Oil cream: recipes for interlayers and home baking decorations. Simple and sophisticated options for making butter cream


A delicious, pleasing tongue and heart that turns the most uncomplicated cake into a work of culinary art - it's all about it, about butter cream!
The most striking thing is that it takes very little time to prepare the sweet mass - sometimes literally three minutes. But the result is guaranteed to be excellent - to spoil the oil cream is simply impossible.

Butter cream - the general principles of cooking

There are many ways to prepare a cream base.

You can, without further ado, simply mix the butter with condensed milk, or you can turn around a real kitchen affair with a long whipping of the oily mass, including eggs, milk and chocolate in the recipe, adding powdered sugar or syrup, brewing the flour mixture, and even inviting a sweet cream to the sweet company cheese!

Oil cream can coat the layers of the future "Napoleon" or "Prague", fill the eclairs and tubes of puff pastry, make various roses and make inscriptions. And all because any butter cream cake perfectly keeps its shape, does not flow and does not cause any troubles to the hostess at all.
Its basis is butter. It just has to be fresh, made from real cream. Spread or margarine, which often hides under the guise of quite a decent industrial tutu, can ruin the whole thing. The maximum that you can decide is a very high-quality cream margarine. But this is more the exception than the rule.
The main ingredient of the cream base should also not contain any foreign odors. Therefore, the desire to put into work a pack that has stagnated in the refrigerator, albeit a real one, but far from fresh oil, must be stopped.
Methods for preparing a cream mass are different: mixing, rubbing, beating, brewing. Both taste and appearance of the final product depend on it: whether it will be loose or dense, white-matte or yellowish. Adding natural or high-quality industrial dyes and flavors allows you to vary the end result almost infinitely.

Oil cream with condensed milk

The easiest way to quickly make butter cream cake is to simply mix two products: butter and condensed milk. The cream is not accidentally called "Sweet life": it is possible to use both ordinary and boiled condensed milk for its preparation. In the first case, the mass will be more liquid and creamy-matte, and in the second, a thick, pleasant yellowish-brown color.
• one pack of butter (or 200 grams by weight);
• two thirds of a can of condensed milk (you can take the whole can - this is a matter of taste).
Cooking method:
Wait for the oil to soften naturally at room temperature or speed up the process in a water bath. It is important that the oil is soft, not melted: nothing will come out of the liquid oil solution. You need to focus on the consistency of thick cream.
Mixer or by hand, whisk, beat the butter until the state of the air cloud. It is quite enough to work four minutes.
Continuing to whip butter, add condensed milk in one spoon.
Combining all the ingredients, another ten or fifteen minutes to work with a mixer or a whisk - until the mass becomes completely homogeneous, airy.
You can use this cream as you like. It is perfect for sandwiching and making sweet decorations.

Custard oil cream

Oil cream cake called "Charlotte" It is made from butter, eggs and milk by brewing. The recipe does not include flour and allows you to get a very light, soft creamy mass, which can be used not only for cakes, but also for cake. A variation of this product - "Chocolate Charlotte." The principle of cooking is the same as for the main recipe, with the inclusion of two or three tablespoons of cocoa.
• one pack of butter;
• half a cup of milk;
• two eggs;
• three-quarters cup of granulated sugar;
• tablespoon of brandy;
• bag of vanilla sugar.
Cooking method:
Prepare a sweet egg mixture, vigorously beating eggs and sugar.
Add a thin stream of hot milk to the boil.
Warm up the egg-milk mixture until boiling, stirring continuously, and then boil the syrup for two minutes.
When the temperature of the mixture drops to room temperature, start beating the softened butter. After two or three minutes, enter the first portion of the egg-milk syrup - no more than one tablespoon. So, gradually, combine the oil with the mixture completely.
The resulting butter cream for the cake does not have a cloying-sweet taste, smooth, glossy, very good for decorating pastries.

Cream Cheese Butter Cream

Amazing original taste has oil cream for cake "American boyfriend"made on the basis of soft cream cheese. Delicate cheese taste of milk and cream, a subtle hint of butter, a little bit of powdered sugar, flavoring at will - and the fantastic taste of this butter cream will be simply impossible to forget.
• one and a half packs of butter (or 25 grams by weight);
• half a cup of powdered sugar (150 gram can be weighed out);
• 100 ml jar of cream cheese: Philadelphia, Ricotta, Mascarpone.
Cooking method:
Remove the butter and cheese from the refrigerator - they should be at room temperature.
Beat the butter with a mixer or a whisk for about five minutes, achieving an airy, silk consistency.
Introduce icing sugar and continue beating for another five minutes.
Combine butter and cream cheese, beat for at least two minutes.
Optionally add to the cream flavor: lemon, vanilla, liquor.
You can diversify the idea by dividing the resulting cheese-butter mass into two parts and adding a dye to one of them.

Butter cream without eggs

Excellent custard butter cream for the cake is obtained by adding flour to the mixture. Highlight recipe called "Vanilla Sky" - lack of eggs. Parents of allergic children, pay special attention to him! To please the kid with an allergy to a chicken egg, you can make a simple lean cake and decorate it with this butter cream.
• one glass of granulated sugar;
• a glass of warm water;
• two tablespoons of flour;
• one and a half packs of butter (about 25 grams by weight);
• bag of vanilla sugar or vanilla.
Cooking method:
Soft butter cut into small cubes and mix with vanilla sugar or vanilla.
Pour sugar into a saucepan, pour half a glass of water and melt on medium heat until the grains disappear completely.
Pour flour over the second half of the water, stir well so that there are no lumps.
Gradually add the flour solution to the sugar syrup, constantly mixing through the mass.
Boil the mixture until thickened - it should resemble a thick sour cream or mush.
Remove from the stove to cool.
As soon as the flour base has become warm, add vanilla oil into it and beat until fluffy, ensuring complete homogeneity of the butter cream.
Cream mass is perfect for cakes, pastries, eclairs.

