The most effective analogues of Reduslim for weight loss


In an attempt to lose weight, many women and men turn to Reduslim. The preparation of the Russian manufacturer is popular and has received a considerable amount of positive feedback. Dietary supplement helps break down fat cells, according to the manufacturer, in record time. However, this tool is not suitable for everyone, so the question arises of finding analogues in pharmacies and beauty stores.

How is the popularity of Reduslim ensured?

Reviews of tens of thousands of people who had time to try Reduslim diet pills on themselves, allow society to add a certain opinion about it. Reduslim is said to be a correction tool for a figure with good impact indicators.

According to clinical studies, Reduslim after a few weeks of admission saves at least ten kilograms of excess weight. Of course, it all depends on the individual physiological characteristics and causes of excess weight, but nevertheless, the number of people with whom the drug has successfully helped to lose weight, can not cause respect.

Reduslim capsules or tablets are an absolutely harmless dietary supplement.

A much greater interest among those who are still thinking whether to take this particular remedy for weight loss is caused by the composition of the preparation, which is positioned by the manufacturer as completely natural. It consists of eight active components, each with its own purpose.

The composition of the drug Reduslim.

The composition of Reduslim is not kept secret - the list and properties of the components are indicated on the product packaging, as well as on the manufacturer's official website. The wide list includes such ingredients as:

  • Evening Primrose Oil. It removes “bad” cholesterol from the body, normalizes the work of hormones, the liver and improves overall health. It is actively used in the medical industry;
  • Wild Saffron Oil. Contributes to the removal of visceral fat, which is the hardest thing to get out of the body, and also helps build muscle mass;
  • Irvingia Gabonese. Promotes the production of leptin - a hormone responsible for suppressing appetite by slowing down the process of digesting food. Optimizes metabolism and breaks down subcutaneous fat deposits;
  • Yakon root (extract). With regular use reduces the level of harmful cholesterol and normalizes metabolic processes and digestion;
  • Glucomannan (horse). It helps to get a feeling of satiety due to the fact that the elements of the konnyak plant swell in the stomach, for a long time creating a feeling of quenched hunger. In addition, reduces the rate of absorption of fat in the body, normalizes the intestinal microflora and contributes to the removal of sugar from the blood;
  • Lipase. Actively involved in the hydrolysis of neutral fat in the rectum;
  • Protease. Inactivates cholecystokinin-releasing factors;
  • Coleus forskolia. It activates metabolic processes and removes excess fats from the body;
  • Hoodia gardoni. Tones the body, suppressing the appetite and forcing it to burn excess fat stores.

The above ingredients and their beneficial properties allow the manufacturer to declare Reduslim as a preparation for losing weight and normalizing the body's work, as well as contributing to a safe, painless and healthy weight loss.

Analogs of Reduslim

In Reduslim, due to its popularity, many analogues appeared. This is due to both the relatively high price of this drug (990 rubles per pack of 10 tablets) and the individual intolerance of some components by individual users.

None of the analogues have such an extensive combination of natural ingredients, so if Reduslim helps you - you should not refuse it.

If, however, the question of searching for an analogue has nevertheless arisen, then on the pharmaceutical market one can find quite good analogs of Reduslim both from foreign manufacturers and from domestic ones.


Liprina - one of the most famous foreign analogues of Reduslim, produced in Italy on the basis of Hoodia Gordone extract.

The uniqueness of Liprins, as a means for weight loss, lies in the extract of the exotic succulent Hoodia Gordonii, whose main property is to accumulate nutrients and maintain the strength and tone of the body with the help of steroid glycosides. The extract of this plant is widely used in the industry of dietary supplements, it is listed even in Reduslim.

In the Russian market, the price of the drug is low - about 400-500 rubles.

Garcinia Forte (Germany) - another foreign analogue of Reduslim, allowed in Russia.

BAA Garcinia Forte from the German pharmaceutical company "Elavar" is made on the basis of the eponymous exotic tree Garcinia gummi-gutta. The extract of this plant has the properties of rapid saturation, suppress appetite, lower fluid levels and optimize the physical form of the body.

Garcinia Forte allows you to lose weight without losing form and energy, and chromium picolinate, which is part of the drug, helps to activate metabolic processes.

In Russian pharmacies Garcinia Forte can be bought at a price of 300 to 500 rubles.


Guarchibao (Guarchibao) is one of the most famous inexpensive analogues of Reduslim. The sachet with a pleasant taste of cream and vanilla contains equal proportions of chia seeds, baobab and guarana.

Guarchibao has a beneficial effect on the body:

  • Baobab improves the metabolism of the gastrointestinal tract and helps eliminate harmful substances;
  • Guarana breaks down fats and improves cell tonus, gives energy and increases energy levels;
  • Chia meal nourishes the body with useful macronutrients, promotes fat oxidation and the elimination of water and toxins.

The drug is available in bags containing powdered soluble composition. This powder is poured into a glass, filled with warm water, thoroughly mixed and drunk half an hour before lunch. The complex is adopted as follows: five days with a break of two days, a repetition.

In Russian specialty stores, Guarchibao packaging costs around 990 rubles.

Eco slim It is also a great way to lose weight, which can be replaced by Reduslim. Soluble effervescent tablets are made from natural ingredients and are good for the body.

