How to properly care for skin after 35?


The age of thirty-five is a definite milestone in the life of every woman. After 35 years, women seek to preserve the beauty of all available means. By this age, many appear pronounced wrinkles, skin elasticity is lost and the facial contour is distorted. Facial skin care is much different from the procedures at a younger age. With daily and proper care it is possible to slow down the aging process of the skin.

Features of skin after 35 years

After 35 years, any skin undergoes age-related changes: more and more facial wrinkles, flabbiness, and sagging are formed. It produces less collagen and elastin, supporting the elasticity and firmness of our skin. At this age, the skin becomes thinner and dries out, and renewal procedures in the body slow down.

Beauticians recommend connecting regular anti-aging care.

Nevertheless, it is quite difficult to give universal advice to the age group from 30 to 40 years. The condition of the skin at this age is very different. Women with a dry skin type are overwhelmed with a feeling of dryness, tightness of the skin, and there are complaints about the appearance of wrinkles. Owners of oily skin, still worried about the oily sheen in the T-zone.

If you do not start caring for your face in time, then such defects as:

  • Flabbiness;
  • Wrinkles;
  • Pigmentation;
  • Vascular mesh on the cheeks;
  • Bags under the eyes;
  • Swollen eyelids.

Such a disappointing picture of a modern woman can radically change with the help of proper facial care.

Skin care rules

It is necessary to recognize the fact that in 30 years the skin begins to lose elasticity. Even if you, looking in a mirror, do not notice any age changes, you should not relax. Therefore, take care of skin care, even if it seems that it is in perfect condition.

Dermatologists say - aging comes abruptly and unexpectedly. Before you begin to properly care for your skin after 35 years, it is important to determine your skin type. Leather is divided into the following types:

  • Oily;
  • Dry;
  • Combined;
  • Normal

According to cosmetologists and dermatologists, over the years, skin changes its characteristics. This is confirmed by the fact that previously helping skin care products no longer work effectively.

In order to maintain the epidermis in good condition, you need to choose the appropriate cosmetics. A significant role is played by proper nutrition, fresh air, an active lifestyle and harmony with itself.


The first thing we do is to take care of the skin - washing. It is strictly forbidden to wash soap. It dries the skin, and it is very negative for its condition. Choose skin by skin type.

Washing you are already starting to care for your face, because the right tool solves certain problems. In the morning we bring the skin into a tone, we drink vitamins, we prepare to apply cosmetics, and in the evening we get rid of excess makeup, skin fat, dirt and dust.

For cleansing the skin is ideal collagen foam for washing.

In a few words about the properties of collagen:

  • Strengthens the skin frame;
  • Aligns the contour of the face;
  • Blocks moisture loss.

We do not recommend using lotions or tonics after cleansing, as they cause dry face. After washing the skin, blot with a towel, it should not be rubbed or stretched. If in the morning it is just enough to wash with foam, then in the evening the cleansing should be more thorough. Cosmetologists advise not to wash off cosmetics before bedtime, but immediately after you returned home.

Moisturizing and nutrition

After cleansing the face should be moisturizing. Many people have too high hopes for moisturizing cream after 35 years, supposedly it should moisturize and protect from the sun, remove pigmentation and smooth out wrinkles. In fact, the function of a moisturizer is more primitive and simple.

When choosing a cream, remember that it has seasonality. In the summer it is better to choose moisturizing, and in the winter nutritious.

Moisturizer has 3 main uses:

  • Moisturizing;
  • Protection;
  • Nutrition.

The most important function is moisturizing. It can be compared to how we drink 2 liters of water every day in order to speed up the metabolism. Moisturizing products stabilize metabolic processes in the skin.

If we talk about the protective function, then moisturizers protect the skin from ultraviolet rays and free radicals. Antioxidants fight free radicals. As part of the products they are present in the form of vitamin C, E, green tea extract, etc.

Nutritional function is synonymous with emollient. Here are creams with fatter textures. Typically, these tools complement ceramides. Ceramides are an important component of the cell membrane. The ability of the cell to divide will depend on their quantity and quality. These cells are very important for mature and withering skin.


In the fight against wrinkles, anti-aging remedies are the best way. Anti-age creams differ from moisturizers only in that they contain a special protective and nourishing complex.

Be sure to choose a suitable essence or serum for yourself, in essence it’s the same thing. Serum contains an increased concentration of active ingredients and works as an independent product and increases the effectiveness of the cream.

