Prayer for good trading


John Sochavsky, Nicholas the Wonderworker, John the Merciful, Seraphim of Sarov — every self-respecting merchant should know these names. And for someone who already knows, trade is fast, business is growing and money is flowing into your pocket. What is the secret of these names and how to pray to the patron saints in order to increase sales and strengthen the financial situation? What do sales depend on and how does faith relate to them?

Read the article.

Strong prayers for a good and successful trade for every day

There is no area in life in which prayer would not be useful. Have you noticed when buying vegetables in the same market every Sunday that the two salesmen standing next to each other have different sales? One sits like an owl over vegetables, while the other crowds customers, raising rates for the last kilogram of cucumbers. And because the vegetables are the same, the prices are the same, and the energy is different. What is the secret, you wonder, buying from the second vendor the notorious cucumbers. “Thank you, my dear, God bless you”, - the saleswoman will smile at last and, already leaving, you will be visited by insight.

Prayer. If there is magic, here it is, the good word of God, the open faith of the human soul. A bright message entails a bright response, because of old people pray to their patron saints. It is not difficult to pray for good trade, to do it wrongly, observing all the nuances is much more difficult. Knowing whom to pray and how to do it correctly, you will be able to increase your income and finally find long-awaited peace of mind.

Among saints, John Sochavsky, Nicholas the Wonderworker, John the Merciful, and Seraphim of Sarov, especially patronize financial affairs. You can also pray for your trade and your guardian angel, and the Lord God himself. Any prayer is an appeal to Heaven, and your faith and hope is the key to hearing you.

Prayer to John Sochavsky for successful trading

The Great Martyr John Sochavsky, himself a native of the commercial city of Trazepunta, has a special divine grace in helping merchants. Himself from a merchant family, he fervently believed in God and did not betray faith even in the face of evil.

Since ancient times, he has been suffering losses and those wishing stable profits in the following words:

"Holy Great-Martyr John! Priest from the heavenly palace on demanding your help and do not reject our petitions, but, like the beneficent benefactor and our intercessor, pray for Christ God, yes, human-loving and many-merciful, save us from all lyutgo circumstances: from a coward, a flood , fire, sword, invasions of foreigners and internecine warfare. May you not condemn us sinners by our iniquity, and let us turn good in the evil, bestowed upon us from the All-glorified God, but in praise of His holy name and in glorifying your strong intercession. will give us Guo Let the world of thoughts, refrain from evil passions and from all sorts of filthiness and strengthen His Holy One, the Catholic and Apostolic Church throughout the world, yuzheal to eat with His honest blood. Make prayer diligently, martyrdom, bless God, bless God, strengthen God. To the Orthodox Church, the living spirit of righteous faith and piety, and all its members, pure from suemudriya and superstition, worship God with spirit and truth and earnestly care about keeping His commandments, yes we will live in true spirit and attain blessed in peace and piety. Eternal life in heaven, by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, He also befits all glory, honor and power with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and ever and ever. Amen"

Of course, it would not be superfluous to have an icon of any size depicting a saint under the counter or in the workplace. Any, the strongest prayer for trade, can be repeatedly strengthened with the help of the icon.

Prayer to trade Nicholas the Wonderworker

Nicholas the Wonderworker knows everything: students, mothers, housewives, and merchants are no exception. Saint Nicholas, patron of commerce and the poor, has temples around the world, and merchants, travelers, sailors and artisans go to him.

A prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker must be sincere, - deep faith and honest business conduct is a prerequisite. He should pray only if the business suffers problems. The Wonderworker does not help more to those who are hungry; self-interest is sin, and the saint will not encourage it. Those who work honestly and sincerely pray, the Lord will reward them for their purity.

To call for the help of St. Nicholas, read the following prayer:

"Oh, our Great Mentor, Nikolay! You are kind and gracious, pious and magnanimous. I ask you to hear me, your servant (name), I pray to you and hope for help in business. See my work and diligence, humility and loyalty to the Lord God. Save from of hardships and falls, add mind and strength. Pray from the Lord for us mercy, may he save us from the wiles of enemies and direct us on the right path. May save us from the temptations and actions of dishonest people. Let us be rewarded for our sufferings, for our zeal and humility. We trust in your petition, ask for help. to your saint with prayers. Cover your wing from adversity and misfortune, help not to perish in the abyss of sinful and in the mud of our passions. We pray for the salvation of our souls and hope for great mercy. "

Divine prayer

The blessing of Cyril, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, Joseph of Volotsky became the patron saint of entrepreneurs of Russian Orthodoxy. He, the abbot, the wonderworker, and is devoted to a divine prayer for a successful trade.

