Lose weight on tomatoes or peeling tomato diet


Today it is quite popular to lose weight on tomatoes. After all, tomatoes are considered a superfood useful product, and a tomato diet - getting rid of everything, starting from being overweight and ending with oncology.

Tomato diet is also called cleansing. They say that tomatoes, entering the body, immediately turn from vegetables into cleaners, starting to sweep the garbage out of us.

People claim that by eating some tomatoes for several days, you clean the intestines, blood vessels, remove toxins, slags, and radiation from the body.

Tomatoes are called healers for heart diseases, suppliers of vitamins, hunger killers, cellulite killers, and metabolism adjustors. Whether they are so many-sided, we will not say for sure, since they did not carry out complex experiments, and we do not want to use the gullibility of the readers. So let's consider the benefits of the tomato diet, in the existence of which we are sure.

So, why choose a tomato diet:

1. Tomato diet is not expensive. There is nothing to discuss. Indeed, to buy tomatoes at the end of the summer, a lot of money is not needed. Therefore, it is better to go on a tomato diet in the growing season of vegetables. In addition, adhering to this rule, you can be sure that you eat not stuffed tomatoes with rubbish, but the fruits that survived in the old fashioned way - in the garden under the sun.

2. Pressing on the tomatoes for two days, it is easy to lose 1-4 kg. And it is true. But just do not try to eat like this for a few weeks. Experts advise not to eat only tomatoes for more than two days in a row, as this can lead to serious problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Moreover, long-term observance of low-calorie diets does not improve, but slows down the metabolism. This means that when you begin to eat as before, the body does not immediately rebuild. The metabolism slowed down by tomatoes plus plentiful food equals sharp weight gain.

3. You will forget about constipation. Of course, it pleases. But, to be honest, eating only tomatoes in small portions, there is nothing special to take to the toilet. What kind of constipation is there?

Attention: Some of the girls who sat on the tomato diet complained of terrible diarrhea. But do not hurriedly reject the diet on tomatoes, labeling it as unsuitable. Perhaps those girls just forgot to wash the tomatoes or hands.

Tomato Express Diets

You can talk for a long time about the benefits of losing weight on tomatoes. But given quite enough. The time has come to delve into the essence of tomato express diets, which are not recommended to be observed more than once a month and longer than several days.

Tomato mono diet: 3 kg in two days

Let's start by talking about how much and under which sauce tomatoes are. If your goal is to lose 2-4 kg in two days, then sauces are canceled altogether, and with them any seasonings. All you need is 1 kg of tomatoes per day, well, in the extreme case, 1.5 kg.

The quantity of vegetables allowed for use is divided into 4 meals. Between meals - a break of 3 hours. Drinking is water. In the use of liquid there are no restrictions - as much as you want, drink as much. The main thing is to abandon the sweet soda water, your body now needs only normal. And then he will not be upset if you refuse to accept harmful drinks.

Remember: adhering to a tomato diet, tomatoes do not have to eat - you can drink them. How? Just make yourself a juice. Juicer is better to postpone, because you lose because of her part of the vegetables. Use a blender or meat grinder.

Tomato and cucumber menu - minus 3 kg / 5 days

You are afraid that you can not cope and will not be able to live on tomatoes? Then we offer a slightly expanded list of products from which you make a menu for yourself. Note that the weight loss on this diet will be almost the same as in the previous one - 1-3 kg, but it will have to stick to 5 days. A set of products per day: tomatoes (0.5 kg), cucumbers (1 kg), cottage cheese (4 tbsp. L.) Or a piece of cheese.

These foods can be eaten in any order, the only rule is that there should be four meals. The most optimal way out is to make yourself a salad of vegetables and cheese, dividing it into four equal portions. As for the water, it should be drunk about 2 liters / day.

Lose weight on tomatoes by 3 kg in 3 days (extended menu)

Want to lose weight on the same 3 kg, but for three days, while eating both tomatoes and cucumbers, and cheese, and also meat? Then go to the store for vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers) and greens, as well as chicken, hard cheese, cottage cheese. Here are two more surprises: you need to eat every 3 hours, starting at 7:00, and the number of meals to increase to five.

From morning, eat one fleshy tomato. For the second breakfast we double the number of tomatoes and add two thin slices of cheese to them. For lunch (or rather, at 13:00) make a vegetable salad and boil chicken breast. Lunch is identical to the second breakfast. For dinner, prepare a salad of greens, vegetables and 2 tablespoons. cottage cheese. For a salad, you can take any number of tomatoes and cucumbers, but just keep in mind that it should be enough for you to eat, but do not feel heavy in the stomach. Eat up is prohibited. After 19:00 you can have a cup of savory tea. Give advantage to the green leaf.

Two-week ration for dumping more than 5 kg

For girls who want to lose 8-15 kg, diets for 14 days are invented. To begin, let's talk about the one in which obese women lose 8 kg in two weeks. We prefer it, because such food can be considered safe. Menu:

- the first breakfast: three juicy tomatoes, two sandwiches (black bread, low-fat cottage cheese or hard cheese), grapefruit;

- second breakfast: two tomatoes;

- lunch: salad (tomatoes, cucumbers), 130 g of boiled rice, lean fish, cooked in a double boiler (100 g), sour apple;

- snack: the same as the second, breakfast;

- dinner: two chicken meatballs in tomato sauce, 100 g of buckwheat.

Extreme Tomato Diet

You can drop 15 kg / 2 weeks by eating 700 g of tomatoes per day, adding 200 g of fish to them every other day. In this case, it is necessary to abandon salt, drink only water (2 l) and green tea. Consider that such a diet is harmful to the body.

Tomato diet is contraindicated in people with kidney, intestinal, liver diseases. It is not suitable for adolescents, pregnant / lactating women, ulcers. Before following a diet, consult your doctor.


Watch the video: How To Lose 15 pounds in 7 days with Peel-a-Pound Soup (July 2024).