Cake without baking cookies and sour cream in 15 minutes! Recipes of cakes without baking cookies and sour cream with chocolate, bananas, nuts


Biscuit Cakes - A great alternative to classic baking.

They are easily and quickly collected, do not require expensive products, they are juicy and tasty.

They can be prepared with a variety of creams, but especially delicate desserts are obtained with sour cream.


Cake without baking cookies and sour cream - the general principles of cooking

For cakes without baking, sweet or galette cookies, crackers are used. It is better to immediately choose the desired shape of products. Round biscuits are not well suited, as they are difficult to lay close to each other and many gaps remain. But it is sometimes used, as figure.

Cookies before shaping the cake can be dipped in sirom, sweet tea, milk or coffee. But, only if the cream is not too liquid. If sour cream is weak, it is better to use dry biscuits so that it absorbs excess moisture.

What is added to smetanny creams:

• sugar or powder;

• butter;

• nuts;

• vanillin;

• condensed milk (ordinary or boiled);

• dyes;

• cocoa.

As a thickener, you can add loose gelatin, melted chocolate.

Cookies cakes are collected on a flat dish, imitating real cakes. Or placed in deep bowls and forms, then allowed to harden and remove. Often, desserts are prepared with various fillings in the form of nuts, bananas, marmalade, marshmallow. Be careful with juicy berries and fruits, since sour cream itself is very moist. If there is a desire to put a fresh fruit, then it should not be overripe. Choose dense fruits and berries.

The cake is prepared very quickly, but requires soaking. Leave dessert in the fridge for a few hours.. It is better to cook in the evening so that you can have a tasty breakfast in the morning.

Recipe 1: Cake without baking cookies and sour cream "Fast"

The easiest and fastest cake recipe without baking cookies and sour cream. It can be eaten within an hour after preparation, but it is better to let it soak as it should.


• 400 grams of cookies;

• 500 grams of thick cream;

• 150 grams of powder;

• vanillin;

• chocolate or nuts for decoration.

You will also need a deep square or round shape and food film.


1. Beat sour cream with powder and vanilla for a minute. Instead of vanillin, you can add any aromatic essence.

2. we cover the form with food film.

3. Apply a thin layer of cream and lay out a layer of biscuits. We cover with sugary sour cream.

4. We spread the second layer of cookies. Do not press, otherwise the sour cream will pour out from the sides.

5. Grease sour cream again. Repeat until food runs out.

6. Remove the resulting cake to freeze in the fridge for at least an hour.

7. Take out, put a flat dish and turn over the cake. Remove the film.

8. Decorate with nuts or grated chocolate. You can melt the tiles and smear with glaze.

Recipe 2: Cake without baking cookies and sour cream with bananas.

Bananas are a great ingredient for cakes without baking cookies with sour cream. Unlike other fruits, they do not let the juice, and the cream does not flow. We choose ripe, but dense bananas so that the pieces keep their shape well.


• 300 grams of sweet cracker;

• 800 grams of sour cream;

• 400 grams of sugar;

• 800 grams of bananas;

• 10 grams of gelatin.


1. Fill gelatin with 150 ml of water. Insist half an hour.

2. Take the form for the cake, you can use the plug. We cover it with a film so that the edges hang from the sides. Spread a layer of cookies. If necessary, break them into pieces, trying to make less openings.

3. Mix sour cream with sugar.

4. Melt the gelatin and enter into the cream.

5. Peel bananas and cut into circles. Putting on top of cookies. Pour the cream.

6. Lay the cookie layer again, then the bananas. Well pour the cream. We do to the end. If the cream remains, then remove in the refrigerator.

7. Send the cake to the cold, withstand 3 hours.

8. We take out a form, we take a cake on a dish. If cream remains, it should also be removed from the refrigerator, slightly heated in a water bath and smeared the edges of the cake. Decorate to your taste.

Recipe 3: Chocolate cake without baking cookies and sour cream.

For making you need any chocolate chip cookies. Cream without baking the cake is made with chocolate. He gives not only taste, but also makes sour cream thicker. The cream does not flow and keeps well on the cake.


• 300-400 grams of cookies;

• 150 grams of chocolate;

• 70 grams of butter (butter);

• 70 grams of milk;

• 400 grams of sour cream;

• 100 grams of powder.


1. We melt chocolate with butter in the bath. No need to heat much, just to dissolve the ball. Remove and cool to a warm state.

2. Sour cream combine with powder, just stir. Enter the chocolate mass, mix and send for 15 minutes in the fridge.

3. Pour the milk into the plate, dip the cookies and spread the first layer. You do not need to keep it in liquid for a long time, just dip it and immediately remove it.

4. Lubricate the layer with chocolate cream, again put cookies soaked in milk and so on.

5. Ready cake from all sides are covered with cream. You can make chocolate icing. Coconut flakes go well with this cake.

Recipe 4: Cake without baking cookies, sour cream and cottage cheese

This dessert is a real find for mothers whose children do not like cottage cheese. They definitely will not refuse a cake without baking cookies with sour cream! Especially if it is beautifully decorated, you can put flowers from any cream or plant figures of sugar mastic.