Eco Slim contains:

  • Vitamin B (whole group). They improve metabolic processes, the nervous system, the circulatory system and hormones, and also stabilize the condition of the skin, hair and nails;
  • Chitosan. Removes excess fat from the body and is the main engine of the process of losing weight;
  • Taurine. It reduces blood sugar, activates metabolism and destroys harmful lipids;
  • Caffeine. It raises the wear resistance and endurance of the body, improves the functioning of the brain, heart, stomach and intestines.

The active drug "Eco Slim" promotes rapid natural weight loss. One tablet of the drug is dissolved in a glass of warm water and taken in two or three doses per day for a month. A daily intake of Eco Slim will help to lose up to 500g of fat per day.

The price of the product in Russia is about 990 rubles.

Dukan Green Cocktail - Another analogue of Reduslim with natural composition and quick effect. A portion of the green Dukan cocktail is able to replace a full meal with a huge list of ingredients:

  • Spirulina. Effectively breaks down fats, burns toxins and energizes the body thanks to the amino acids, vitamins and beneficial elements it contains;
  • Sargassum As part of this algae - vitamins C, E, K. It has an antioxidant effect, regulating the metabolism and production of leptin;
  • Linnaeus eagagropila is another alga that prevents the accumulation of carbohydrates;
  • Laminaria - an algae containing many vitamins and minerals, cleansing the body;
  • Askofillum - the fourth seaweed in the composition of the cocktail, regulates the metabolism and blood cells;
  • Lime. Not only improves the taste of the cocktail, but also improves the skin.

The above components are essential, but the cocktail, in addition to them, contains an incredible amount of vitamins and minerals with a relatively small caloric content: 92 kcal per 100 g of product.

You can buy green Dukan cocktail for 990 rubles.


Analogs of Reduslim, sold in pharmacies, also work and contribute to weight loss, but their effect is much weaker than Reduslim and in quality they are significantly inferior to it. However, for those who want to save money and get at least some effect, pharmacy counterparts can be a salvation.

Goldlineintended for the treatment of obesity, based on sibutramine. Sibutramine helps reduce appetite and quickly get enough. Daily pill intake lasts for 3-6 months. The drug has contraindications and side effects, a complete list of which can be found in the instructions attached to the drug.

The price of the product depends on the dosage: between 600 rubles and several thousand.

Turboslim - pharmacy agent from the category of dietary supplements. Turboslim has a more pronounced effect. The drug actively affects the metabolic processes, repeatedly increasing them and removing the harmful elements and fats from the body. The entire product line of the brand is designed for weight loss and has a number of limitations and side effects.

The cost of Turboslim varies from 200 to 1000 rubles depending on the species.

MCC - microcrystalline cellulose. The tool helps to lose weight, get rid of hunger and quickly get enough. The drug is another more affordable product of the company "Evalar".

The drug actively affects Arganism, reducing peristalsis, normalizing stools, removing toxins and suppressing appetite. Contraindications for the drug a little, and side effects - rare and dull.

You can buy MCC on average for 160 rubles.

The cheapest

In search of a replacement for Reduslim, first of all, attention is paid to the cheapest drugs. There are not so many of them and they cannot be compared in efficiency with Reduslim, however, if the question is about cost, there is something to choose from. In the table below you will find a list of the cheapest Reduslim analogues available in Russian pharmacies.

WaistIndian medicine with anorexigenes in the composition.from 790 to 950 rubles
SlimiaThe drug for weight loss on the basis of sibutramine.from 140 to 350 rubles
"Vencedor" green tea is a biologically active additive with gingerSupplements, allowing you to quickly lose weight. It has contraindications.from 300 to 500 rubles
Diuretic collectionBased on herbal collection of dill, field horsetail, burdock root, bearberry, hellebore, lingonberry, birch buds, corn stigmas and golden thousanders. Excretes stagnant fluidfrom 30 to 150 rubles
CarnitineIt starts fat metabolism and metabolic processes in the body. From 300 to 730 rubles

Should I choose analogues?

Choosing an analogue of Reduslim, one should take into account not only the attractiveness of the price, but also many factors that determine the uniqueness of the drug. The important features of Reduslim make it actually a unique drug, making the choice of analog really difficult. Features of the tool:

  • Reduslim absolutely harmless and is not capable of causing irreversible harm to the body. Other drugs have less successful clinical trials;
  • Nor does he have no contraindications. The only condition under which it cannot be used is the presence of indvidual intolerance. Most drug analogues have a list of contraindications and side effects that cannot be ignored. The less of them - the better the analogue;
  • Reduslim versatile and helps from a number of problems that cause excess weight, while its counterparts are aimed at solving a single problem (for example, hormonal or metabolic). This factor must be strictly considered when choosing an analogue;
  • Impact is important. Reduslim's rare analogues have the same parallel effect on humans, helping not only to lose weight, but also to strengthen the physical strength of the body.

In the issue of losing weight, you should not engage in self-treatment, but rather consult a specialist.

Reflecting on the choice of the analogue of Reduslim, approach the question extremely responsibly, being aware of what the drug is for, what the cause of overweight is, and what side effects can be.


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