Salad with Korean carrots and crackers: recipes. Cooking at home a delicious and satisfying salad with Korean carrots and crackers


To diversify your daily diet, try making a salad with Korean carrots and crackers.

It will be a great addition to the main dish or a great snack at any holiday or home party.

For convenience, it can be arranged in separate small bowls.

Guests will also appreciate this unconventional approach.

The salad is quite simple in execution, which is an undoubted advantage for any housewife. Many of your friends will probably ask you for his recipe, they will like it so much. Be sure to try to cook at least several types of such a salad to choose your favorite.

The principles of salad preparation with Korean carrots and crackers

To prepare such an appetizer, you will need two indispensable ingredients: Korean carrots and crackers. The latter can be done independently or used purchased. Crackers from the store usually have a very pronounced taste, which can significantly affect the whole salad. Therefore, it is better to determine this important component in advance.

If you know how to make carrots in Korean yourself - it will be even better! You can personally control the degree of its salinity and spices. Otherwise, any purchased Korean carrots will do. The main thing is that it is fresh and crispy.

Also, prepare a beautiful plate for salad in advance and determine with dressing. It can be completely different: mayonnaise, butter, garlic sauce. Everything will depend on your own taste preferences. You can choose a dressing from the recipes described below.

Salad with Korean carrots and ham crackers

Lovers of hearty and tasty salads, this recipe is sure to please. A salad with Korean carrots and crackers goes well with any kind of meat delicacies, so you can safely use your favorites. This recipe suggests using ham. Preparing a dish is quick and easy, which is good news.


1) 140 g of Parma ham;

2) 200 g of Korean carrots;

3) one fresh cucumber;

4) two boiled eggs;

5) 150 g of grated cheese;

6) 100 g crackers;

7) greens at will;

8) mayonnaise.

Cooking method:

Cut the ham into narrow slices.

Rub the cucumber on a coarse grater.

Cook the chicken eggs and cut them into medium-sized slices.

Grate the cheese. You can use a purchased grated product.

We spread in the dish all of the above ingredients, including Korean carrots.

Add crackers to the salad and season it with mayonnaise.

Decorate with herbs.

Salad with Korean carrots and crackers with chicken breast

Representatives of a strong half of humanity will especially like this salad recipe with Korean carrots and crackers along with chicken breast. It is quite satisfying, so if you want to cook only one salad, choose this option with ease.


1) 200 g of chicken breast;

2) 250 g of Korean carrots;

3) 100 g crackers;

4) 3 - 4 pickled cucumbers;

5) mayonnaise;

6) one boiled potato;

7) a pinch of salt.

Cooking method:

Boil chicken breast and potatoes in advance.

When they cool, you need to cut them into small cubes.

Add Korean carrots to these ingredients.

Dice pickled cucumbers and add to salad.

Season the dish with mayonnaise.

Before serving the salad, put the crackers so that they are not softened.

Eggplant salad with Korean carrots and crackers

For vegetarians and just lovers of plant foods, you will definitely like a salad with Korean carrots and crackers, along with other vegetables and dried fruits. It is lightweight and non-nutritious. If desired, you can even replace mayonnaise with olive oil or any low-fat dressing.


1) 300 g of Korean carrots;

2) 150 g crackers;

3) half a glass of beans;

4) 300 g of prunes;

5) two eggplants;

6) mayonnaise;

7) one tomato.

Cooking method:

Boil the beans. To speed up the cooking process, you can add one pinch of soda to the water.

Separate the prunes from the seeds and cut them into small cubes.

Eggplant should be washed and peeled.

Then fry in sunflower oil, and then remove the remaining fat with a paper towel.

We cut the tomatoes in half rings.

Next, mix all the ingredients in one dish and season the salad with mayonnaise.

Put croutons on top and greens if desired. You can serve a salad with Korean carrots and crackers to the table.

Salad with Korean carrots and crackers with crab sticks

Many of us have loved crab sticks since childhood, but few people know that they are a great addition to a salad with Korean carrots and crackers. Such a dish can be laid out in layers or mixed into one mass. In any case, it will turn out very tasty and original. All guests and households will love it for sure!


1) two red peppers;

2) 200 g of mushrooms;

3) 150 g of crab sticks;

4) crackers;

5) 200 g of Korean carrots;

6) greens.

Cooking method:

The first step is to boil the mushrooms. When they cool - cut them into quarters.

Wash peppers and clean seeds from them. Cut into small half rings.

Cut the crab sticks into medium sized strips.

Mix all the ingredients in the salad, add carrots and crackers.

Garnish the dish with herbs.

If desired, you can add salt and pepper.

