Bruises under the eyes - is it just ugly or dangerous? How to remove bruises under the eyes quickly and at home


There is hardly a single person who never in his life would have had to deal with bags and bruises under his eyes. Hide bruises, especially if you do not use cosmetics, almost impossible. Someone does not pay attention to them, others are accustomed to simply mask the defects and only a few understand that the causes of bruises under the eyes can be completely different, including those that require medical intervention.

Bruises under the eyes: causes

If you think that the bruise under the eye from a blow is the only thing that can threaten you, then you are greatly mistaken. If we summarize all the existing causes of this phenomenon, they can be divided into two large groups: factors that are temporary and go away by themselves, and symptoms that require medical control.

The first group includes many causes of bruises under the eyes, the most common of which are:

• Chronic fatigue. The fact that working capacity and endurance is very good in professional terms does not at all mean good physical health. If you regularly sacrifice sleep and good rest, then soon you will have to think about how to get rid of bruises under the eyes.

• Work associated with sitting in front of the monitor. Regardless of whether you are doing some work or just watching the monitor (for example, showing an image from a security camera), you need to give your eyes some rest, otherwise bruises cannot be avoided.

• Smoking. When a person smokes - his vessels invariably suffer, which can not but affect the appearance of the skin. Oxygen starvation can in no way be called beneficial to the skin, it often becomes the cause of the appearance of bags and bruises under the eyes.

Avitaminosis. If blue circles under the eyes bother you only at a certain time of the year (more often in the spring), then this may be a sign of a lack of vitamin C in the body. The best option in this case will be good nutrition, including fresh vegetables and fruits.

• Stress. If your life is hardly emotionally calm, the likelihood of such a problem increases exponentially. Unfortunately, it is unlikely that you will be able to completely avoid stressful situations in life, but still it is not a problem to be calm about treating what is happening.

• Age. When a person first grows up, and then grows old, the fatty layer separating the blood vessels from the skin of the eyelid becomes thinner. As a result, the vessels are better seen and a blue effect is created.

• Heredity. Thin, translucent skin is a genetic trait inherited. Therefore, if one of the parents (and even more so both) struggled with the problem under consideration all his life, one should not be surprised at the appearance of bruises under the eyes of a child who was born.

• Unbalanced nutrition. Delicious food is extremely rarely helpful. And such moments as the addition of various seasonings, the abuse of strong tea and / or coffee will inevitably provoke swelling of the eyelids. Because of this, blood will flow to the vessels vigorously, thus making the bruises even brighter.

All of the above reasons are united by one thing: by eliminating them, a person gets rid of the blue under the eyes, if not immediately, then for sure - in a fairly short time. But the factors belonging to the second group, so to speak, will not work: most of them require the attention of a doctor:

• Bruises under the eye from impact. You should not assume that, knowing the reason for the bruise, you are safe. If the cause was a physical injury - a medical examination is obligatory, as it can help identify hidden damage, the timely detection of which is the key to preserving vision.

• Bruises under the eyes of a child. Such a state should immediately alert the parents, because, due to their age, fatigue and some other factors are immediately excluded. The most harmless reason in this case is a lack of vitamin C, however, even the doctor will tell you better.

• Side effects from the use of certain medications. Since any medication should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor, it is precisely him who should be informed about what consequences arise after taking. The doctor may consider it necessary to replace the drug or to revise the dosage.

• An allergic reaction is not always manifested by redness or rash. Often one of the signs is precisely the blue lower eyelids. Examination of the doctor and his help are required, as another, far from safe, stage of complication of allergies is angioedema.

• Focusing on how to remove bruises under the eyes, many completely forget that this is often the first symptom of various diseases. Often it manifests itself long before all other signs and may indicate:

- kidney disease

- the presence of pathological changes in the pancreas

- worm infestation

- metabolic disorders

- Verlgof disease

- aplastic anemia

- enlarged adenoids (in children)

- endocrine system malfunction

- disorders in the cardiovascular system

- pathologies of the ophthalmologic sphere (blepharitis, conjunctivitis, etc.).

It is quite clear that in such cases it will not be possible to do without the help of a doctor.

How to recognize the danger of bruises under the eyes?

