Storage features of winter shoes


Nature regains color, and the thermometer stands out in the plus zone. Spring is coming! It's time to fold the fur coats and change shoes to a lighter one. But where and now how to store winter boots and shoes?


  • Before sending winter shoes "to rest", it must be thoroughly washed. If simple water does not take pollution, use a special shampoo for shoes. It will remove dirt and salt from the skin microcracks, which will significantly prolong the life of your shoes.
  • Clean the joints of the sole with shoe leather from dirt with an old toothbrush. A simple rag is unlikely to successfully cope with this operation.
  • During the winter season, your shoes undoubtedly acquired certain defects: a heel was worn out, a lock was worn, boots began to leak, etc. This factor should also be taken into account and shoes should be taken to a repair shop.
  • It is also necessary to process winter shoes with a special cream and polish with a dry cotton or flannel rag.


  • Care should be taken about the inside of winter shoes. If there are insoles, remove them, soak for a while in water with foam or shampoo, then dry thoroughly. If the insoles are damp, a mold can form on them during the spring and summer period of storage, which will significantly damage the quality of your shoes.
  • To rid the shoe of unpleasant odor, put a pair of cotton swabs dipped in vinegar in it, wrap the shoe in a plastic bag and leave it for 12-15 hours.
  • To prevent your shoes from losing their shape, put crumpled newspapers or foam rubber inside.


  • Boots or boots prepared for storage must be put in a box or a rag bag. Special plastic containers are very popular today. They are airtight and protect shoes from moths and dust.
  • When buying a new pair of shoes, you will surely find a special bag with silicone balls in the box. They protect shoes from damp. Put a couple of these bags in winter shoes.
  • Keep winter boots and boots away from sunlight. An ideal option for this would be a wardrobe, a dark closet or a place under the bed.

Careful storage and attitude to winter shoes will allow you to save money and not worry about the upcoming winter period. In addition, it will be very nice to get clean and well-groomed shoes, ready to immediately begin their “duties”.

Text: Katerina Pchelnikova


Watch the video: How To Choose Snow Boots (July 2024).