Scientists have proved: the female brain works more efficiently than the male


Finally, the researchers were able to answer a question that throughout the entire evolutionary process did not give rest to the best scientific minds. Doctors have repeatedly studied the structure of the brain and the mechanisms of thinking of both sexes, trying to figure out who is still smarter - men or women? Another experiment conducted by neurologists from Madrid together with colleagues from the University of California demonstrates that the female brain, despite its smaller volume, functions much more efficiently than the male brain.

Specialists were engaged in the study of the hippocampus, a part of the brain that regulates emotions and intuition. In men, this center is larger in size, which means that the number of neurons is increased, hence the mental abilities are higher.

If we talk about the female brain, the following relationship emerged: the smaller the hippocampus, the more rational the woman uses it. This fact is explained by a large number of connections between nerve cells (neurons), which allows women in the beautiful half of humanity to respond quickly to changes.

The authors of the study claim that the smaller brain of a woman is compensated by its more complex structure, which is a result of the evolution of Homo sapiens. The females' skull box was initially smaller in volume than the males, so its contents developed in an extensive way, in other words, the brain structure was complicated by deepening convolutions. As a result, it turned out that a woman has 20% more gray matter, and neurons are closer to each other. This means that the structure of a woman’s brain provides for a better neural connection and more developed inductive thinking.


Watch the video: The surprising science of alpha males. Frans de Waal (July 2024).