Many people do not dare to bother the doctor about what they sincerely think is a trifle. After all, the blue on the lower eyelid does not cause physical discomfort, does not hurt, rather slowly progresses. However, there are certain signs that indicate that you (or your loved one) should see your doctor as soon as possible.

So, you noticed that the skin under your eyes significantly changed its color. If at the same time such activities as a good rest, elimination of a stressful situation, etc. did not bring the expected result - it's time to go to the doctor.

In order for the diagnosis to be of high quality, in any case, do not use cosmetics. It may be that the doctor only needs an external examination to determine exactly what the problem is and how to get rid of bruises under the eyes. However, this is not always possible. More often, the therapist decides which of the narrow specialists to refer the patient to: an allergist, an endocrinologist, a gastroenterologist — there is one or even several of those who show blue under the eyes in the list of problems for which each of these specialists is responsible.

Further diagnosis is to conduct laboratory and instrumental examination. With regard to tests, it is advisable to check the body for the presence of Giardia, put feces on the eggs of the worm, examine the level of hormones, conduct general urine and blood tests, as well as donate blood biochemistry. In the event that none of the above measures helped to clarify the reason for the bruising, instrumental diagnostic measures are appointed.

Electrocardiogram, ultrasound examination of internal organs, computed tomography, MRI helps to detect diseases that can appear blue under the eyes. If, in the course of a thorough examination, the cause was not found, the patient should turn to a good cosmetologist.

Methods for treating bruises under the eyes: what can you do yourself?

Most of those who are faced with the problem in question, first of all, think not about the reasons that led to such a condition, but about how to quickly remove bruises under the eyes.

In women, most often this is due to the desire for beauty, so they use all sorts of cosmetics to get rid of the defect. There are also ways that get rid of bruises for a short time - it is suitable for those who for various reasons can not use tinting agents, but at the same time must appear in public in normal form.

Do not try to get rid of the blue circles on your own if you know for sure that this or that internal disease is their cause. Moreover: for all recommended methods spend no more than 3-5 days. If during this time you do not find an improvement or notice that the color has become more intense - visit the hospital and consult your doctor.

Independent measures to get rid of bruises on the eyelids consist of two stages.

The first is the elimination of all those causes that can provoke this problem. So, first you need to sleep well, then tune in a positive way and try to avoid stress. In addition, we should not forget about the mode of work and rest: no matter how important the position you hold, if it is related to working at a computer, take hourly breaks, at least for a while.

Smokers are encouraged to abandon this bad habit, or at least keep the number of cigarettes smoked to a minimum. Do you belong to the category of people who do not think of their day without regular consumption of strong coffee or tea? Try to drink the last batch no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime. Also, it does not hurt to enrich the diet with products containing vitamin C: even if the blue appeared for another reason, they definitely will not be superfluous.

The second stage is the use of folk remedies for treating bruises under the eyes. We will write about this below.

Note again: if all the above recommendations do not have the desired effect - do not delay the visit to the doctor!

How to get rid of the bruise provoked by the blow?

It has already been said that for any injury to the eye, no matter how insignificant it may seem to you, it is necessary to consult a doctor. In that case, if the inspection shows that all damage is exclusively external and does not affect the structure of the eye, you can use the recommendations on how to quickly remove the bruise under the eye. After all, it is not too pleasant to walk with the blue age, especially if it is an obvious hematoma.

If possible, directly after the strike, attach something rather cold to the damaged area. Please note: ice or another source of cold should not directly touch the skin - they must be wrapped in a cloth, the layers of which should be reduced as it is heated.

If, for various reasons, time is missed, and the bruise is already on your skin, try to try some proven recipes:

• Because a bruise is nothing more than an accumulation of blood in vessels located close to the skin, a century massage with a cloth dipped in vinegar will cause blood flow to the damaged area. Thanks to this hematoma will disappear faster. Massage should be done at least 5-10 minutes every few hours.

• Badyag is an excellent remedy, which literally removes even quite strong hematomas from a bruise literally in one day. You can buy the ointment with its content in the pharmacy. And you can always keep on hand the powder, which is diluted in the proportion indicated on the package with sunflower oil and applied to the affected place in the form of compresses.