Liqueur oil cream

Oil cream called "French Dawn" also prepared on the basis of brewing flour, but involves the use of eggs. This gives the mass extra elasticity, and the liqueur note - French chic and sophistication. The cream is especially good for decorating desserts.
• four eggs;
• one and a half glasses of sugar;
• three tablespoons of flour;
• half a liter of milk;
• about 400 grams of butter (two packs);
• bag of vanilla sugar or vanilla;
• a glass of liquor.
Cooking method:
Remove the oil from the refrigerator, wait for its natural softening.
In a dry skillet, fry the flour, stirring constantly, until it turns golden. Cool it down.
Eggs (cold) must be rubbed with white sugar.
Gradually add egg syrup to the cooled, roasted flour until it is fully used.
Boil the milk and gradually pour it into the flour mixture.
Put the mixture on a small fire and, stirring constantly, bring to the first signs of boiling. Cool it down.
Beat the soft oil into the air cloud and, continuing to beat, introduce a little egg-flour base.
As soon as the oil cream is ready, add the liqueur, vanillin, whisk again and send to the refrigerator to cool.
Cooked cream can be served as a dessert, decorated with berries and a portion of vanilla ice cream.

Chocolate Butter Cream

Cream "Chocolate Beach" can be a universal product, giving individuality to any cake. The classic combination of butter, vanilla and two varieties of chocolate will certainly lift your spirits and warm you in bad weather.
• two glasses of powdered sugar;
• a pack of soft butter;
• bag of vanilla;
• a bar of milk chocolate;
• two thirds of the bitter chocolate bar.
Cooking method:
Mixer or whisk whisk soft butter, vanillin and caster sugar.
Separately, melt the milk and bitter chocolate.
Pour chocolate into the sweet oil mass, achieving absolute uniformity, about two minutes.

Oil cream - tricks and tips

Prepare a simple butter cream is very simple. However, there are some tricks that you should know before you get to work.

  • Experienced housewives were faced with the effect of "clipping" in the preparation of a simple butter cream on condensed milk: the oil seemed to be divided into grains, the mixture resembles kefir or flakes of coagulated milk in consistency. It almost does not affect the taste, but the appearance spoils. There are two ways to fix the situation. The first is to try heating the mixture in a water bath and beat it well again. If there is no result, you can, on the contrary, cool the cream, mix it again, put it in a large sieve and wait until all the liquid has drained. Once this has happened, you can reheat the cream and beat it up, adding a little more soft oil. If this did not help either, then either the butter or condensed milk contains too many vegetable oils. There is nothing to do: you have to use the cream mass in such an unsightly form. Inside the layers, the defect will not be noticeable, and the top can be masked with confectionary chips, grated chocolate, etc.
  • A problem with the compounding of the oil-milk substance can be caused by too much temperature difference between the products. It is important that both butter and condensed milk are at the same room temperature. To do this, you need to get them out of the refrigerator five to six hours before the start of cream preparation.
  • To get the perfect cream, you need to whip it on ice. No ice It does not matter: it is perfectly replaced by the "ice bath". The whipping container should be placed in a wide bowl filled with very cold water.
  • If you prepare the main oil cream, then the introduction of a variety of flavors, you can get up to twelve or fifteen different variations in taste and color. Flavoring and aromatic additives should be introduced in the final work, when the mass is fully formed.
  • To get the natural orange flavor and color of the butter cream, you need to take a half orange juice and add orange zest. Instead of an orange, you can use lemon, lime, mandarin.
  • To get a cherry cream you will need a spoonful of natural cherry juice. If there is no fresh berry, you should not be upset. Juice can be replaced with a tablespoon of cherry syrup, jam or tincture. In addition to a specific pleasant aroma, the cream will acquire a beautiful noble color and can be used to make oil "flowers". Variation of taste and color - black currant syrup.
  • Amazingly beautiful and tasty coffee oil cream is obtained. This is a great alternative to the "Chocolate Beach". In the finished oil base, you can enter a tablespoon of coffee-flavored liqueur or make a coffee tincture by brewing ground coffee with half a cup of boiling water and boiling it on the small hob for about twenty minutes. After the liquid has cooled, it can be used as a natural coffee flavor.
  • Similarly, you can make a tea infusion. This flavor will appeal to lovers of strong drink and will have a subtlely piquant touch.
  • The aroma of noble cognac will give ordinary homemade butter cream a fair amount of nobleness. A hundred grams of cream will require a tablespoon of a noble strong drink. Variation - the use of expensive rum instead of brandy. A rougher flavor will add brutality to the dessert and will be met with cheers by both men and women.
  • Children will like honey more. To obtain it will require only one tablespoon of liquid fresh delicacy. If honey is candied, if you should melt a little.
  • To get the magic almond flavor, you need to fry the grains of fresh almonds, grind the nuts to a state of powder and add two tablespoons of flavored product to the oily mass. Instead of almonds, you can take any well-peeled and pounded nuts.


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