Salad with Korean carrots and crackers in garlic sauce

Those who prefer spicy and spicy dishes should definitely try a salad with Korean carrots and crackers in garlic sauce. Most pleasantly, the degree of its spiciness and spiciness can be controlled independently, simply by adding or reducing the amount of garlic. Such a dish will be an excellent snack in front of the main course, as it improves appetite well.


1) 150 g of Korean carrots;

2) crackers;

3) four cloves of garlic;

4) one egg;

5) lemon juice;

6) salt to taste;

7) half a tablespoon vegetable oil;

8) 200 g of mushrooms.

Cooking method:

Boil the mushrooms, cool and cut into small quarters.

Now you can do the cooking of the marinade. To do this, finely chop the garlic or give it out using a press. Add salt and lemon juice to it.

Meanwhile, beat the egg with a blender for one minute and gradually pour vegetable oil into it.

At the end, add the garlic to the resulting mixture. The sauce is ready.

It remains only to mix all the last ingredients in one plate and add the sauce.

Seafood salad with Korean carrots and crackers

If you are crazy about seafood, try them in a salad with Korean carrots and crackers. In combination with such ingredients, shrimp and crab sticks give a completely amazing unusual taste. Such a salad is definitely worth a try at least once.


1) 150 g of crab sticks;

2) 180 g of Korean carrots;

3) 200 g of shrimp;

4) 150 g of grated cheese;

5) three eggs;

6) mayonnaise;

7) crackers;

8) red pepper.

Cooking method:

Cut the crab sticks into small pieces.

Grate cheese or use ready-made.

Boil the eggs and cut them into small cubes.

Pour shrimp with boiling water.

Cut the pepper into medium-sized half rings.

We mix all the ingredients, season with mayonnaise and sprinkle croutons on top. The salad is ready to eat!

Smoked Korean Carrot Salad

If you are thinking about preparing a tasty and easy-to-execute dish, pay attention to smoked salad with Korean carrots and crackers. It contains very few ingredients, but they are quite affordable and inexpensive. Such a salad will become an indispensable dish when suddenly guests come unexpectedly. It takes literally 5 to 10 minutes to cook.


1) 250 g of Korean carrots;

2) one smoked chicken breast;

3) 3 tomatoes;

4) crackers; mayonnaise.

Cooking method:

Put the carrots in a separate bowl so that all the juice flows out of it to the bottom.

Meanwhile, cut the chicken breast into small pieces.

Cut the tomatoes into medium sized slices.

Mix the ingredients and season with mayonnaise.

For decoration, put homemade crackers and parsley on the salad.

Salad with Korean carrots and crackers - tricks and tips

1) To make homemade crackers, you need to thinly chop the bread and dry it in the oven. You can sprinkle it with various spices to make the salad spicy and fragrant. For crackers suitable: dried garlic, paprika, oregano or any Italian herbs.

2) Korean carrots are quite simple to cook on their own. To do this, finely chop the vegetable and marinate it in vinegar, sugar and salt. After 20 minutes, add red pepper to the marinade and the carrots will be ready to eat.

3) You can season salad not only with mayonnaise, but also with olive oil. You can also leave the dish completely without dressing, as carrots will give their natural juice.

4) A salad with Korean carrots and crackers should not be insisted for too long. It is especially delicious when just cooked.

5) If you do not like too much carrot juice in a salad, then remove it, initially, from the vegetable with a paper napkin.

6) When choosing Korean carrots, pay attention not to its color. it should be orange and without spots, but not yellow.

7) To give carrots more than their natural juice, add a teaspoon of sugar to the salad.

8) To make the salad with a more spicy and rich taste, add to it ground red pepper and coriander.

9) If you want the salad to be more healthy, instead of ham or sausage, choose recipes in which chicken breast is present.

10) If you choose a salad with Korean carrots and crackers along with mushrooms, give preference to oyster mushrooms or champignons. They will be most combined with the main ingredients.

11) To make the dish look more attractive and appetizing, lay it on the large green leaves of the salad.

12) If you choose purchased crackers, then let them be with the taste of cheese or ham. These are the most suitable flavors for a salad with Korean carrots and crackers.

To please yourself and loved ones, sometimes you need not so much. Try to make a salad with Korean carrots and crackers, and you will be pleasantly surprised how much praise you receive in your address. This is an incredibly simple, but at the same time tasty and satisfying dish, which, if desired, can be either a light snack or a full dinner. Everything will depend only on your imagination and taste preferences..

Such a salad is not a shame to serve on the festive table or on any weekday. He will always be welcome!


Watch the video: Lettuce Salad (June 2024).