Eyebrow tattoo: pros and cons


Not every woman can boast of the shape, length and thickness of eyebrows. Universal forms that would suit everyone without exception does not exist, but women have individually found their ideal for themselves, which every day has to be painted on, corrected, by pulling out length and width in symmetrical proportions. Modern cosmetology has provided a procedure that facilitates the daily work of self-care. This is a tattoo of the eyebrows, which is known as a permanent type of permanent makeup.

Tattooing is suitable for all women who have a problem with the growth of eyebrows, who have too light eyebrows or who want to permanently capture the form. With it you can adjust the thickness or give a graceful bend. The permanent make-up keeps only 3 - 5 years. Unlike a tattoo, the paint is injected into the surface layer of the skin, after which it remains in it for good. After a certain time, pigments will recycle the skin cells, and they will completely dissolve.

Permanent eyebrow makeup has significant advantages:

  • There is no need to tint eyebrows daily.
  • The tattoo does not wash off with water either in the rain, or in the bathroom, or in the bath, or in the reservoirs, and even tears are not afraid of him.
  • This is a big plus for athletes who need to clearly sum up the contour.
  • This is an opportunity at any time of the day to look well-groomed without makeup.
  • They can correct any shortcomings of eyebrows: width, thickness, color, shape and uneven location.

In addition, there are several types of eyebrow tattoo: hair, shotirovaniya and 3D tattoo. Each woman can choose for themselves a more suitable method of application.

Contraindications that need to be considered:

  • Any form of diabetes.
  • Problems with blood clotting.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Pregnancy and lactation.
  • Inflammation and skin diseases in the face.
  • High tendency to allergic reactions.
  • Period of menstruation.

Before the procedure, be prepared for the possible consequences. Many complain that tattooing is performed without painlessness without the use of anesthetics. This nuance can be discussed in advance with a specialist. If you want to get a painkiller, you will have to pay 1000 rubles. The cost of the procedure itself ranges from 4,000 to 10,000 rubles, which not everyone can afford.

Often women are satisfied with everything, but sometimes the color of eyebrows after tattooing seems too bright or the shape of the arc may not like it. This can only be due to an inexperienced cosmetologist or an incorrectly chosen clinic. In this case, a special laser will help get rid of the result.

Care for eyebrows after the procedure.

After the tattoo, remains a crust, which can not be torn off. This can lead to a complete loss of the final result and serious inflammation, scars or scars. The specialist should advise you a cream or ointment, which will need to process the redness and eyebrows themselves. Usually the side effects disappear within two weeks.


Watch the video: Eyebrow tattooing review with before and afters (June 2024).