• 24 pieces of square or rectangular cookies;

• 400 grams of cottage cheese;

• 200 grams of sour cream;

• 6 tablespoons of sugar;

• 1 bag of vanilla;

• 70 grams of oil;

• 1 cup of cocoa, milk or juice.


1. Curd mash to a uniform state. The mass should be no grains.

2. Add sour cream, sugar, vanillin and softened butter to cottage cheese. If it is hard, then you can just melt it. Mix the resulting cream.

3. Pour milk into a wide cup, you can take cocoa or any juice.

4. Dip the cookies and lay out the first layer of 8 pieces.

5. Spread out a third of the curd cream.

6. Now dip the cookies and lay out a new layer. Grease and repeat again.

7. Lubricate the top of the cake and sides with the remaining cream, decorate to your taste. If you plan to make a decorative design of another cream, then the cottage cheese should be done a little less or put the entire inside layers.

Recipe 5: Nut cake without baking cookies and sour cream.

For the preparation of dessert will require nuts. You can use walnuts or peanuts. Cookies take any: vanilla, chocolate, can be fruit or cracker.


• 300 grams of cookies;

• 300 grams of sour cream;

• 1 glass of nuts;

• 5 spoons of boiled condensed milk;

• 100 grams of oil.

Sugar in this cake is added at will if there is not enough sweetness from condensed milk.


1. We soften the butter and beat with boiled condensed milk. Products must have the same temperature so that no lumps form.

2. Add sour cream to the cream, beat for another 2 minutes. While you can put in the fridge.

3. Dry the nuts in a griddle, cool. Then put on the table and roll several times with a rolling pin. It is not necessary to crush into flour.

4. Putting the cake on the knurled path. Spread a layer of biscuits, then cream and sprinkle with nuts. We make with all the products.

5. Top of the cake is coated with a thin layer, but from all sides. Sprinkle with nuts and remove the dessert for impregnation.

Recipe 6: Cake without baking cookies and sour cream "Fish"

The dessert is obliged to such name to the main ingredient - a cracker in the form of small fishes. This cookie is a great base for the cake, it absorbs sour cream well and has a pleasant taste. But a cracker is too salty. This does not suit us, specify this point when buying.


• 300 grams of cracker;

• 160 grams of sugar;

• 1 bag of vanilla;

• 360 grams of sour cream.

For layer cake can be used bananas. No less tasty is obtained with nuts.


1. Whip sugar with sour cream and vanilla.

2. Put the cracker in the cup and pour the resulting cream.

3. Now take the form. Well make this dessert in silicone containers. They easily bend the edges and the contents can be gently removed. But if there is no such form, then we take any other one and cover it with food wrap.

4. We spread cookies with cream. You can immediately put everything, but if you want to make a layer, then layers.

5. Cover with foil, remove for the night (or for a day) in the fridge. Then gently turn over the dish and decorate.

Recipe 7: Cake without baking cookies and sour cream "Marmalade"

Beautiful cake, which will require the preparation of ready-made marmalade. You can take the simplest and cheapest, without fillers, interlayers and sprinkling. It turns out more beautiful if you use a multi-colored marmalade.


• 400 grams of cookies;

• 200 grams of marmalade;

• 400 grams of sour cream;

• 150 grams of oil;

• 150 grams of sugar;

• vanilla.

This cake can be collected on a flat dish or in a deep form, as indicated in the recipe. If the cream is not very thick, then it is better to use the last option. Then the cake will definitely not go anywhere.


1. We get the oil out of the refrigerator beforehand so that it softens, but does not melt.

2. Beat the butter with sugar until white and fluffy foam. If there is powder, it is better to take it. The process will go faster.

3. By a little add sour cream to the cream, do not stop beating.

4. Marmalade cut into arbitrary slices.

5. We spread a layer of cookies, cream on it.

6. Now sprinkle with pieces of marmalade.

7. Again a layer of cookies and cream with marmalade. We continue to form the cake until all the products are finished.

8. Remove to freeze in the fridge as long as there is enough patience. Ready dessert decorate with marmalade.

Cake without baking cookies and sour cream - tips and tricks

• To evenly distribute the cream between the cake layers, you need to lay out a layer of cookies and count how many things are leaving. Then divide all the cookies on the number of cakes. And you can distribute the cream on the right amount! But do not forget that the finishing layer requires not only covering the top, but also the sides.

• Sour cream when combined with sugar immediately becomes liquid. A special thickener powder that can be purchased in the baking section will help to fix this. Also, liquid cream can be saved crumbs from cookies, ground nuts, waffles.

• You should not buy expensive Oreo cookies for cakes. Desserts are tasty, even with a simple "Jubilee" or "Baked Milk", "K kofe". Cream and impregnations do an excellent job. And Oreo can be eaten just like that with a cup of coffee.

• Do not know what to sprinkle cake on top? Just interpret the cookies and sprinkle the edges with the resulting crumb. You can add a few nuts. Another option is cocoa powder with the addition of powdered sugar or powdered milk.


Watch the video: No-Bake Chocolate Biscuit Cake Recipe (June 2024).