Financial horoscope for May: everything is unstable, but the prospects are encouraging!


An unstable financial situation is possible at the beginning of the month. Financial difficulties will end on May 11, and from May 21, when the sun enters the sign of Taurus, a period of active financial growth will begin.

So, in the period from May 11 to May 21, stars advise investing long-term money, and already in the period from May 21, they should think about career advancement and choosing a new, more promising job. If you occupy a managerial position, it is better to deal with all the accumulated cases in the period from May 11 to 16. But this is a common financial horoscope for May. What do the stars promise each of the signs of the zodiac?

Aries - May promises financial luck to the representatives of this zodiac sign. Of course, you are already trying, working and completely giving yourself to work, your favorite job. But now the most favorable period for establishing new acquaintances, relations with the aim of making a profit, income. This month, you may unexpectedly discover new sources of income for yourself, but do not expect the necessary opportunities to fall on your head - use your insight and charm to achieve the goal. You know how to set goals and achieve them. The financially favorable days will be May 11, 19, 29.

Taurus - if until recently your expenses exceeded incomes, then in May you have every chance to change the situation. Tip for everyone - plan your spending carefully. You know how to do it wonderful, you even like it. Plan your family budget and there is such an opportunity - postpone large purchases and acquisitions at the end of the month. For you, lucky days in terms of finance will be May 5, 14, 28.

Twins - you are very responsible in your work, strive for better results. And in May, you can receive encouragement for your work. The beginning of the month may be a time of unexpected expenses for you, but you always find a way out of the situation. If you feel financial difficulties at the beginning of the month - do not hesitate to ask your relatives and friends for help, they value you, but you try not to burden them. It's okay, now it will be their joy to help you in your business, to support you financially. The end of the month will be especially productive for you. You will feel the pleasure of working, especially on financially favorable dates of May - 12, 16, 25.

Crayfish - regardless of what type of activity you are engaged in, this month will be very financially favorable for you. If you are a leader, a business owner - try to think creatively, look for new ways of promotion, but do not act spontaneously, plan. If you are an employee - management will be favorable to you and especially appreciate those who take the initiative. Colleagues may dislike you for your ability to think outside the box, but this will not be a problem for you. You are a wonderful worker. Favorable will be financially such dates in May - 5, 13, 17, 31.

Lions - Are you used to relying on yourself, but taking care of relatives and friends? This month you will be generous, and it will be appreciated. The month will be very favorable in the professional sphere, you will enjoy the job and financial stability. For those who are in search of earnings, the period from May 11 to May 24 will be favorable. If you need a side job, search for it from May 5 to 15. Money will love you this month for your determination and uniqueness. The most favorable ones will be on May 7, 16, 25, 30.

Virgin - For those who are already in a difficult financial situation, this month promises new opportunities for overcoming the crisis. Thanks to your quickness and ability to find new opportunities, you can improve the situation with debts. In May, it is better not to issue loans. For the rest, May will be a period of testing your nerves for strength. You do not save on loved ones, and also do not save on yourself. You will cover the costs because you are self-confident and able to anticipate financial difficulties. The most favorable ones will be on May 4, 13, 21, 31.

Libra - for you this is a month of testing for strength, but you are so devoted to your work, strive to get the best result that you can solve any financial problems. Is your debt not your fault? Do you help a lot? By the end of the month, you can treat yourself. The most favorable for you will be - May 3, 12, 30.

Scorpio - Do not take risks between May 5-8. Do not spend or invest large amounts of money during this period. On other days, enjoy financial stability. You know how to establish contacts like nobody else, you know how to tune in to work - this is what you will do. Favorable for you will be - May 4, 8, 18, 22.

Sagittarius - You do a great job with your duties, but you don’t always appreciate and understand this. Do not tell anyone, stand your ground, do not succumb to provocations. Yes, there will be expenses, but you take money wisely, so May will be financially stable for you. Especially favorable - May 4, 14, 23.

Capricorns - you are always ready to work actively, and in May you will have to do this all month long. Yes, you will be able to relax a bit on holidays, but labor is everything for you. A month is not very financially favorable; you will be forced to spend more than you planned, but you will not lose heart. You always find a way out of a difficult situation. May 4, 14, 27 will become especially favorable.

Aquarius “You will want to rest more than work.” But this does not stop you from making a profit. This month’s advice is to establish communication with customers, look for new contacts, because they will bring you additional profit, and maybe a new job. Favorable will be - May 6, 15, 29.

Fish - you are a wonderful employee, but this does not mean that you do not need rest. Think about it until May 11th. After the 15th, expect not only financial income from the main job, but also additional finances. You certainly know what to spend money on properly and with pleasure. Do not be afraid of big expenses, if you really want something - let it yourself. Especially favorable - May 5, 14, 28.


Watch the video: Libra Ascendant or Libra Rising 2019 (June 2024).