Mandarin - the taste and aroma of frosty winter hails from hot countries. Health benefits and harm of your favorite tangerines for the body


For each of us, tangerines are the aroma of winter frosts and New Year's holidays.

But this fruit of an evergreen citrus plant is not only tasty and aromatic.

Its chemical composition is incredibly useful.

Vitamin-rich Mandarin

100 g tangerines account for just 53 kcal. Once in the body, this citrus fruit fills it with its beneficial properties, vitamins, acids and oils:

• Thiamine (B1) - regulates metabolic processes involving carbohydrates, fats and proteins. It accumulates in the muscles, liver, kidneys, heart, and brain;

• Riboflavin (B2) - plays an important role in the formation of red blood cells and antibody production. Helps cells get oxygen and grow;

• Ascorbic acid - a powerful antioxidant and immunostimulant;

• Rutin - makes capillary walls stronger, thereby preventing their fragility. Reduces blood coagulation;

• Phytoncides - inhibit the growth and development of bacteria and fungi in the body;

• Carotene - promotes the growth and healthy condition of bone tissue and hair. It is necessary for good vision and strong immunity;

Mandarin benefits for the body

Health benefits of mandarin in winter are indispensable. This citrus fruit is able to fill the body's need for a whole complex of vitamins. Thus, he:

• Increases the general immunity of the body and its resistance to viruses;

• Enhances appetite;

• Normalizes metabolic processes;

• Creates a background unfavorable for the development of microbes.

Mandarin juice, when systematically rubbed into the affected area of ​​the skin, can cure any rash, including even shingles.

The peel of the fruit contains acids, alcohols and aldehydes, which give this plant a peculiar smell and healing properties.

Mandarin peel insisted on alcohol:

• Treats bronchial cough, diluting and removing sputum;

• Enhances appetite;

• Eliminates nausea;

• Improves and regulates digestive processes.

From the peel of a tangerine by cold pressing get essential oil, the application of which is quite diverse and effective:

• Aromatherapy - aroma lamps and neck medallions. They relieve depression and give enthusiasm for the whole day;

• Inhalations - a few drops in an inhaler with hot water and a 10-minute inhalation works well with a dry irritating cough and sore throat;

• Rinsing the mouth with water and mandarin essential oil will relieve gum disease;

• Cooking - adding a few drops of mandarin oil with useful properties will add piquancy to the taste and improve the digestive system;

Bathtubs and massage with the use of mandarin oil, it is very relaxing and sets thoughts in a positive way. In addition, the skin is rejuvenated, gets rid of excess water and toxins. Stretch marks on the body become less noticeable, and subcutaneous fat deposits break down and are excreted through the pores;

• Cosmetology loves the use of essential mandarin oil. It helps fight sagging skin, smoothes wrinkles, brightens pigmentation and evens the epidermis, giving the skin a toned, fresh look.

Due to its aroma and bright orange color, mandarin is an excellent antidepressant.

Mandarins can cause harm to the body, if there are certain contraindications

Mandarins have many useful properties. But still, this fruit is able to do harm, having a high content of acids and sugars.

From overuse Mandarins should be abandoned to those who have:

• Inflammation of the gastric mucosa;

• Gastric or duodenal ulcer;

• gastritis;

• Unstable and often increased acidity of the gastric environment.

This is due to the fact that mandarin juice contains acids that irritate the walls of the entire digestive tract.

Tangerines will have to be completely abandoned by those who suffer:

• cholecystitis;

• Jade;

• Hepatitis.

Use caution with tangerines. people with diabetesgiven the high sugar content in fruits.

Having a citrus etiology, tangerines are not only beneficial to the body when their quantity is abused. Mandarin oranges can easily be provoked allergic reactions, which will manifest as a skin rash, diarrhea, and swelling of the nasal mucosa.

The health benefits of tangerines for the future mother and her baby

Given the unique vitamin composition of mandarin, it is very useful for the body, both pregnant and lactating women. But on the health of the child, the effect of the citrus fruit will not be so positive.

