecked and sissy sons - this is most often the men born under this sign.

And they also have a sense of ownership that goes beyond the limits of what is permissible, and therefore Cancers suffer from unjustified attacks of jealousy.

If a strong-willed woman is found next to such a man, she acts destructively on him. The husband can sleep, becoming more passive.

How to get along with Cancer

Not every woman can survive cancer. Most often, it can be done by Scorpio, Libra, Pisces, Virgo.

It’s not easy to get along with harm, and fight too. Only strong women can do it. Calm and peaceful women are affected by such harmfulness on the part of her husband negatively, and can even ruin their lives. Therefore, it is better to pre-review possible options for developing relations with Cancer, Scorpio, Aquarius, Libra.


Watch the video: 6 Types of Unhealthy Mother Son Relationships (June 2024).