What should be able to child in 4 years. The physical and emotional development of the child in 4 years (normal).


It seems that quite recently happy parents brought home a small warm bundle, and viedly tried to catch the first smile on the serene infant face. And now - already four years, and the little go-round decisively pushes away her mother's hands, proudly proclaiming: “I myself!”

And indeed, he already knows a lot and with pleasure masters unknown actions. That's just the priorities have shifted slightly - extremely mobile recently, now he prefers activities that require attention and perseverance. Is it good, and that a child should be able to be 4 years old - let's try to figure it out together.

The physical development of the child in 4 years

Rapidly mastering the world around, the peasant improves his skills and abilities. He already easily performs inaccessible until quite recently actions:

- down and up the stairs, alternating legs in the correct order;

- hilariously walking on tiptoes, without losing balance;

- firmly standing on one leg for 10-15 seconds;

- jumps over available obstacles;

- tumbling and jumping off a small elevation;

- with confidence pedals his tricycle;

- playing with friends in the ball, easily manages it with two legs, throws and successfully catches.

Now is the best time to write a baby in the sports section - regular classes will help you lose excess energy, will discipline and educate the character. It is better to discuss this topic with a child, to choose an available and attractive sport for him. If this is not possible, it is advisable to create conditions for him to do physical exercises at home — to equip a sports wall, to purchase gymnastic equipment for children’s activities.

At the age of four it is extremely important to teach the child to morning exercises, which will allow to maintain the correct posture and develop motor motility. Simple exercises - squats, bends, jumps - bring a lot of pleasure to the kid and provide him with energy for the whole day.

Language and communication - what should be able to child in 4 years

Talking with a four year old baby is a real pleasure. He has already spoken all the letters and repeats unfamiliar words with pleasure. True, not always understanding their meaning.

Attention! Dear fathers and mothers, if you do not want to blush in front of friends or random companions, exclude obscene words from the lexicon!

The vocabulary of the younger baby is growing steadily and rapidly. If they give the child enough attention, talk to him, read interesting books and tell fairy tales, the mental development of the child at the age of 4 will be significantly activated. Having reached this age, the baby can already do a lot:

- Logically and without difficulty answers simple questions;

- expresses emotions and feelings;

- composes songs that he enthusiastically performs;

- uses in his speech longer and more complex sentences;

- knows several colors and three main forms of objects;

- shows interest in letters and their writing;

- it is determined in time intervals, it understands what morning and evening are, tomorrow and today, winter and summer;

- executes orders given by mom in order of priority. For example, remove toys, brush your teeth and go to bed.

In addition, a child in 4 years should be able to cope with the process of dressing, undressing, eat and drink gently, use a napkin and a handkerchief, brush teeth and rinse your mouth after eating. At the age of 4, the baby is able to remember his first and last name, address, and the names of the parents. Classes of mathematics and familiarity with the alphabet will bring significant success, at this age an inquisitive kid grasps new knowledge literally on the fly. Do not be afraid that it is too early, just watch with what ecstasy the child displays the little letters or trying to count the bears.

How to make the development of a child in 4 years the most successful

A child attending a preschool receives all-round skills — both physical and verbal, emotional, social. However, this is absolutely not enough. Parents should contact as closely as possible with caregivers to make their contribution, much more significant, to the child’s development. The acquired knowledge and skills should be continued and consolidated at home, expressing approval for the success of the toddler.

In the case of home education, the role of moms and dads is even more important. Parents should be clear about what a child should be able to do when they are 4 years old, and try to meet recognized criteria. To do this, it is necessary to get acquainted with the methodological literature, to pick up a kid with age-appropriate books and coloring books, independently develop a complex of morning exercises. But the most important thing is not to make terrible orders and constant teachings a priority in raising a child, you should only push the silly in the right direction, gently offering help and praising for success. Calm benevolent relations, tender encouragement and approving support will give excellent results, and you will be surprised how rapidly and productively the development of a child is 4 years old.

Relations with others - what should a child be 4 years old

It is unlikely that there will be such parents who do not enjoy fun games and close communication with their children. However, at the age of four, the child is no longer enough; he needs to have friends in order to feel equal among equals. Lovely children's secrets, games for their childish, completely unique scenarios, the first conflicts and reconciliation - all these are absolutely necessary stages of becoming in society.

Relationships with adults around the child also change - the child loves to feel big and independent. Shake the stroller with your younger brother, help your mother carry a heavy bag (holding her hand, the baby faithfully believes in her invaluable help, and my mother's gratitude will not be superfluous), take an empty cup to the kitchen from under the drunk tea guest.

A child in 4 years should be able to:

- Greet and express gratitude for the gift;

- be able to manage your emotions;

- express sympathy and support;

- not only ask questions, but also be able to respond to the questions posed to him;

- share toys;

- obey the accepted rules in kindergarten and at home.

At this age, children tend to imitate, repeat the actions they like, so parents should carefully monitor their actions. This is especially true for handling hazardous items.

Reasons to worry about - what to look for

An active and sufficiently developed child at the age of 4 should be able to do quite a lot, and often attentive moms suffer from the question - is the child sufficiently developed, is he lagging behind in development compared to his peers? Dispel or confirm doubts will help signs, the appearance of which should be paid attention to. It is believed that the four-year-old little tot is lagging behind in development if it:

- refuses to play with peers;

- does not want to communicate with other people;

- unable to part with their parents and stay in kindergarten or with a nanny;

- does not know how to eat, wash, wash hands, brush teeth, dress and put on shoes;

- can not remember their name and surname;

- draw a line with a pencil or build a tower of a dozen cubes - an impossible task for the kid;

- categorically refuses to perform actions that a year ago did not cause protest and difficulties.

If most of these symptoms apply to your baby, do not consider this a trifle, consult a doctor. He will check the validity of the concerns and, if necessary, prescribe the appropriate treatment.

The development of each baby is an individual and unique process; one cannot expect exactly the same success and achievements from all children at a certain age. However, there are criteria by which an experienced specialist will competently determine whether a baby is developing correctly and does not need help and support.


Watch the video: Four Year Old Child Development Stages & Milestones. Help Me Grow MN (July 2024).