Bursitis - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment


Bursitis is an inflammatory disease of synovial bags, which is accompanied by an increased formation of exudate in their cavities. The most common today is shoulder bursitis, bursitis of the knee joint, as well as ulnar bursitis.

Bursitis - Causes

Usually, bursitis occurs due to injuries of the periarticular bag or nearby tendons. The cause can also be various repetitive physical exercises, such as playing golf or waving. A disease such as “water in the knee” is an inflammation of the bursa due to the constant kneeling during harvesting. Most often, bursitis occurs in the shoulder joint, which is not surprising, because it is he who is characterized by the largest range of movements among the remaining large joints of the body. In more rare cases, the cause of bursitis can be various infections, allergic reactions, metabolic disorders.

Bursitis - Symptoms

The most important symptom of bursitis is the appearance of a round and often painful swelling, in the area of ​​which there is usually an elevated temperature. In general, distinguish between acute and chronic bursitis.

Symptoms of acute bursitis involve a sudden severe pain, which intensifies even more during movements. For example, with a shoulder bursitis it will be quite difficult to put a hand behind the head while combing. Over the inflamed joints there is a very painful point where the pain in most cases gives off to the neck or down the surface of the arm. Such pain can be at night, because of which the patient is not even able to fall asleep.

As for chronic bursitis, in this case the pain is slightly weaker, however, it lasts longer. And the growing tissue around the joint seems to connect the bones, which may ultimately lead to a restriction in the movement of the joint.

Bursitis - diagnosis

If superficial bursitis is observed, then the diagnosis is made on the basis of the clinical picture, in the presence of easily palpable formations of a rounded shape, burning to the touch and fairly clearly defined. Chronic bursitis, in turn, is diagnosed when finding dense, same on the scar formations. In the event that there is internal inflammation, then specialized equipment may be needed, which includes ultrasound of the joint, bursography, radiography, and arthrography.

Bursitis - treatment

The treatment of bursitis is always a very complex and complex procedure, which includes both special drugs and surgical interventions if advanced or complicated cases are observed.

As for acute bursitis, here from its very beginning the fixation of the affected joint will be necessary, a sufficiently tight bandage on the joint helps to avoid tissue edema. Compresses with various means are installed on the damaged joint, for example, Vishnevsky ointment. Acute serous bursitis is highly recommended to be treated as soon as possible in order to avoid serious complications later.

At the very beginning of the treatment of chronic bursitis, a periarticular bag is punctured to remove the exudate. Directly, the cavity of the bag itself is washed with the help of special solutions of antibiotics, antiseptics.

If purulent bursitis is observed, then several punctures can be carried out, as well as washing of the joint cavity. It all depends on the severity of the disease and the presence of complications. If the disease threatens the patient’s life, then opening the cavity of the bag is performed in order to remove all pus, blood and fluid from there. The wound received during the operation heals for a very long time.


Watch the video: Recognizing and Treating Bursitis (July 2024).