Anti-aging creams keep the skin in good shape, slowing the aging process.

Beauticians advise to choose essences with snail extract. The essence helps to keep enlarged pores in tone, brightens, eliminates small wrinkles and rashes. There are essences with collagen that help produce a natural substance that prolongs youth and beauty.

Day and night care

After the age of 35 years, it is necessary to carry out procedures in the beauty salon, that is, to visit a beautician and to replenish comprehensive courses for appearance care. It is also important to properly care for the epidermis at home and choose the appropriate cosmetics.

With age, facial skin becomes more sensitive and capricious, so natural remedies should be added to day care. They are more benign, and the active natural ingredients in the composition will add softness to the skin.

Add intensive moisturizing facial masks to daily care. In such masks most often contains vitamin E, C, A. Useful substances nourish the skin, making it velvety and fresh.

The most important point in skin care is getting rid of scrubs. This type of exfoliation is better to replace with a soft peeling, which will gently remove the stratum corneum and does not injure new cells.

Skin care begins not only with special products, but also with regular habits. Drink 2 liters of water a day to keep your skin nourished and soft. You can also feed it with aloe vera juice or fresh cucumber. Full sleep will prevent bruises and bags under the eyes.

Facial care during the cold season

In the cold season you should not be sad, it's time to restore the skin. In the summer, the skin was dry, collagen and hyaluronic acid were rapidly removed from the skin. Loss of nutrients and vitamins, loss of elasticity and freshness affects the skin of the face. Therefore, it is necessary to restore it with the help of creams with enhanced effect. Do not forget about the lips, which also need constant hydration and nutrition.

When exposed to cold temperatures, the skin of the face becomes more sensitive and dry. The amount of sebum that is released during the warm season is reduced in the cool season, so the face does not need so much cleansing. Facial skin needs nourishment, hydration and increased blood circulation.

If in the summer they were treated with anti-age essence, then in winter we change the cream to a more dense texture.

Choosing a face cream after 35 years

With age, facial skin becomes thinner and especially needs protection and hydration. You should not have hopes that the cream will help smooth out wrinkles or skin irregularities. From the cream in the first place you should expect high-quality work in the upper layer of the epidermis.

Experts identify 4 types of aging:

  • Tired - reducing the elasticity of the epidermis, naturally for women with normal skin type. Clearness of an oval of the face leaves, wrinkles are not pronounced. Care marked: to increase skin elasticity;
  • Gravitational - the face begins to "slide" down, forming nasolabial folds. This is common in women with oily skin. Care marked: restores the shape of the face;
  • Combined - the most common form of aging. Leaving with a mark: from wrinkles;
  • Small-wrinkled - most often occurs in women with dry skin type with the release of the minimum amount of sebum. Care marked: smoothing;

Examples of effective creams for 35 years:

  • Ella Bache - pro long wear moisturizer. When applied to the skin, it moisturizes well, absorbs quickly, has a long-term effect of skin nourishment;
  • Cream "Revitalift Lifting care" from L'Oréal Paris, which helps restore elasticity, eliminate wrinkles, has a regenerating effect;
  • Retinol 0.3 skin care cream, SkinCeuticals restores the epidermis, lightens age spots and smoothes wrinkles.

How to choose a face mask after 35 years?

The use of face masks can even out the skin tone, moisturize, nourish, smooth out wrinkles. Most often, masks are full of active substances that are aimed at getting a quick effect.

Mature skin needs a lifting effect, additional nutrition and strengthening.

Once or twice a week you should try different face masks. Masks are cleansing, moisturizing, leveling, anti-age and night.

Examples of masks for aged facial skin:

  • Night SPA-care Aqualia Thermal from Vichy - this mask nourishes the epidermis with moisture and vitamins, making it smooth and velvety;
  • Decléor rejuvenating mask "Magnolia" - affects the exfoliating process, vitamins fight free radicals, and collagen maintains a level of moisture;
  • The Énergie De Vie exfoliant mask from Lancôme evens out skin texture and facial tone. The natural ingredients in the composition tone and soothe the skin.

The masks will help maintain the skin in tone and fill the lack of elements necessary for the normal functioning of the epidermal cells.


Watch the video: Skin Care Routine At 30. 30 क उमर म फल कर य सकन कयर रटन. Boldsky (July 2024).