Pepper with garlic - the right combination! Recipes for garnishes and preparations for the winter of pepper with garlic


Bulgarian pepper is a unique vegetable that is distinguished by its original taste, benefit and bright multi-colored appearance. Therefore, dishes with pepper always look beautiful and are loved by many.

Eat Bulgarian and hot peppers can be in any form. During heat treatment, the amount of useful substances decreases, but the taste properties become more saturated and perfectly combined with other products.

Peppers with garlic - the general principles of cooking

When preparing the pepper, it is imperative to clear it of seeds. Otherwise, they will then interfere in the finished dish. The best way to cut them is along large strips. One pepper is better to divide into 4-6 parts.

If desired, the pepper can be marinated whole. It should be thoroughly washed, remove the tail with a knife and make a dozen punctures in different places with a toothpick or fork.

Prepare a useful side dish and save your crop of pepper, you can easily by selecting one of the favorite recipes.

Bulgarian pepper with garlic and dill for the winter

The recipe allows you to perfectly save all the necessary vitamins and the composition as close as possible to the resulting product to fresh pepper.


• 4 kg of pepper;

• 4 garlic cloves;

• 150 grams of salt;

• 300 grams of sunflower oil;

• 100 grams of vinegar;

• 2-3 branches of dill;

• 50 grams of sugar.

Cooking method:

Rinse the paprika thoroughly, remove all the contents, cut into about eight longitudinal parts and allow to dry. If you want to get not only tasty, but bright and joyful dish, then take the pepper different in color, the more shades of pepper you use, the more interesting it is to get a snack.

Peel and grate garlic heads on a medium grater. Rinse the green dill, let dry and chop finely. Cooking jars with lids. If you take all the ingredients in this proportion, you will need five or six cans of 0.7 liters each.

Then make marinade. We will need a saucepan, put sugar, salt, sunflower oil and apple or wine vinegar in it. Put the container with the contents on a slow fire and remove immediately after boiling.

Cut slices of pepper in marinade and continue to cook it for another 5 minutes. Put the pepper in the marinade in layers in jars, sprinkle each layer with garlic and greens.

Marinade, which remained at the bottom, topped up in jars. It remains to roll the lids on the banks and let them cool completely.

Bulgarian pepper with garlic for the winter oriental


• 4 kg of pepper;

• 400 grams of garlic;

• 400 grams of cilantro;

• 40 grams of salt;

• 100 grams of sugar;

• 80 grams of vinegar;

• 100 grams of sunflower oil.

Cooking method:

Bulgarian pepper must be washed, remove all the contents, cut into slices and put in a bulk container. Put the chopped cilantro, granulated sugar, salt, garlic and vegetable oil to the pepper.

Thoroughly mix everything and leave for several hours. After that, put the billet on a slow fire, stirring, bring to a boil and continue to cook for 15 minutes. Then pour in the vinegar, mix everything again and place it in the prepared cans. We roll up the banks and wait for them to cool completely.

Bulgarian pepper with garlic for the winter


• 2 kg of pepper;

• 50 grams of vinegar;

• 2.5 liters of water;

• 3 garlic cloves;

• salt.

Cooking method

We sterilize the jars in advance, in another pot we boil the lids, and in the third container we bring the water and vinegar to the boil.

Then proceed to the preparation of pepper. We wash it, dry it and cut it into rings. Peel the garlic, 3-4 slices per jar.

Now, in each jar, lower the garlic, top with the cut pepper, salt (20 grams per liter jar). Fill the entire contents with boiling water with vinegar, leaving about 1.5 centimeters to the edge. Put the jars in the water bath for 15 minutes, put on the covers and roll up.

Roasted Bell Pepper with Garlic


• 500 grams of pepper;

• 3 garlic cloves;

• vinegar;

• olive oil.

Cooking method:

After washing the fruits of pepper, cut out the seeds and divide into small slices of 3-4 cm. Chop the garlic, add it to the pan with vegetable oil, heat it over low heat. Put the pepper into the boiling oil with garlic and fry until golden brown, stirring continuously. After the pepper becomes soft, sprinkle it with salt, mix and remove from the fire in a minute. Great garnish for any meat - ready!

