Avocado oil - its beneficial properties and uses. How to apply avocado oil in cosmetology for the beauty of hair and face.


From early childhood, every mother teaches her daughter to look after herself. Although it is generally accepted that beauty is not the most important thing that people have, nevertheless, we pay special attention to appearance, seeing a person not only for the first time, but for all subsequent times. That is why women tend to look better in order to attract the attention of the opposite sex and win over whoever likes it.

The main issue that worries the weak half of humanity so much is the question of maintaining youth and beauty. I want to see a young woman of incredible beauty in the mirror for as long as possible. How to make this possible? There are many interesting ways. Many of them have not even been put on public display. Such secret methods include the secrets of beauty, transmitted from generation to generation in distant lands. For example, in southern America, avocado oil is very popular, which is useful not only for the skin, but also for the hair, too. Let's find out more about him.

How to get oil from avocado

In order to gain oil from the fruits of avocados, they must be squeezed well. This is only possible using a method called cold pressing. Interestingly, oil can be obtained not only from the pulp of avocado, but even from a large bone inside the fruit. A prerequisite is that the fruits are ripe and juicy, because otherwise you will be able to squeeze out much less oil, which is not at all profitable.

Quality avocado oil has a greenish color, sometimes greenish yellow. Do not pay attention to the not very pleasant smell that you will feel when you hardly open a bottle of oil. The fake does not have such a pungent odor, so you can tell if you are trying to sell oil that will be diluted with something else. Such oil has practically no healing properties, and it will not bring special benefits.

What are the benefits of avocado oil?

The great value of avocado oil, in the first place, is that it is a real storehouse of useful substances, because it has many vitamins, minerals and various biologically active substances that play a large role in maintaining the human body in good condition.

The composition of this oil contains vitamin E, which is not only an excellent antioxidant, but also has properties that simply cannot be overestimated. Vitamin A helps to relieve inflammation of the skin, helps the speedy healing of wounds, cuts and microscopic skin cracks. Its deficiency in the body equals dull and aging skin, which will slowly but surely lose its elasticity and begin to sag.

The composition of the oil includes such a rare component as squalene. If you have not heard of this before, then you should definitely know that this component is of great importance, in particular, for the female body. Squalene helps normalize the body's hormone production process. It is very useful not only for pregnant women, but also for those who are only planning a pregnancy.

Squalene is able to give your skin lightness and freshness, prolong its youth and reward you with the opportunity to become the envy of other women who will not be able to sleep, and everyone will think about what is your secret beauty. Moreover, this component helps to increase immunity, therefore, regularly taking a little avocado oil, you ensure yourself a quiet life, completely forgetting what colds and flu are. This is especially true in the cold seasons, when everyone around is sick and the opportunity to catch an infection doubles, and especially in crowded places. But, you can’t help but leave the house, right? And, far from everyone, especially in our time, has the opportunity to buy a good drug to raise immunity in this way. And avocado oil is available to absolutely everyone and it does not harm internal organs.

The oil has a pleasant greenish tint because a lot of chlorophyll is concentrated in it. This component is incredibly useful for the cardiovascular system, nervous system, minimizes the likelihood of kidney stones, has a positive effect on the endocrine system, helps cleanse the body by removing toxins and toxins from it. It is worth noting that chlorophyll has an effect not only on internal organs, but is also capable of combating problems that arise from the outside. How many of us had to cancel dates due to the fact that in the most visible place a huge pimple got out, which in the near future can not be eliminated. Those who take avocado oil have not heard of such a problem. Chlorophyll helps to reduce inflammation of the skin and prevent the appearance of acne, pimples and other, no less unpleasant, imperfections on your skin.

Contraindications and possible harm to avocado oil

The use of oil is prohibited for those who are intolerant to at least one component that is part of it. But, you can find out about this only when you take the oil from avocado. Carefully monitor the slightest changes in your well-being. If the body reacted worse than you expected, then it is better to go to a specialist. Do not self-medicate.

If you are using oil for the first time and want to make a face mask with it, for example, then do not rush. Test the oil on a small area of ​​the skin before applying the mask to your entire face. If after five minutes the skin does not turn red and does not start to itch, then this means that you will not have an allergic reaction to the product, so you can safely continue using it without fear for the consequences.

If you suffer from diseases of the kidneys, liver or stomach, then be sure to talk with specialists before you start using the oil. Do not be too lazy to undergo a full examination and listen to the doctor's recommendations so as not to harm yourself.

Have you decided to take avocado oil inside? Then start doing this little by little, gradually increasing the daily dose. The first three days, carefully monitor your condition. The slightest change in well-being can become an occasion to stop drinking oil, because there is a possibility that further you will only get worse. And it is already very difficult to call treatment.

In order for the oil not to lose its healing properties, it must be properly stored. After each use, check that you have closed the bottle well. Avocado oil should not be in contact with air for long. It is best if this oil is in your refrigerator, because it loves the cold and can be stored much longer, even after the bottle is already open.

Ways to use Avocado Oil

This oil does not accept absolutely no heat treatment, so you need to take it the way it is - cold and in pure form. It is strictly forbidden to heat it, because at the same time some of its useful components run the risk of becoming harmful and adversely affect your condition and the general condition of your body.

If you have permanent problems with your teeth and often have to deal with gum disease, then avocado oil will come to your aid. Take a small container and pour a spoonful of oil into it, adding a couple of drops of your favorite essential oils. Mix all this well and you can already use it. Dampen a small piece of cotton wool in the solution and attach to the diseased gum. If you do this procedure twice a day, then soon positive changes will become visible and the inflammation will go away.

Benefits of Avocado Oil for Hair

In order to check the properties of oil on oneself it is not at all necessary to run to buy funds based on it. Each woman herself can add avocado oil to her favorite hair products with her own hands and continue using them.

If your scalp is too dry, which causes terrible discomfort, then avocado oil will help to counter this. When dandruff is tormenting and the head is already itchy, try brushing the hair at the roots with avocado oil and leave it for a quarter of an hour. The procedure is carried out on clean hair.

This oil is simply amazing for its versatility and uniqueness. It can be used both as a means of combating hair loss, and to moisturize the scalp, and to restore the hair to its former shine and volume. Add other oils, honey, vitamins to it and enjoy daily different masks.

Do not think that the result will be visible after the first use of the oil. Be patient and soon you will not be able to take your eyes off your reflection in the mirror.

The benefits of avocado oil for the face

One of the simplest examples of an avocado face mask is this mask: take a small thin towel and pour plenty of oil on it. Cover your face with a towel and hold for half an hour. During this time, the oil will have time to properly absorb the skin, moisturize it properly and produce a tonic effect.

If you want to get rid of crow's feet and wrinkles near the eyes forever, as well as remove signs of fatigue, rub avocado oil daily into the skin in the eye area. The components that are contained in the oil contribute to the smoothing out of wrinkles and give the skin freshness and elasticity.

Many women simply do not have enough time to make masks, and so they want to look good. There is an exit! Just add a little avocado oil to your face: gels, tonics, makeup removers, foams. But, do not pour oil into a tube of cream, for example. Just mix it with oil right in your hand and apply on skin.

Avocado oil will certainly amaze you with its healing properties and the ability to patch up, so to speak, your body in a short period of time. Impressive results have been achieved by those who use it constantly. You can also join their ranks. Do not run away from experiments, because only by trying can you find something new and useful for yourself. Let avocado oil be such a tool for you.


Watch the video: Avocado Oil For Shiny hair & Glowing Skin. Madams Choice (July 2024).