Feminine opinion: marriage contract in our time - almost a necessity


The marriage contract in Western countries has long been an integral part of the marriage. He is able to resolve all aspects of the relationship of spouses from property disputes to walks with the dog. Marriage contract in Russia is a relatively new trend. And in the overwhelming majority of cases, it regulates only the relations of husband and wife related to property: from a mansion on the coast to an old frying pan and the debts of one of the spouses. Portal "Women's Opinion" tried to find out the attitude of Russian women to the conclusion of a marriage contract.

40% of Russians believe that the need to draw up a marriage contract arises only when at least one of the future spouses is very rich. It’s quite natural that I don’t really want to share the property that I already had before marriage.

26.8% of the fair sex believe that in our time signing a marriage contract is a necessity. It was mainly about owning an apartment on the basis of personal property and the subsequent division of living space. "For example, I have an apartment, but he has nothing. Naturally, we must protect ourselves in case of divorce," the Russians shared with us. About any "pans" and other trifles no one even gave a hint. Some ladies mistakenly assumed that the marriage contract included the settlement of "children's problems". “When you start to acquire property, children from previous marriages, business, a contract becomes necessary,” said the women. Another mistake was the assumption that the signing of a marriage agreement is possible only during marriage: "I would definitely sign. But now it's too late!".

14.8% of the women surveyed would agree to sign a marriage contract if the husband insisted on it. They themselves will not divide anything and no claims to present the former spouse are not going to. It is quite probable that the position of these women is such only because at the moment everything in their personal life is beautiful.

And only 18.4% of respondents were categorically against signing such agreements. The motivation is extremely simple: if you love a person, then there’s no need to suspect him of some mythical wiles in the future. “It makes no sense to hold on to some property, nothing compares to the infinite trust in a man,” these were the words women expressed in their attitude to both the spouse and the marriage contract.

So, almost 70% of Russians a dozen years ago who had no idea about any marriage contracts, today are quite ready to conclude it under various circumstances. But whether the marriage between spouses strengthens the marriage contract - statistics is not yet known.

4150 people took part in the survey. Age from 20 to 45 years. From 123 cities of Russia.


Watch the video: The Importance of the Marriage Contract - Mohamed Magid (July 2024).