Traditional and unusual recipes for minced pork cutlets. How to deliciously cook pork minced meatballs for the whole family


Minced pork cutlets are an excellent option for lunch, and when cold with a bun and a leaf of salad - for a snack at work or school.

It is probably still not worth serving cutlets of minced pork for dinner: they are sufficiently fatty and high in calories.

Minced pork tender and juicy.

Dishes from it like children; such cutlets are not bad to offer recovering, as they strengthen the strength.

Pork cutlets - general principles

It is better to cook cutlets from minced pork scrolled independently. Still, it will be absolutely fresh, and you will know exactly what you put in a meat grinder. The lattice is preferable to use an average.

Onions are traditionally added to onions, but if you do not like it, you can use garlic. It is also customary to add a loaf soaked in milk.

It is often advised to include raw vegetables in the number of ingredients for pork cutlets: white or cauliflower, zucchini, potatoes, carrots and so on. There are other "secret materials" that will make the taste of minced pork cutlets more expressive and at the same time absorb excess fat. Vegetables and bread must be passed through a meat grinder along with pork.

It is better to put the egg in the minced meat not entirely, but only the yolk, otherwise the cutlets will be stiff. However, this is not for everybody.

It’s a good idea to put greens in cutlets of minced pork. You can chop it, or you can also pass it through a meat grinder.

Recipe 1. Pork minced meat cutlets with parsley


Pork - 1 kg

Potato - 300g

Bulb - 2 large

Garlic - Half Head

Egg - 2 pieces

Sour cream - 3-4 tablespoons

Wheat crumb - a third of the loaf

Parsley - a small bunch


Salt, black pepper

Cooking method

Rinse the pork and cut into pieces. Peel onions, garlic and potatoes.

Pork through a meat grinder along with onions, potatoes, garlic and bread crumb. Beat the egg in a bowl with sour cream. Rinse the parsley first in a bowl, and then with running water and chop finely. Combine all ingredients, add salt and pepper and knead well.

Form cutlets from the minced meat, roll them in breadcrumbs and fry in a pan on both sides until tender (about 10 minutes).

Recipe 2. Spicy minced pork cutlets


Low-fat pork - 1 kilogram

Potato - 3 large tubers

Garlic - 5-6 cloves

Russian type cheese - 200 g

Egg - 2 pieces

Salt, black and white pepper, freshly ground, oregano, rosemary - to taste

Cooking method

Wash the meat and cut into pieces. Peel the garlic and potatoes, and cut if necessary. All this is passed through a meat grinder with a medium or small grill in random order.

Add 2 yolks and one protein to the minced meat (the second can be used to prepare another dish). Finely rub the cheese and pour there. Add salt, pepper, herbs and mix thoroughly.

Form the small cutlets from the minced meat and fry them in a pan with oil on both sides until cooked.

Recipe 3. Pork minced meat patties with vegetables

This option of cutlets includes a relatively large number of vegetable ingredients not for the sake of economy, but because they give the cutlets a unique bouquet of flavors, relieve excess fat and add value to the human body. Even if you think that cutlets should not include anything but meat, rolls and onions, try: the taste is very original.


Pork with fat - half a kilo

Potato - 2 small tubers

Carrots - 1 small

Sweet pepper, red would be better - 1 large or 2-3 small

Canned corn (optional) - 3-4 tablespoons

Eggs - 2 pieces

Sour cream 15% fat - 2 tablespoons

Breadcrumbs, vegetable oil - for frying

Salt, sweet paprika powder - to taste

Cooking method

Rinse and chop pork and pepper. Peel the potatoes and carrots and chop them too.

Through a meat grinder, scroll meat and vegetables, except for corn, with meat through the middle grill, and vegetables can also be done through small ones. Add minced salt and paprika powder, two yolks and one protein, sour cream and corn to the minced meat. Mix everything thoroughly. Form oblong cutlets.

Beat the remaining protein. Dip each cutlet in protein, and then breaded in breadcrumbs and put on a hot frying pan. Fry over low heat on both sides until cooked.

Recipe 4. Mushroom pork cutlets


Pork - 700 g

Wheat bun (crumb) - a third of the loaf

Garlic - 2 cloves

Onion - 1 medium or large (to taste) onion

Champignons (you may prefer oyster mushrooms) - 300 g

Egg - 2 yolks

Carrots - 1 small root vegetable

Milk - 2/3 cup

Vegetable oil

Salt, pepper, herbs (thyme, parsley, dried dill)

Cooking method

Soak bread crumb in milk. Chop the onion, you can use a blender. Wash the mushrooms, peel, cut into small pieces. Peel and grate the carrots very finely. Fry mushrooms with onions and carrots in vegetable oil until almost ready. Cool.