Braised bell pepper with garlic


• 600 grams of pepper;

• 50 grams of sunflower oil;

• 4 garlic cloves;

• salt;

• black pepper seasoning;

• basil.

Cooking method:

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Pepper fruits are washed, cleaned of seeds and mode for 2-3 parts. Rub each share with grated garlic, salt, pepper and dip in oil. At the bottom of the container for baking, pour the oil and lay out slices of Bulgarian pepper. Put the pepper in the oven and bake it for about 40 minutes. Ready pepper decorate with fresh basil.

Recipe for Caviar from Peppers and Eggplants with Garlic


• 500 grams of pepper;

• 5 kg of eggplants;

• 300 grams of onion;

• 250 grams of carrots;

• 300 grams of tomatoes;

• 4 garlic cloves;

• 200 grams of sunflower oil;

• spices to taste.

Cooking method:

First, prepare the eggplants, washing them thoroughly, cutting the stem and cutting it in half. Then we lay out the eggplants on a greased baking sheet, pour the same oil on top and send it to the oven preheated to 250 degrees for half an hour. Their readiness can be determined by the color of the skin; it should turn dark brown.

After baking, eggplant is cooled, peeled and cut into small slices. Begin to prepare the pepper. First, wash, cut into slices and stew in a pan in sunflower oil. Then clean, chop the onions, grate carrots and moderately fry in oil.

We combine perezharku with pepper, add to them tomatoes, eggplants, grated garlic, greens and spices, scrolled with a meat grinder, and simmer another 10 minutes over low heat.

It remains to mix everything thoroughly and serve chilled to the table. And if you wish, put caviar in pre-sterilized jars, put them in a water bath for 20-25 minutes and roll up the lids.

Bulgarian pepper with garlic in a spicy marinade


• 600 grams of pepper;

• garlic clove;

• cinnamon stick;

• 4 carnations;

• black pepper in peas;

• Bay leaf;

• vegetable oil;

• 50 grams of sugar;

• 40 grams of salt;

• 200 ml of vinegar.

Cooking method:

Wash the Bulgarian pepper, let it dry and, without cutting, fry in a pan with vegetable oil for a few seconds.

Then it must be removed from the pan and immediately placed in cool water. After the pepper has cooled down, it should be carefully removed from the thin skin and all the contents.

We sterilize the jars and lids in advance and prepare the marinade by mixing 200 ml of boiled water with vinegar, grated garlic, chopped cinnamon, sugar, salt, vinegar, sunflower oil and seasonings.

Prepared pepper dipped in jars, put the bay leaf and pour hot marinade. It remains to roll up the covers and allow the banks to stand in a warm place.

Bulgarian pepper with garlic in honey-butter marinade


• 1 liter of water;

• 500 grams of pepper;

• 4 garlic cloves;

• 100 grams of sunflower oil;

• 600 grams of honey;

• 40 grams of salt;

• 200 ml of vinegar.

Cooking method:

Rinse the Bulgarian pepper, put it in boiling water for several minutes, remove and cool in cool water. Next, you need to carefully, without cutting, clean the pod from the seeds and remove the skin.

Then prepare the marinade, for this in the specified amount, with the expectation of one portion, boiling water we melt the honey, add a little grated garlic and salt.

Put the processed pepper in the jars, pour the cooked hot marinade, add vinegar and oil and roll up the lids.

Bulgarian pepper marinated with garlic and cauliflower


• 1 kg of pepper;

• 100 grams of parsley root;

• 100 grams of celery root;

• 200 grams of cauliflower;

• 4 garlic cloves;

• black pepper seasoning;

• 1 liter of water;

• 100 grams of vinegar;

• 50 grams of sugar;

• 100 grams of salt;

• 3 pcs. bay leaf

Cooking method:

Pepper and my cabbage, cut into 5-6 shares, rub garlic, parsley roots and celery.

