Coffee has a lot more caffeine than claimed


A large cup of coffee from Starbucks has an almost daily safe dose of caffeine. This is twice as much as can be consumed by pregnant women. And, for example, a standard 227-gram cup of coffee brewed at home exceeds the allowable daily allowance for a ten-year-old child.

To such conclusions experts of the Ministry of Health of Canada. However, they note that the effect of caffeine in each case is manifested in different ways. The point here is the genetic characteristics of man. Equally important are external factors. For example, the use of contraceptives can lead to delayed decomposition of caffeine. Smoking, by contrast, speeds up the process a bit.

Doctors warn: the daily norm of caffeine should not exceed 400 milligrams. With an increase in dosage, negative consequences are possible - the appearance of anxiety and cardiac arrhythmias. A future mother should not consume more than 200 milligrams, and a ten-year-old child should not consume more than 75 milligrams.

Despite this, a 450-gram serving of Starbucks coffee contains 330 milligrams of caffeine. Representatives of the company categorically deny this information, claiming that in a large portion 140 milligrams. For comparison: a 227-gram cup of brewed coffee contains 133 milligrams of caffeine, a similar cup of instant coffee - only 93 milligrams.

A small can of Monster Energy contains 92 milligrams of caffeine, while a Red Bull can contains 83 milligrams. In a bottle of Coca-Cola, experts counted 58 milligrams of caffeine, in hot chocolate - almost 9 milligrams. The lethal dose of caffeine is 10 grams (approximately 120 cans of energy or 75 cups of coffee drunk in a few hours).


Watch the video: How different brewing methods of coffee affect caffeine; More caffeine light roast vs dark roast (July 2024).