Scientists: TV negatively affects the development of speech in children


American scientists have found another evidence of the negative impact of watching television on the formation of children's speech activity.

Television has become part of our lives. Parents do not limit their children's TV viewing for a long time. The TV works as a background, under which children sleep, eat, communicate with their parents, sometimes even do their homework.

However, researchers have scientifically proved that background noise adversely affects the harmonious development of children's speech.

The experimental group consisted of 49 children aged from one to three years old, with whom parents communicated for 5.5 hours every day. For two years, while the study lasted, the parents communicated with the children only in the presence of the included TV, on which programs targeted at an adult audience were shown.

It was found that, despite the duration and content of the dialogs between parents and children, such background "accompaniment" leads to a slowdown in speech function in children.

Given this, doctors recommend parents to communicate and play with their children (at least with those whose age is less than two years) only when the TV is off.


Watch the video: How TV Affects the Brains of Young Children (June 2024).