If you are worried about pain or even the slightest discomfort at the place of impact, do not make any attempts to remove bruises under your eyes at home: you may have been seriously injured because of which your vision may deteriorate.

We remove bruises under the eyes at home

So, all the diagnostic measures described above confirmed that you do not have any diseases in which this phenomenon is a symptom. So - you can easily spend some effective procedures aimed at improving your appearance. After all, a full sleep and life without stress are not always possible, and you want to be attractive every minute. You can try one of the following recommendations:

1) Perfectly copes with the problem under consideration such a familiar product like potatoes. At its discretion, you can use it both raw and welded. In the first case, wash the tubers thoroughly and, without clearing, cut two circles with a thickness of 6-7 mm from them. Lie in a comfortable position, close your eyes and put potato circles on them for at least 20 minutes. If you use this product in boiled form, then mash (add milk to enhance the effect), cool it to body temperature and place on the eyes, also for a third of an hour. After the procedure, be sure to wash: when using raw potatoes - cold, and boiled - with warm water.

2) A great way to remove bruises under the eyes for the day also implies the use of potatoes, but not one of them. Wash the middle tuber, grate, slightly squeeze out the extra juice. Having prepared everything you need within reach - lie down, close your eyes, lubricate the eyelids and the area around the eyes with olive oil. Apply the potato mass. In half an hour, wash the brewed natural green tea without additives.

3) It copes with the blue under the eyes and ordinary cottage cheese. It should be rubbed until smooth, and then for a third of an hour to put on the eyes in the form of a compress. After a specified time, remove the cottage cheese with a cotton swab moistened with tea brew.

4) The easiest way to use as many times as you drink tea during the day is to put used tea bags into closed eyes. Please note: their temperature should be no higher than body temperature.

5) If the bruises on the face - this is your usual condition, which is already poorly coped with quick help, use the following recipe. Crush walnuts into a homogeneous mass (in a coffee grinder, mortar), take 15 g of the resulting mass, mix with 25 grams of melted butter. Then carefully add to the mixture a couple of drops of natural juice - lemon or pomegranate. This mask is applied to the area around the eyes for a third of an hour, after which you need to wash with water at room temperature.

6) Another effective advice on how to remove bruises under the eyes for a day is better to use only in the cucumber season (in those vegetables that decorate the shelves of supermarkets in the winter, there is too little useful). Cucumber should be grated as small as possible, and then mixed in equal parts the resulting mass, fat sour cream and chopped greens (parsley, cilantro). Mix it thoroughly, distribute the mask on the eyes, wash in a third of an hour.

7) If you do not have the necessary ingredients - just cut two cucumber circles and place them in front of your eyes for half an hour.

8) Chop the parsley thoroughly and mix it 1: 1 with soft butter. Use the resulting mass instead of night cream, following the rules of applying such.

9) If you have the time that you are ready to spend on your health - prepare compresses from decoctions of herbs with a calming effect (lemon balm, mint, chamomile).Such compresses can be applied in the form of heat, wetting the cotton wool, or by using cosmetic ice from a decoction, which is very useful for wiping around the eyes daily.

10) Whitens the skin and helps to eliminate the blue of the following recipe: crumb white bread pour very cold milk. Try to make gruel. Apply it for a third of an hour on closed eyes and the area around them, remove with a swab dipped in milk, wash with warm water.

Prevention of bruises under the eyes

Prevention of such a condition is quite simple: you just need to exclude from your life the causes that can trigger the color change of the lower eyelid.

In addition, prevention can also include regular visits to the doctor for the timely identification of any disease, a symptom of which are bruises under the eyes. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to avoid the diseases themselves, no matter how careful preventive measures you take.

To look attractive and not to waste time on the daily disguise of dark circles, take care of yourself first and foremost: try to fully relax, sleep at least 7-8 hours a day, not go to bed late and fully eat. As a rule, the listed preventive measures are sufficient to ensure that the blue does not appear or disappear after several procedures described above.

If you had to face the problem of blue around the eyes, do not rush to grab all sorts of ways to eliminate it.

First of all, you should get a doctor's opinion that you have no internal diseases of any kind, and only then apply these or other ways of dealing with bruises. Otherwise, you risk to hide an important symptom that can help your doctor to determine the diagnosis.


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