Climax. Do not be afraid.


Do you know that the word "climax" means "ladder" in Greek? And it depends only on you whether this ladder will help you to rise to a new level and begin a new, happy stage of your life.

Successful women are well-groomed and elegant. They lead an active lifestyle and masterfully combine family care and career building, gradually realizing their ambitious plans and becoming an example for children and grandchildren. Given the wide variety of services of cosmetologists and plastic surgeons, modern women have no age, but there is fear.

The fear that the arrival of menopause will trigger the inexorable aging process and quickly turn the blooming fair sex into a nervous and irritable woman, constantly suffering from sudden flushes and tearfulness. The onset of "women's autumn" scares with its unpredictability even the most self-confident women.

But the correct attitude to menopause and the desire to take care of themselves can help a woman to survive a second youth, where there is a place for fascinating hobbies, slim figure, fitness, travel, love and sex. A vivid example of this - Hollywood stars, which many love to be equal.

Surely Sharon Stone, Demi Moore, Jennifer Lopez and Monica Bellucci feel great during menopause, acting in films and changing young husbands and lovers, like gloves. Of course, someone will say that the best doctors, who serve the actresses, probably share the secrets of preserving eternal youth and well-being. And we can agree with this - most likely, the stars know that today, a woman of elegant age should have a good friend who can be trusted as the best friend.

And although Hollywood is far from us, highly professional gynecologists are ready to help you today - all you need to do is contact the International Medical Center HE CLINIC. Among the regular customers of the center are public people, including businessmen, politicians and show business stars, who are very demanding on the quality of treatment.

Gynecology of high class in the clinic

Gynecologists of HE CLINIC are of the opinion that menopause is a natural transitional state of the female body, and not a disease and a sentence. Clinic specialists offer their patients the most effective methods to get rid of unpleasant symptoms and to preserve and improve the quality of life.

The processes that occur with a woman during menopause are both typical and individual. The body of each woman responds differently to changes in hormonal levels, which can manifest itself in a noticeable weight loss, and in the increased weight gain. A special role here is played by the existing chronic diseases, the lifestyle of the woman, her diet and physical activity - all this must be taken into account when drawing up a plan of therapy. This once again proves that it is impossible to independently select medications to get rid of the symptoms of menopause, this can seriously harm yourself.

Only a highly qualified doctor can assess the situation and facilitate menopause, individually choosing the most effective methods of therapy for the patient. In HE CLINIC, modern antidepressants and drugs are used to reduce the effects of menopause on the body, reducing bone loss and preventing the development of osteoporosis, which is also important for women experiencing menopause. Topical treatment is also used to eliminate discomfort during sexual intercourse.

One of the most effective methods of treating menopausal syndrome with menopause is hormone therapy. Periodic courses of hormone therapy prescribed by a doctor, in some cases, are used to prevent such serious diseases as myocardial infarction and stroke.

When menopause should not wait for the symptoms to "pass" themselves, and silently suffer! Give yourself a couple of hours, make an appointment with the doctor and come to the reception. Modern medicine has many safe and effective methods to alleviate the symptoms of menopause. HE CLINIC specialists are ready to prove it to you!

Climax: the most common myths

There are many misconceptions associated with the ideas about the health of women in menopause. The task of each of us is to dispel myths for ourselves and to meet menopause fully armed, without letting anyone deceive themselves.

Myth 1. Appearance deteriorates with menopause

The weakening of the production of sex hormones really adversely affects the condition of the skin and hair of a woman. But timely administration of hormone-substituting drugs will help solve this problem. As the statistics show, those women who are in constant stress, do not give up bad habits, do not do fitness and are interested in junk food, cannot boast of good appearance.

And proper personal care, including comfortable exercise and a balanced day regimen, contribute to the eternal beauty of women, regardless of the onset of menopause.

Myth 2. During menopause character deteriorates

Perhaps, besides changes in appearance, women are afraid that with the onset of menopause, they will become the heroines of jokes about menopause and turn into vicious shrews, unable to restrain aggression. This, in their opinion, will not delay most negatively affect relations with colleagues and relatives.

In fact, with the blues, tearfulness and irritability can be effectively deal with the help of a healthy lifestyle, an adequate amount of sleep and special medications. As practice shows, in women who are observed in gynecologists of HE CLINIC, during menopause, there are no undesirable changes in character.

Myth 3. With the onset of menopause, you can forget about sex

If a woman is healthy and does not forget to follow her state of health, the onset of menopause will not be an insurmountable barrier, beyond which the desired love and sex no longer live. Gynecologists believe that during menopause, sex can and should be done, because it still remains important enough for both the physical health of the woman and her psychological state.

Since the production of natural lubricant for moisturizing the vaginal mucosa decreases with age, women are advised to use special products to prevent the appearance of dryness and discomfort.

Myth 4. Climax is the beginning of endless diseases.

Once having experienced the first symptoms of menopause — increased sweating, hot flashes, rapid heartbeat, headache — some women doomedly decide that the youth has passed, which means that only disease lies ahead. In fact, adequate therapy and the help of an experienced gynecologist will help not only to forget about the symptoms of menopause, but also to prevent the development of many other diseases characteristic of women older than 45-50 years. All this will allow you to stay young and healthy for many years.

Myth 5. Hormone therapy leads to weight gain

Currently, for hormone therapy, doctors recommend drugs that contain hormones in very low doses. They do not adversely affect lipid and carbohydrate metabolism and do not lead to undesirable changes in shape.

Of course, the safety of hormone-substituting treatment should be relied upon only when you seek advice from a highly qualified gynecologist, rather than buying at the pharmacy the first available drug that your friend recommended to you.

The danger of self during menopause

Hormone therapy for menopause is contraindicated in patients with such diseases:

  • endometrial, ovarian, breast cancer;
  • coagulopathy;
  • liver disease;
  • thromboembolism, thrombophlebitis;
  • unexplained uterine bleeding;
  • renal failure.

Before the appointment of hormonal drugs that reduce the manifestation of symptoms of menopause, it is necessary to conduct a full diagnosis, including ultrasound, mammography, smear analysis and blood analysis. Do not trust the doctors who offer you to take any medication without a preliminary examination! Remember - your health is at stake!

Contact HE CLINIC - Medical Center, where you will definitely find your doctor! Your well-being is our concern!


Watch the video: Weiss Schwarz Tutorial Phase 4: ClimaxAttack Phase Finale (June 2024).