An alternative to surgery is face lifting at home. Lifting - a mask at home works wonders in one day


No one is safe from aging, unfortunately, the elixir of youth has not yet been invented, but, as the great say, "saving the drowning is the business of the drowning."

Constant spending time in front of a computer, a sedentary lifestyle, fast foods and a restriction in the intake of water have done their job, and already 25-year-old girls begin to think about a facelift.

It would seem that the face is still young, and wrinkles are not observed, but there was a certain puffiness and saggy skin.

And what about women over 40, 50, 60 and beyond? It’s scary to go to the surgeon, injections are expensive.

In this case, face lifting at home is indispensable. And if you also connect lifting masks, then in a very short time everyone around you will admire and whisper that you have passed through the surgeon's scalpel.

Face lifting at home: to do or not to do

The causes of facial skin aging are different, however, you can find several ways to rejuvenate it, lifting - massage is one of the unique means, one of the advantages is that it is affordable and cheap to do at home.

Over time, the skin of the face begins to fade, the oval of the face changes, sagging appears, and the only reason for this is the accumulation of lymph, which makes the face tissue loose, losing elasticity over time. Intensive effect on the skin, muscles, subcutaneous tissue allows you to drain lymph, improve blood flow.

A face lifting massage at home with regular use will replace:

• plastic surgeon;

• sculptor;

• Oriental masters.

Intensive exposure will help to fill the skin with collagen and elastin.

After the first sessions, you can notice obvious changes in the oval of the face and the condition of its skin.

The skin of the face will look healthier literally after the first procedure, decrease very quickly, and eventually become completely invisible, such annoying bags and bruises under the eyes, “bulldog cheeks” disappear, nasolabial folds are tightened.

Face lifting can be started at any age, but the sooner, the faster the result will be visible.

Home lifting can be harmful if the recommendations are not followed correctly. The directions, lines and time of exposure should be strictly observed.

In some cases It is strictly forbidden to intensely affect the skin, this applies to such diseases:

• oncology;

• inflammation of the skin;

• the presence of acne and a tendency to form an abscess rash;

• dermatitis at any stage.

Therefore, carefully weigh to do or not to do you a lifting massage at home, so that instead of the anti-aging effect in the pursuit of beauty you will not get additional problems. Those who decide to go to the end and win the fight against aging of their skin should learn all the basic rules and feel free to rush into battle.

Face lifting at home: a set of actions

The main secret of the anti-aging effect of lifting massage is, first of all, to ensure the outflow of lymph from skin cells. This task can be dealt with by the influence of hands or other improvised means.

1. If a classical, Japanese or Chinese massage requires certain skills of a massage therapist, then every person is able to master a spoon massage. The simplicity of the techniques allows you to do this massage daily immediately after the morning cream has been applied to relieve puffiness and fill the face with additional energy.

  • Silver teaspoons would be ideal for a spoon lifting massage, but nickel silver or ordinary stainless steel will do. For the period of lifting massage, it is advisable to separate these spoons from the rest and use them only for procedures.

  • Before starting a massage session, apply vegetable oil to a face cleansed of cosmetics and add a drop of your favorite aromatic oil. It can be amaranth, clove, jojoba or any other that does not cause allergies. The lubrication task is to ensure that the spoon glides smoothly and prevents skin stretching.

  • For a spoon massage, we need two or four spoons, vessels with hot and cold water.

  • The effect of spoon massage is provided by varying the temperature regime of exposure to the skin, intense exposure to spoons and providing nutrition to skin cells with oils.

  • In each container we have 2 spoons, first we make hot spoons, then cold, alternating them several times, a prerequisite is to finish the receptions with cold, because at the same time the vessels are narrowed, the skin of the face is tightened. Make sure that the water is not too hot so as not to burn.

  • Spoon massage is performed along the main lines, starting with the forehead, then the gas, cheeks, chin, neck and décolleté, the main thing is that each time, bringing the spoon to the edge of the face, lower it along the edge of the neck to the collarbones, ensuring the outflow of lymph.

  • We pass each line 5 to 7 times with a straight and zigzag stroking, light tapping.

With the regular use of lifting massage, not only will the oval of the face improve, but the bags and bruises under the eyes will disappear.

2. Unique in its qualities and anti-aging effect is lifting - massage with icewhich is used since ancient times.

  • It is possible to carry out procedures using ice while lying in the bath or preheating the face skin with a towel squeezed in hot water.