During pregnancy, especially in the last three months, future mother is good to eat tangerines with benefit for your body. The main thing is to know the measure so as not to provoke an allergy to citrus fruits in a child in the future. Moderate consumption of tangerines guarantees the receipt of useful properties from them. At the same time, this will help to avoid undesirable side effects, such as irritation of the intestinal mucosa and allergic reactions to the skin.

Mandarins are also useful for a future mother in that they contribute to the removal of excess fluid from the body, which help avoid swelling in the last months of pregnancy.

When it comes time for breastfeeding, mandarins will have to be abandoned. And only after 6-8 months, a nursing mother can try to eat a citrus fruit. After that, you will need to monitor the reaction of the child's body. Only in this way, gradually, his immune system will absorb the benefits of tangerines, excluding sharp negative reactions.

The benefits of mandarins for the child's body

The love of children for tangerines plays in favor of their parents, who are trying in every possible way to strengthen children's immunity in the winter season. It is only necessary to remember that in everything it is necessary to observe a measure. Otherwise, the body will resist vitamin oversaturation, and small cheeks will be covered with red spots.

Do not eat tangerines on empty stomach at breakfast. The glucose contained in the fetus, absorbed into the blood, will increase the sugar in it. Such a violation can lead to diabetes.

No one can unequivocally answer the question - when is it better to start giving the child tangerines so that he gets health benefits from them? It all depends on the individual characteristics of each organism. You need to start gradually, observing the reaction of the body.

How to choose the most delicious tangerines that have health benefits

What is the ideal mandarin with health benefits? Perhaps this is a fruit that:

• Easy to peel;

• Very sweet;

• It has no stones;

• Stored for a long time.

Thick-skinned large tangerines peel very easily, but have a mild taste and the presence of seeds. Smaller fruits with a slightly flat shape, usually seedless, but quite acidic.

Exists the most delicious variety of tangerines. This is a hybrid of ordinary tangerine and orange-king. A small, dense, bright orange and very fragrant citrus fruit is called - clementine. This delicious healthy mandarin originally from Corsica. And also growing in Marocco.

It is important to pay attention to the appearance of the purchased tangerines. A slightly greenish fruit is immature. Healthy tangerines do not have the particularities of ripening while lying in a dish in the kitchen. It will be a sour fruit. There are also overripe specimens that begin to rot and, from that, are covered with mold from a spoiled barrel.

Tangerines bought and brought home must be washed under running water. It is a mistake to think that the fruit is cleaned of a dirty peel before use and therefore you can not wash it. After all, before touching the fetus, the hands will already be dirty.

Homemade Mandarin with Healthful Properties

Mandarin is quite possible to grow at home. Suitable for this grade:

Unshiu - a low tree with a wide crown. Quickly brings a big harvest;

Shiva Mikan - the plant is compact and branched. Blooms early and gives good tasty fruits;

Kovane wass - a massive tree, which at home is able to grow to impressive size. It blooms profusely and bears fruit.

The soil for growing home healthy mandarin, the mandarin should consist of equal parts of sod and leaf soils, include fertilizer from humus of cow droppings, as well as a small part of oily clay. Keep in mind the need for drainage in the pot.

Watering such a tree in the summer should be very plentiful, 1-2 times a day. The plant should be sprayed more often. In winter, it is better to move a citrus tree into a room with an air temperature of up to +12 degrees and reduce the frequency of watering to 1 time per week. Providing a cold winter will result in good yields. Leaving the plant to hibernate in a warm room, it can also be subjected to adversity parasites.

Water for irrigation and spraying must be used warm and settled. It is important to ensure that the earthen lump is always moistened. Otherwise, the tangerine tree will start to throw off both leaves and fruits.

It is necessary to provide the plant with light and heat during the flowering period.

Young trees should be replanted annually.

Besides the fact that the citrus tree is capable of producing healthy vitamin fruits, it still perfectly cleans indoor air. Within a radius of 20 meters, a small mandarin tree has an antiviral effect on the environment.


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