February 19: what are the holidays today. Events, birthdays and birthdays February 19.


Holidays February 19

World Day of the Whales and Dolphins

February 19, the world celebrates the Day of the whale. Not only whales, but also all inhabitants of the sea depths become the main actors of the holiday. Since February 19, 1986 there is a moratorium on whaling. Capturing whale is allowed only to the indigenous population for their own needs and for scientific purposes to study animals. Fishing is carried out by special permission of the International Whale Commission.

Ruthless extermination, knowing no boundaries, of marine mammals has led to the fact that many species are on the verge of extinction. The ecology of the seas and oceans, unfortunately, does not contribute to their reproduction. The Day of Protection of All Marine Mammals is intended to once again indicate to people the need to protect the natural riches of the planet and to treat its inhabitants with care. In Russia, the holiday February 19, is celebrated since 2002. Many species of dolphins, whales, seals and fur seals are protected by the law of the Russian Federation and are listed in our Red Book.

Day of giving books

February 19 Armenia celebrates a cheerful holiday for adults and children - the Day of giving books. This holiday was "born" in honor of the famous Armenian writer and poet Hovhannes Tadevosovich Tumanyan, whose birthday on February 19, 1869 is celebrated by the whole country. The literary heritage of Tumanyan includes fairy tales and fables, prose and poetry, lyrics and ballads translated into many languages.

Day of the Financial Police of Kyrgyzstan

February 19, Kyrgyzstan celebrates the Day of Financial Police. The Financial Police Service was established in 1997 to effectively combat economic disruption. Police officers protect medium and small businesses from unreasonable inspections, investigate official misconduct. On this day, the best employees of the financial police are awarded state awards.

National Flag Day of Turkmenistan

February 19 Turkmenistan celebrates the State Flag Day. The decree on the celebration was signed by President Niyazov, whose birthday (February 19, 1940 - December 21, 2006) coincided with the date of the holiday. The flag of the national flag is green with a burgundy vertical stripe. There are five göls, national ornaments of Turkmen carpets on the strip.

February 19 in the national calendar

Zhukoly, Vukol calf house

February 19 was revered by St. Vukola, who was a disciple of the Apostle John the Theologian. On the day of February 19, the cows were especially cared for; it was believed that by this day they had to be calved and brought calves (zhukols) to the farm. This meant that the whole family would soon be able to enjoy the milk.

On Vukola, all signs were associated with cows. It was believed that a swallow that flew over a cow could deprive her of milk. If a cow is wet under its hooves, then there will be little milk. If a cow gives birth to two calves of the same color - to good, and motley kids - to trouble. It was forbidden to stroke the calf on the back - could get sick.

There was only one sign of the weather: if it was freezing on this day, then spring should be friendly, and summer is hot.

Historical events February 19

February 19, 1855 appearance of a synoptic map

The first synoptic map was drawn on February 19, 1855 by astronomer Urbain Le Verrier (France). He compiled this map on the basis of the data of weather forecasters who telegraphed their measurements from different European cities. The map showed air temperature in different areas, wind direction and other data important for determining weather. Modern synoptic maps are compiled using computers and look much more complicated than their predecessors.

February 19, 1878 birthday phonograph

In 1878, February 19, inventor Thomas Edison patented his phonograph. It was the first device in the world to record sound and play it. Edison immediately became a celebrity, and many people called his invention “magic.” Edison himself was amazed at the result of his discovery. In 1879, the "magic" phonograph appeared in Russia. Thanks to Edison, who sent phonographs to celebrities of that time as a gift, we can now hear the voice of Leo Tolstoy.

February 19, 1918 the beginning of the Baltic Fleet Ice Campaign

The operation to rescue ships from capture by German troops began on February 19, 1918 and was called the Ice Campaign. 236 Russian ships were icebound in Revel and Helsinfors. The operation to free the ships lasted until the month of May. Having overcome the ice barriers and having lost only one submarine, all ships were brought to Krondstat.

February 19, 1921 publication of the first issue of the working paper "Trud"

The oldest newspaper, Trud, was published on February 19, 1921. It was a daily edition of the Workers' Union Council. The circulation of the newspaper was 150,000 copies, and in 1975 - 8.3 million copies. Since October 1990, the newspaper was published as a print edition of the trade unions of the USSR. In Trud, famous writers published their works, materials on socialist competition were published, and questions of cultural-mass work were discussed. Today, Trud is one of the most widely read newspapers.

February 19, 1938 finished work Soviet station "North Pole-1"

The North Pole-1, the very first Soviet research station in the world, began operating in 1937. Scientists raised the flag of the USSR over the North Pole and began to study it. The station was founded on a drifting ice floe, and by 1938 practically nothing was left of it. February 19, 1938 the station was evacuated. For outstanding achievements in the name of science, research scientists Papanin I.D., Shirshov P.P., Fedorov K.F. and Krenkelu E.T. was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union.

Born on February 19

Nicolaus Copernicus (February 19, 1473 - May 24, 1546), Polish scientist, astronomer

Nicolaus Copernicus is an outstanding Polish astronomer. His work "On the conversion of celestial spheres" served to create the heliocentric system of the world. Astronomer was the first to promulgate the idea that our Earth constantly revolves around the Sun, and does not stand still, as was believed then. It was only after his death that the Inquisition "caught hold of itself" and declared Copernicus' teaching heresy. The book was added to the Index of Prohibited Books and until 1833 it was banned.

Adeline Patti (February 19, 1843 - September 27, 1919), opera singer

Adeline Patti - a representative of the virtuoso operatic vocals. The voice of the singer was considered unique, soft, fresh, flexible. Adeline was applauded by Madrid, New York, London, Paris, Petersburg, Moscow. The voice of rare beauty and exceptional technique of performance fascinated the public and caused a noisy applause. She died on September 27, 1919, and was buried in the French Pere Lachaise cemetery.

Elsa Ladey (February 19, 1933 - June 13, 2001), Soviet actress

Elsa Ladey became recognizable by millions of Soviet citizens after the legendary TV series "Investigators are investigating." Since 1971, viewers have seen 22 episodes about connoisseurs, the ideal guardians of order. The role was fatal: Ledy did not want to shoot in other films. In 1989, the film ended its existence, and Kibrit-Lezhdey was left without work. This ended the creative path of Elsa Ladey.

Alla Larionova (February 19, 1931 - April 25, 2000), famous Soviet actress

Alla took the first steps in the cinema as a schoolgirl, then starred while being a student at VGIK. Her first serious role - the film "Sadko". After this film, she becomes the first Soviet film actress who was invited to Hollywood. Larionova has more than 40 film roles, and one of the best is the heroine of the movie “Anna on the Neck”. Talented and charming actress left an unforgettable mark on Soviet cinema.

Name Day February 19

Anatoly, Vasily, Ivan, Maxim, Marfa, Julian, Alexander, Arseny, Dmitry, Christina, Maria, Sevastyan


Watch the video: Is Feb 20 A Holiday? (July 2024).