It reads like this:

"Oh, most gracious and most glorious is our Father Joseph! Bringing your great boldness to God and resorting to your firm intercession, in sorrow of the heart, we ask you: illuminate us (names) with the light of grace granted to you and prayerfully help us the stormy sea of ​​this life to rest peacefully a refuge of salvation neblaznenno reach. Behold, the vain enslavement of being, sinful and infirm from the evils that have caused us. You have revealed the inexhaustible riches of grace in your earthly life. We believe that, even after your departure, you have multiplied the gift of yours, your gift, your faith. tempered now, you are resorted to, tenderly asking you, holier than God: he himself was tempted, helped us and tempted; with the help of a demon and strength, and protect us from attacks of the enemy, dying from the Lord the abundance of the fruits of the earth and all is necessary for salvation; shameful heretical wisdom, the Holy Church from heresy and schism and confusion with your prayers protect, yes we also appreciate all, with one heart glorifying the Holy One, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen".

How to ask John the Merciful about a good trade?

The prayer for trade to John the Merciful helps well at the initial stage of business development, when there are no customers yet, popularity is low and incomes correspond. John the Merciful, Patriarch of Alexandria is known throughout the world for wisdom, justice and care for the poor. The saint always paid tribute to those in need during his life and pray to him to this day.

One of the prayers to him is read to the icon, where the Prelate is depicted as giving alms, and it sounds like this:

"To the Prelate of God, John the Merciful, the protector of the needy from all kinds of misfortunes! We resort to you for protection and support in all troubles and sorrows. We ask you not to stop praying before God for all of us who turn to you with faith. God has been granted you the virtue by God himself. Prelate John the Merciful, you are like a full-flowing river that gives water to all those who thirst for water, but we don’t run out of sources. We believe in you, we know that after moving from Earth to Heaven, you continue to shower all those who suffer with generous mercies. intercedes for us with God's intercession, so that we find peace and serenity. Grant us comfort in the sorrows of time and benefits in the needs of everyday life, to instill in our souls hope of eternal rest in the kingdom of heaven. Amen. "

This prayer should be done every day. A little time later, things will start to improve and revenues will increase. Promptly praise John and the Lord and, taking part of the income, distribute it to the poor on the porch. Thus, you contribute to the scales of world justice.

Appeal to the Guardian Angel

In addition to support in the form of saints, a business person has a guardian angel. Old Russian merchants prayed to him, and this text was brought to our times by Siberians from the village of Kolyvan. A very strong prayer to the Guardian Angel for trade is pronounced daily, bringing good luck in business since the beginning of the working day. Every businessman should have such a prayer for a good shop every day.

"To you, angel of Christ, I cry. Ashe guarded and protected me, and preserved me, for I did not sin before, and would not sin against faith in the future. So answer me now, come down on me and help me. I have worked very much, and now you see my honest hands that I labored. Let it be, as the Scripture teaches, that it will be rewarded according to the labors. Give me back according to my labors, holy one, so that my hand would be weary and God-given to live. The Most High, and bestow my favor upon me with earthly bounty according to my labors. Amen. "

Pray to Seraphim Sarovsky

A prayer to Seraphim Sarovsky for trade is a good option for those who want to attract customers. In particular, if the goods are single-piece, rare and valued in narrow circles. Seraphim of Sarov, a hermit saint, is revered by people as an intercessor of people who know their business. Many who are self-confident, but not recognized by others, have found faithful admirers with the help of prayers to Rev. Seraphim.

A prayer for successful trading and attracting buyers to Seraphim of Sarov is read daily, before the start of the working day.

"O great Seraphim father, the great Sarovsky is miraculous, the quick-hearted helper who comes to you! In the days of your earth’s living no one is thin and inconsolable for you, but everyone has the sweetness of seeing your face and benevolent voice of your words. The gift of insight, the gift of feeble souls of healing is abundant in you. But when God is from earthly labors to heavenly rest, your love is no longer yours, and it is impossible to count your wonders, celestial: all over the end of the earth is our I am the people of God, and bestow healing upon them. ”And we also cry for you: O God, pleasing and meek God’s blessing, bold to Him is a prayer book, don’t hesitate to call upon God, strengthen your prayer to the Lord, strengthen our power, strengthen our prayer, let God give strength to us. all that is necessary in this life and all to spiritual salvation is useful, and protect us from sinful fall and true repentance, teach us, without hesitation, draw us into the eternal Heavenly Kingdom, go to the eternal glory, and then sing with all the saints of Givon the original Trinity until the end of the age. Amen".


Watch the video: prayer for stocks, forex, commodities, futures and options traders (June 2024).