For all ages, swimming in the pool is good for health. We destroy the myth that for pregnant women swimming in the pool is harm


Swimming as a sport originated in the time of the ancient Egyptians, 2.5 thousand years BC: on the tomb of the Egyptian pharaoh a text was found that tells about the lessons of swimming of the royal children.

For the ancient Greeks, sport is a cult occupation, they are naturally athletically built, swimming was considered a useful occupation for the body and soul.

Water is far from an alien element for a person, because for the first months of life, the child lies with her mother in the stomach, filled with water.

This environment is for him. habitual and is safe.

It is difficult to overestimate the benefits and beneficial effects on the body of this sport, like any medal - there are two sides. Therefore, before going to the pool, every adult must definitely know what benefits and harm swimming has on the body.

Swimming in the pool: features of this sport

There are two types of pool: 25 meters long, and 50 meters. Rarely found non-standard - less than 25 meters long. The average water temperature is 25 - 26 ° C. The pool is cleaned with chlorinated water, although in some modern pools, purification equipment runs on ozone. In public pools, ozone purification is used in combination with chlorine.

Swimming in the pool: what are the health benefits?

The fact that swimming enhances physical health, you probably heard a lot. However, many do not know that swimming in the pool is good. for mental and emotional health. Water relaxes, calms, relieves stress, improves appetite, normalizes sleep. Thanks to water procedures, the nervous system is strengthened, there is a feeling of calm, harmony. Relaxation activates the functioning of nerve endings.

In water, the swimmer has to make power movements that involve almost all muscle groups. Therefore it is balanced muscle training, which will strengthen bone tissue and the musculoskeletal system. When you swim, there is minimal load on the joints, posture improves and the body's stamina is developed.

Swimming in the pool is a health benefit, the body is literally saturated with energy. Swimmer exercises breathing exercises, during which there is ventilation of the lungs and their volume gradually increases. The body receives more oxygen, accelerates metabolism, and this leads to burning of subcutaneous fat and improves digestion, which leads to the strengthening of immunity.

Swimming in the pool is good for the body, heart muscles train. A regular visit to the pool strengthens the cardiovascular system, increases the power of the heart - in one cycle the heart is able to push out a much larger volume of blood.

Swimming in the pool: what are the possible health risks?

A number of contraindications are inherent in swimming, so before you start to regularly visit the pool, it is better to consult a therapist, orthopedist and neurologist. There are not so many contraindications to this sport, but, nevertheless, swimming is not recommended:

• for colds, such as acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, pneumonia;

• with neurological abnormalities accompanied by convulsions;

• with congenital severe heart disease;

• with epilepsy;

• with a serious violation of the function of the musculoskeletal system, when a person needs constant fixation of the limbs;

• for skin infectious diseases.

Since the water in the pool is disinfected by chlorination, this chemical element adversely affects the skin, mucous membranes, hair and nails. There are frequent cases of an allergic reaction.

Swimming in the pool: the benefits of losing weight

Swimming in the pool does not cause harm, the load is distributed evenly throughout the swimmer’s body, while there is no risk of sprains, muscle overloads and stress on the joints. Water resistance is 12 times stronger than air resistance, so during water training it takes 400-500 kcal, and this is 25% more than the energy consumed during intense running. At the same time, movements in the water are light and smooth, you will not feel the muscle tension that you feel when sweating in the gym. No sport is fighting mercilessly with cellulite like swimming, water massages the skin, improves elasticity and tone. When you swim in the pool, blood flow increases, the fluid begins to circulate evenly in the lymphatic system, so this sport is not just a means of combating cellulite deposits, but also a method prevention of "orange peel".

For pregnant and lactating women: swimming in the pool is useful or harmful

Maternity swimming in the pool Benefit for health scientifically proven fact, as it helps to relax the spine, which accounts for the main burden during pregnancy. Back pain and osteochondrosis with a regular visit to the pool will not make themselves felt.

For those women who bear fruit and put on weight, swimming is a necessary type of physical activity: in the pool there is minimal risk of injury or sprain, while the body of the expectant mother can actively expend energy, which means extra calories.

A regular visit to the pool has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, reduces blood pressure and strengthens blood vessels, which saves a woman from varicose veins and hypertension associated with pregnancy.

Breathing exercises when diving in the pool helps the expectant mother to prepare for childbirth. Proper breathing is important during childbirth, since a sufficient amount of oxygen helps muscles to contract better - there is a respiratory imitation during labor.

Swimming has a calming effect on the psyche, and allows a pregnant woman to relax, relieve stress and get rid of fears associated with upcoming births and difficult contractions. Regular visits to the pool during pregnancy will help a woman feel more energetic, energetic and get rid of the ailments caused by stress.

It is not contraindicated for nursing mothers to visit the pool, because after the birth of a baby, every woman strives to find a sports form and slim fit body, and swimming is an effective way to destroy extra pounds and swimming in the pool will not bring harm to a weakened body. With lactation Do not forget about safety precautions, which, observing every woman, will maintain the production of milk in sufficient quantities:

1) any kind of hypothermia of the body sometimes leads to a loss of milk, so after visiting the pool it is advisable to bask in the sauna or under a warm shower.

2) you should carefully approach the choice of a bathing suit - the main thing is that he does not pinch and squeeze his chest.

3) do not overwork and exhaust yourself with kilometer-long swims, a nursing mother should choose the feasible load for herself that will bring the body only benefit and pleasure.

4) after exercising in the pool, rinse your body, rinse with chlorinated water, dry your hair and change your wet clothes to a dry kit. And only after these procedures go home to the baby.

Moderate physical activity will not cause a loss of milk. They change its taste, because when you exercise, lactic acid is produced, but after an hour the effect of the acid is weakened, and soon after visiting the pool, you can easily continue to feed the baby.

Swimming in the pool for children: useful or harmful

Swimming in the pool is useful for the growing child’s body, the baby develops endurance, forms the correct posture, and strengthens the immune system.

A visit to the pool tempers the child’s body, increases resistance to viral and colds infections. As soon as the child goes to school, the load on the spine will increase, he will have problems with posture. Since childhood, many begin to form scoliosis, which in the future will not play the best role in the physical activity of the child.

Swimming favors the proper development of the musculoskeletal system, helps to form a muscle corset that supports the spinal column. The rapid movement of the legs in the water prevents the development of flat feet, which is often found in babies and strengthens the ankle muscles.

Swimming favorably affects the central nervous system of the child: sleep and appetite normalize, and the tone of the body rises. Immersion in water with a delay in breathing increases blood circulation in the brain, which favors the mental development of your crumbs. Writing down baby to the swimming section, you will develop the baby physically, and from childhood teach to discipline and independence.

Swimming in the pool is a tangible health benefit, you are charged with positive and cheerfulness, and the body becomes slimmer and toned. Swimming has a beneficial effect on all organs and systems of the body. You should not interrupt classes during pregnancy and lactation, follow the recommendations and precautions. The only harm when swimming in the pool is bacteria and skin infectious diseases, but you should not worry about this, since the risk of "catching" the infection is minimized.

Public pools are equipped with well-designed water treatment plants that kill pathogenic bacteria. Although the chlorinated cleansing method in itself creates the likelihood of becoming an allergen and irritant of the mucosa, causing deterioration in the condition of hair, skin and nails. But the benefits of visiting the pool are much greater - feel free to go to the pool yourself and do not forget to take your children.


Watch the video: Stop peeing in the pool. Chlorine doesn't work like you think. (June 2024).