  • Ice cubes can be prepared from infusions of herbs, iced tea, a decoction of orange or lemon peel. For a full massage, 5 to 6 pieces may be needed.

  • On the main massage lines of the warmed face, we draw ice from the middle to the edges, 3-4 times each, massaging the forehead, eyes, cheeks, and neck.
  • This massage is completed by applying a hot towel and lubricating the nourishing cream.

Face lifting mask at home: basic principles and preparation

The impact on the face of the gifts of nature is currently given great attention. Mother Nature created unique works that can restore cells, kill viruses and even cancer, improve blood circulation and tone the entire human body. Amazing cosmetic qualities possess plants, stones, algae and much more. The main thing is to study their properties and learn how to use them correctly.

An alternative to plastic surgery will be a complex of lifting facial massage and lifting - masks that work wonders of lifting due to the production of collagen and elastin. Literally after a couple of days of an integrated approach to face correction, it is noted:

• rejuvenation of the skin of the face;

• clearer oval;

• reduction of a double chin;

• disappearance of fine wrinkles.

The huge pole of the lifting mask at home is its affordability and ease of implementation, the main thing is to correctly follow all the recommendations.

Women under 30 should not be in a hurry to use "heavy artillery", youth itself copes with skin problems.

A lifting mask will be a successful weapon in the fight against unhealthy complexion and condition, saggy skin and its edema, early wrinkles. Fading mature skin receives a real gift in the form of skin nutrition through a homemade lifting mask.

Attention! Do not rush to start using this unique method of rejuvenation, until you make sure that you do not have inflammation on the face, open wounds and scars, and most importantly, that the components used in preparing the mask do not cause allergies.

Not sure about any component, then test it by first applying it to your wrist for half an hour, if there is no reaction, it can be safely applied to the face.

Do not be discouraged with a positive reaction, because the list of lifting masks is unlimited, and you will surely find your own, which will return youth and a beautiful look to your face.

Face lifting mask at home: sequence of actions

Natural components of home lifting masks are in no way inferior to expensive purchased analogues, and sometimes even surpass them in quality, winning in price.

If necessary, quickly achieve the result of lifting - masks at home can be done every day in parallel with a lifting massage, but you should not use the same composition more than 2 times a week, because rejuvenation is lost due to skin habituation.

  • Before each application of the lifting mask, the skin of the face should be cleaned with a preliminary peeling and tonic. If the mask is not applied immediately after lifting massage, then you should slightly warm up the skin of the face, stroking and rubbing along the main massage lines.

  • Any lifting mask is applied from the chin to the forehead, from the middle of the face to the edges. After applying the tightening mixture, you should take a horizontal position, for this time stop talking and show emotions, because any facial expressions will destroy the whole effect of the procedure, which will appear when the mask is completely dry after 20-40 minutes, depending on the composition of the mask.

  • We wash off the applied mixture with cotton swabs with warm water, if necessary, and for those who have dry skin - we must apply a moisturizer that will relieve the feeling of dryness.

Recipes for lifting masks at home: for different skin types

For each skin type, you should choose your own individual mask, checking the components that make up it for an allergic reaction.

1. Oily skin always leaves on a napkin, which can be pressed for 5 - 6 seconds to the face, almost a complete imprint of the face.

- Lemon with protein will not only tighten the skin of the face, but also remove the oily sheen. For that mask, pour the whipped protein of one egg into freshly made lemon juice (1 tablespoon is enough), apply the mixture with a brush to a clean face, starting from the neck and chin. The complete drying of the mask will be a signal for its washing off.

2. Dry skin causes a feeling of tightness, it often peels off, so first of all it should be given moisturizing with a parallel lift. Perfectly this mixture of beaten protein of the 1st egg, 1 tsp. any vegetable oil and mashed potatoes peeled from peel and seeds of cucumber.

3. A universal mask made of white clay, which is easy to buy at any pharmacy, is considered universal. An ideal mixture of 2 tbsp. clay, 1 tablespoon fresh grape juice and ½ tsp wheat germ oil.

If necessary, this composition can be diluted with boiled water so that the mask is easily smeared on the face. We hold until completely dry, trying not to allow any facial expressions, not to talk. A clay mask is washed off with plenty of warm water.

To prepare lifting masks at home, you can use everything at hand: rice, potatoes, ginger, turmeric and other ingredients, the main thing to remember is that we use the same mask no more than 2 times a week.

No matter what age you are, do not give up, only stubborn and persistent win.