First, put the garlic in the sterile jars, then put the pepper in a small layer, add salt, add all the spices, add the cabbage in the same layer, then garlic and repeat all the ingredients again in layers. Then we prepare the marinade in a separate dish, adding sugar, vinegar and bay leaf to the boiling water. Fill this marinade with banks stacked in layers of vegetables and let them stand for at least 14 hours. Then it is necessary to drain the marinade from the cans, boil again, pour the vegetables again hot and roll up the cans.

Bulgarian pepper baked in garlic oil


• 1 liter of water;

• 700 grams of pepper;

• 2 garlic cloves;

• 100 grams of sunflower oil;

• 30 grams of salt.

Cooking method:

Rinse the Bulgarian pepper, peel off the seeds and cut into four parts. After the pepper has dried, pour the buttered baking sheet over the baking tray to avoid burning.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, put the pepper on the grid to bake for 40-45 minutes. Pepper will be ready when the top layer of it starts to wrinkle a little.

After that, it must be removed from the oven and let it cool slightly. Then carefully remove the shriveled skin, put the pepper in the pan, add salt, finely worn garlic, pour oil and mix all the ingredients thoroughly.

Pepper must be brewed for several hours and only then be served at the table.

Bulgarian pepper with garlic and green tomatoes in oil


• 5 kg of pepper;

• 5 kg of tomatoes;

• 250 grams of garlic;

• 1 kg of onions;

• 200 grams of vinegar;

• 300 grams of sunflower oil;

• 200 grams of sugar;

• 50 grams of salt.

Cooking method:

Wash peppers and tomatoes thoroughly. Pepper gently, leaving it whole, cut out the core and the stem.

Cut tomatoes into small slices, peel the garlic and rub it on a fine grater. Then combine tomatoes with garlic, mix and put in peppers.

Put the peppers, stuffed with tomatoes and garlic, in a saucepan, sprinkle with onions on top.

After it is necessary to prepare the marinade, mixing table vinegar, salt, sugar and butter.

It now remains to pour the peppers laid in a saucepan on them and boil over moderate heat for about 20 minutes.

Then transfer the pepper to the pre-heat-treated jars and roll up. Keep this delicious snack when the banks have cooled completely, preferably in the cold.

Canning sweet pepper in oil with garlic and vegetables


• 1 kg of pepper;

• 1 kg of tomatoes;

• 200 grams of carrots;

• 5 garlic cloves;

• 5 sprigs of dill and parsley;

• 40 grams of vinegar;

• 50 grams of sugar;

• 50 grams of salt;

• 200 grams of sunflower oil.

Cooking method:

Rinse thoroughly all vegetables and herbs. Pepper is cleaned and cut lengthwise, grated carrots and garlic, grind tomatoes through a meat grinder.

Then we put the tomatoes in the pan and boil them only for half an hour on low heat, then add all the vegetables, garlic, sugar, salt, table vinegar and butter to the tomato and continue cooking for another 20 minutes.

Without waiting for the mixture to cool, we shift everything into pre-processed jars and roll it up.

Hot pepper with garlic

At the end of the summer, many garden owners have an excellent harvest of hot peppers. This recipe is very simple and does not require any effort, and the result is an excellent savory dish, which is often called adjika. Although this is not entirely true.

Such a mixture can be added as a sauce to meat, potatoes or rice. Eat it together with food and as a separate dish with bread.


• 1 kg of hot peppers;

• 1 kg of sweet pepper;

• 4-5 garlic cloves;

• 80 grams of tomato paste;

• 80 grams of vinegar;

• 20 grams of sugar;

• 40 grams of salt;

• 10 grams of hops-suneli seasoning.

Cooking method:

Using a meat grinder, we twist the pepper of both varieties and garlic. To make it easier to breathe, twist the mixture in the container covered with a package along with the outlet of the meat grinder.

Then add salt, sugar and vinegar to the pepper. Mix thoroughly. Put a portion of tomato paste and mix well again.

Adding hops-suneli to the dish will give it some Asian piquancy. Once again, mix everything. It is recommended to use a blender for this purpose.

Expanding a sharp little mixture of pre-prepared banks, remove it in the fridge.

