February 15: what are the holidays today. Events, birthdays and birthdays February 15th.


Holidays February 15

February 15 - The Meeting of the Lord

This holiday is celebrated by Orthodox Christians from the very first day of the appearance of the Son of God on Earth. This happened according to the providence of God in the Temple. Meeting teaches us that if you live in truth and prefer truth, you can count on the Lord coming to us. From the time of Adam and Eve, it was promised to send the Son of God to earth to atone for the sins of men, and when the incarnation of the Word of God appeared on Earth, only the righteous could see its appearance.

One of them was the elder Simeon, a pious righteous man, one of the 70 elders who were prepared to translate Jewish texts. It is noteworthy that Simeon was very surprised when he read that the Virgin Mary should give birth to a son, and even tried to reinterpret the events. But an angel appeared to him and held him by the hand. The elder was foretold not to end his life until he saw the Son of God with his own eyes. So it happened. Together with Simeon, the righteous Anna, the prophetess, saw the appearance of Jesus.

February 15 - the holiday of the national flag of Canada

The national holiday of the Canadian flag has been celebrated since 1996, when Prime Minister Jean Chretien announced the appointment of this date in honor of the first raising of the flag with a red maple leaf. This figure appeared in Canadians relatively recently - only since 1965. Starting from the 15th century, the cross of St. George was adorned on the flag, later moisture of the Orleans dynasty with royal lilies was used.

Today, the maple leaf is the pride of all Canadians, wherever they are. Canada’s current business card represents the country for the first time regardless of the British flag, and has a distinctive design that cannot be confused with any other. Maple Leaf emphasizes the unity of the nation on two sides of the continent, washed by two oceans. Two colors symbolize the equal status of the state languages ​​- English and French.

February 15 - Serbia as a state (the day of the first uprising)

These two holidays of Serbia are interconnected. The Serbian uprising against the Turkish yoke took place in 1804, its leader was Georgy Petrovich. Although the country's independence was not returned, the Sretenskaya Constitution was adopted, but subsequently under pressure from the Ports, it was abolished. Austria and Russia are also involved in its cancellation. The Serbian state was formed much later, after the second state uprising.

February 15 - Fragrant Pagoda Festival in Vietnam

Every year, on the 6th day of the first month, if we look at the lunar calendar of the year, the longest holiday in Vietnam opens. In the province of Khatai, there is an aromatic pagoda - a place of pilgrimage for Buddhists from all over the country. At the beginning of the lunar year, prayers are offered to the Most High, in order to protect their family from evil spirits and to receive the support of good forces. The pagoda festival takes place in the temple, which is not just a structure, but a whole mountain complex. Every year it receives more than 500 thousand pilgrims and tourists. The holiday lasts more than 2 months.

February 15 - the start of the Nice Carnival

In total in the world it is possible to distinguish three oldest carnival, one of them was born in 1294 in Nice. It all started with the fact that the Duke of Anjou wanted to stay there for several days. Fun swept the whole city. Every day there were balls, fireworks, circus and dance performances. It is on the 15th that the meeting of His Majesty Carnival takes place;

Massena Square, on ordinary days living traditional life, is transformed beyond recognition in the days of the carnival. It is painted by 120 artists, then it is decorated with 150 thousand light bulbs. During the celebrations, beautiful flower festivals are held - carnival processions, real parades, about 20 platforms are decorated with fresh flowers (4000-5000 units). With each flower there is a long hard work, and as a result fragrant mosaic is born. Another feature of the carnival is the carts with giant papier-mâché dolls. This is the main attraction of the carnival, the weight of each of them reaches 2 tons.

February 15 in the national calendar


Meeting means meeting. It was on February 15 in accordance with the new style that the holy elder Simeon and Anna - the prophetess met the newly appeared baby, whom, according to Jewish law, parents brought to the temple on the 40th day.