Rinse the meat, cut and pass through a meat grinder. Squeeze out the bread and also grind with a meat grinder or blender. Combine pork, bread, mushrooms with vegetables and egg yolks. Salt, add pepper and dry spicy herbs, rubbing them between the fingers. If the meat is too steep, add a little milk in which the bread has been soaked.

Form cutlets from the resulting mass and fry them in a pan until cooked.

Recipe 5. Pork minced meat cutlets with carrots


Pork with fat - 700 g

Carrot - 1 medium-sized piece

Semolina - half a cup

Egg - 2 pieces

Pork or beef liver (you can take the liver of a bird) - 200 g

Salt, black pepper, dry spicy herbs to taste

Oil for frying cutlets

Cooking method

Cut fat from a piece of meat and set aside. Peel the carrots. Cut vegetables, liver and meat into pieces for a meat grinder and grind in it using a coarse-mesh lattice. Beat eggs and pour into meat. Pour semolina, salt, pepper and greens into the minced meat, mix very carefully so that the semolina does not crumple, and leave it to stand for half an hour.

Meanwhile, cut the fat into very small cubes and mix in the minced meat.

Form medium-sized patties and fry in a pan with butter. It is not necessary to bread these cutlets, but if you think it is necessary, you can also bread in semolina or crackers.

Recipe 6. Cutlets of minced pork "Sur"

This is a recipe for minced pork cutlets with a surprise; children like this dish especially.


Low-fat pork - 700 g

Potato - 2 things

Small oatmeal - half a cup

Tomato paste - 2 tablespoons

Sour cream - 2 tablespoons

Ham - bulk piece 100 - 150 g

Hard cheese - 100 - 150 g

Eggs - 4 pieces

Canned corn - 4-5 tablespoons

Champignons - 4-5 small fungi


Dried salt, pepper, parsley

Cooking Oil

Cooking method

Brew Hercules with boiling water and leave to cool completely. Wash, peel and cut the potatoes into large pieces.

Boil peeled mushrooms in a small amount of water. Hard-boiled eggs (2 pieces). Cut the cheese and ham into plump sleeper. Chop eggs cooled in cold water.

Pork the meat through a meat grinder along with hercules and potatoes. Salt, add pepper and parsley. Beat the two remaining eggs with tomato paste and sour cream and pour there.

Form tortillas from minced meat and wrap in them ham, cheese, mushroom, chopped egg, and then a teaspoon (or more) of corn. Breaded in crackers, forming small patties.

Fry the patties in oil until they are ready.

Recipe 7. Chicken minced pork cutlets


Any pork - about a kilogram

Cauliflower - 200 g

Sweet pepper - 2 pieces, preferably red

Hot pepper - a small slice

Onion - 1 medium onion

Garlic - 5-6 cloves

Canned Pineapple - 3-4 washers without liquid

Eggs - 2 pieces

Sausage cheese - 200 g

Breadcrumbs, salt, frying oil

Cooking method

From the very beginning, put sausage cheese in the freezer, otherwise it will not be rubbed.

Rinse and chop meat, peel cauliflower and pepper. Leaflets and "stalks" do not need to be separated from cabbage - they should also be put in minced meat.

Pass the pork through a meat grinder along with cauliflower, sweet and burning peppers, onions, garlic and pineapple slices.

Add salt, eggs to the resulting mass and mix thoroughly. If the pepper was not red, it makes sense to add a spoon or two of tomato paste or a little carrot or beetroot juice to give the cutlets a pinkish color.

Grate the sausage cheese on the smallest grater (you can use a special grater for cheese), mix it with ground breadcrumbs and roll cutlets in this breading. Put them on a hot pan with enough oil so that the cheese does not stick.

Minced Pork Cutlets - Tips & Tricks

  • Of course, it is better to buy pork with a piece and already make minced meat on its own. Among other things, you can and adjust to your taste how finely chopped the meat is.

  • You can add a little beef, chicken or liver to the pork.

  • Breadcrumbs are also better to make yourself a good fresh bread.

  • To force the meat to be softer and airier, it must be “knocked out”. That is, ready-made stuffing is thrown quite a few times onto the table. Sometimes they also “knock out” dense dough.

  • Serve pork minced meat patties with a salad of cucumber and lettuce, stewed cabbage or other vegetables; it’s nice to serve pickled fruits or pickled cabbage for these cutlets. Do not supplement this dish with pasta or potatoes: they contain too much starch.


Watch the video: 15 minute Pork & Sesame Udon Noodles - Marion's Kitchen (June 2024).