To make the mixture more spicy, leave the seeds in pepper, otherwise they should be removed. To prevent fingers from burning after removal, it is recommended to use rubber gloves. In sweet pepper, it is also necessary to remove the stem together with the seeds and cut them into small pieces.

If the pepper remains too spicy without seeds, it can be pre-soaked for a couple of hours in cold water. Such a recipe is characterized by a loss of sharpness over time, so in a week it will cease to be too sharp.

Hot pepper with garlic in tomato juice

This spicy seasoning is excellent with meat, pilaf and pasta. The recipe is simple enough, and the result exceeds all expectations. Peppers for this dish should be taken only green, while it should be sharp and thin.


• 1 kg of hot pepper;

• 3 kg of tomatoes;

• 10 garlic cloves;

• 50 grams of salt;

• 500 grams of sugar;

• 100 grams of sunflower oil;

• 40 grams of table vinegar;

• 20 grams of ground black pepper;

• 3-4 bay leaves.

Cooking method:

Peppers must be washed and dried. Tomatoes make tomato juice. Put it on the fire, add salt and other spices. Boil fifteen minutes. Put the peppers in the pods and cook for twenty minutes again. Add shredded garlic and vegetable oil, take laurel. Add table vinegar after boiling the mixture and mix.

In a sterilized jars need to put pepper and pour tomato juice. Roll up the banks. Cover until cool.

The resulting pepper is not very spicy and has a refined and unpredictable taste. The best place to store the mixture is a refrigerator.

Bitter pepper with garlic

Bitter pepper with garlic is a perfect snack for lovers of hot dishes. It turns out very appetizing and really piquant. Thanks to garlic, pepper gains an exquisite aroma. Bitter pepper cooked in this way will be an excellent snack for fresh porridge, first courses and strong alcoholic beverages.


• 1 kg of hot pepper;

• 3-4 garlic cloves;

• 200 grams of sugar;

• 200 grams of sunflower oil;

• 200 grams of vinegar;

• 50 grams of salt;

• 20 grams of ground black pepper.

Cooking method:

Prepare jars and lids, after thoroughly rinsing them with soda. It is also important to sterilize them.

Bitter pepper should be washed under running water and dry it. In 5-6 places you need to make punctures in the pepper with a fork or toothpick.This is necessary so that the pepper is better soaked in marinade, and there is no excess air in the jars.

After cleaning, garlic must be washed. Marinade is prepared as follows: salt, sugar, vinegar, pepper, vegetable oil are added to the water and mixed. Then, the resulting liquid is brought to a boil, and garlic and pods of bitter pepper are steamed for a few minutes.

After stripping the pepper with garlic, they are laid out on the banks and poured the marinade to the top. Rolling up the jars, it is recommended to turn them over onto the lid and wait a bit until they cool down. After that, it is better to place them in a cool place for storage, otherwise they may explode.

Peppers with garlic - cooking tips

1. For pickling pepper, it is better to take only fully ripe pods, in which there will be no brown or green veins.

2. In recipes for peppers with garlic, it is extremely not recommended to use iodized salt, since it can cause bitterness.

3. For pickles from pepper and garlic need to use clean water. It can be bottled or key. From the tap water take categorically not worth it.

4. Store garlic peppers with garlic should be in a cool place.

5. To make the pepper less spicy it should be soaked for 3-4 hours in cold water.

6. Also, to mitigate the sharpness of the pepper can be added to pickles tomatoes or apples.

7. Pickled peppers are an essential ingredient in many dishes. He gives them some piquancy. It is especially well combined with meat snacks and vegetable dishes.

8. Shabby pickled pepper perfectly flavors the first dishes.

9. Spicy pickled peppers are very good with barbecue.

10. The aroma of most pepper and garlic recipes is largely due to the spices and spices added to them. Perfect as a seasoning: dill, basil, lavrushka, celery, saffron, coriander and blue fenugreek.

11. When pickling chili peppers, you can add a few slices of dried lemon to give a better flavor.


Watch the video: Easy Tomato Soup Recipe. Tomato Garlic Soup. How to Make Tomato Soup. Nehas Cookhouse (June 2024).