Folk omens on that day are also associated with the meeting. First, this is a meeting of spring (the second meeting is the holiday of the Magpies, and the third is the Annunciation). After the Sretensky frost, you should not start on a sleigh. This is a celebration of the meeting of spring, another name - Gromnitsy, from the name of the candles (thunder). On that day, a strand of hair is set on fire to prevent headaches.

Particular care should be exercised at the Meeting of Poultry. "Sretenie - winter met in summer". Signs about the weather said: sweeps - it means that spring will be late. If you throw a stick on the road, and it is covered with snow - this meant that there would be little grass for animal feed. A quiet and sunny day foreshadowed a good harvest of flax.

Historical events February 15

February 15, 1989 - The withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan.

The war in Afghanistan lasted 9 years, 1 month and 18 days, and finally, on February 15, 1989, Soviet troops left the country. The last soldiers crossed the border in the area of ​​the Amudarya River near Termez. The date February 15 is celebrated in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. This date keeps the memory of 14 thousand Soviet soldiers killed in the territory of Afghanistan - the biggest casualties of the Soviet Army since the end of World War 2. The memory of the fallen soldiers today also speaks with pain in the hearts of people - widows and mothers, relatives and friends of dead soldiers who performed their duty.

February 15, 1895 - Establishment of the Gnesins Russian Academy of Music

On this day in 1985, the first student came to the future music academy for her first lesson. Since then, the academy has raised many generations of musicians. The founders of the institution for the gifted youth were the sisters Yevgeny and Elena Gnesiny, the teacher of the Academy was the teacher and organizer pianist V.I. Safonov. Initially, the separation of the school and the academy did not exist.

In total, five Gnesin sisters took part in the work and development of the school and the academy. They were brought up during the Silver Age and tried to meet the criteria of the most outstanding musicians of our time. The school before the revolution has gained an excellent reputation, which it has not lost in our time.

February 15, 1919 - the day of the founding of the Big Drama Theater. Gorky (today it is called the Tovstonogov BDT)

Opened theater comedy F. Schiller "Don Carlos". Alexander Blok was appointed Chairman of the BDT Directorate, having worked for some time as artistic director of the theater. Maxim Gorky put forward the slogan - "Heroic People - Heroic Theater!", In their performances, the heroes asserted the ideals of good, honor and dignity, opposing them to the cruelty of the world around them. For several decades, the mastermind of the theater was George Tovstonogov. After his death in 1989, Kirill Lavrov took the baton.

Were born on February 15

Savva Timofeevich Morozov (February 15, 1862 - May 26, 1905), a famous entrepreneur who emerged from the dynasty of the serfs of the Ryumin. His father was able to earn money for the ransom, paying huge money, he was released, and enlisted in the guild of merchants. Then the family received hereditary honorary citizenship. The object of their work was the largest Morozovskaya Nikolskaya manufactory, where later Savva, who became the most famous of the Morozov clan, ran the unit. He became acquainted with the textile business in the manufactories of England, was educated in Cambridge. Savva Morozov left the memory of his descendants about himself, doing charity work.

Musa Mustafovich Jalil (Zalilov) (February 15, 1906 - August 25, 1944) - Soviet Tatar poet. His collections of poems: "Poems and Poems" and "Order-bearing millions" were released before the Great Patriotic War. His libretto for operas staged at the Kazan Opera Theater, Altynchech, and Fisherwoman Girl are also known. During the war he was captured and executed by the fascists in 1944.

Elena Bonner (February 15, 1923 - June 18, 2011 - June 18, 2011) - a publicist, human rights activist, dissident. Born in Turkestan, in the city of Mary. In 1972, she left the CPSU for political convictions and married Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov, and became his friend, wife, and associate in exile. In 1897, together with Sakharov, she took part in the creation of the Memorial Society. Under President Yeltsin, she worked as a member of the human rights commission, but after the outbreak of the war in Chechnya, she publicly left this post. She was an honorary doctor of law in many universities around the world.

Name Day February 15

February 15 is the birthday of one of the most common names in Russia - Vasily. The Russian name has Greek roots, in English this name sounds Basil, in French - Basil.


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