How to make a tattoo at home: is this possible and what is needed for this? Ways to get a tattoo at home


If you consider yourself an individual, a tattoo is a great way to express yourself and stand out from the crowd.

However, not everyone wants to fill themselves with drawings on the body for the rest of their lives, there are also fans of the so-called temporary tattoos.

There are a lot of advantages, as well as disadvantages, to such drawings, and we will talk about them below.

How to make a tattoo at home: is it possible?

The answer is clear - of course! All that is needed is a few devices, a little effort and a drop of patience. Temporary drawings can also be considered as a preparatory stage before applying a permanent tattoo, to determine the most suitable place, size, type and method for it. Also, a tattoo can help hide any skin imperfections. Well, it goes without saying with her and understand whether she really needed or can you do without a tattoo?

If you can draw well, then you can make a tattoo at home, using improvised tools. Thus, you can draw the original drawing on parchment paper yourself with an ordinary gel pen. After that, a self-made picture is transferred to the skin on which it will hold for 1-4 days.

However, temporary tattoos also have their drawbacks:

  • the picture may simply not work out and interest in it quickly disappears;

  • if the drawing is not too high quality, the tattoo will begin to “blur” under the influence of moisture and the sun;

  • if you have allergies or any skin diseases, tattooing is strictly prohibited.

Next, let's figure out with what means you can make a tattoo at home.

What you need to make a tattoo at home

So, what do we need to prepare before we get a tattoo at home? If you draw well or you have a familiar artist, in this case it will be enough for you to get henna. It can be sold in the form of a powder from which it can be prepared, or a ready-made paste, it is most often packed in a cone-shaped confectionery bag.

Attention! Henna, sold in bags, the main purpose of which is hair coloring - does not fit! Therefore, buy ready-made pasta immediately if you want to get a good result in the end.

If you do not have full confidence that you will be able to put the desired picture on your skin yourself, buy also a stencil that will help you cope with the paint without any problems. In order to lubricate the skin, most experienced masters prefer to use essential oils, in addition, their invigorating aroma will make the process of applying a tattoo more pleasant.

If you want the skin pattern to be preserved as long as possible, 2 days before the procedure itself, you need to clean the desired area with a scrub. Experienced masters also ask to remove hair from the place where the tattoo will be applied, so it will be much easier to make a more accurate and even picture.

How to make a tattoo at home: ways

So, we have come to one of the most important steps, namely, the method of tattooing.

Henna (mehndi)

Amazing sacred patterns on the body were painted in ancient India, and the idea itself has survived to the present.

To make the procedure as safe and even slightly pleasant as possible, natural Iranian finely ground henna is best. It should be applied to well-cleaned dry skin using a thin brush.

You can also use a stencil or tracing paper. The resulting pattern will be a fiery red or burgundy color, which will not lose color after contact with moisture. Mehndi will remain on the skin for about 20 days, which makes it possible to easily change images and create new colorful drawings.

How is mehndi made?

Take henna powder with lemon juice and dilute it with a little sugar. This is necessary in order to give the composition a viscosity, and it is better held on the skin. It is also recommended to add a little essential oil - this will give the picture more saturation. Place the henna paste in a plastic bottle with a cone-shaped tip. Wipe the desired spot on the skin with alcohol for additional drying.

If you know how to draw well, try drawing it yourself; if not, take a ready-made stencil, or mark the outline with a thin water-based felt-tip pen and draw henna on top.

At the end of the process, it is necessary to apply a certain amount of eucalyptus oil to the drawing. This will make the color of the tattoo more saturated and allow it to better absorb into the skin. The first few hours you can not wet or touch the treated area of ​​the skin, as a freshly baked tattoo can be erased. In order for the drawing to remain on the skin for as long as possible, before each contact with water it is necessary to lubricate it with vegetable oil, since it has the ability to repel moisture.

Transferable tattoo

The drawing is applied to the skin using special paper. The principle of such tattoos is very similar to stickers that we came across with chewing gum in childhood. Naturally, this type of pattern will not last long on the skin, however, sometimes a couple of days is enough if a real tattoo on the body is appropriate.

How is a translated tattoo made?

Before starting the procedure, thoroughly moisten the desired area of ​​the skin with water. Then gently peel off the protective film with a picture and glue it firmly on the skin with the picture down. It must be remembered that the pattern will be on the skin in a mirrored position, so it must first be deployed with the right side. After gluing, wait 15-20 seconds, then slowly peel it off the skin.

You need to give the drawing some time to dry. To make the drawing more resistant, it is recommended to sprinkle it with a thin layer of hairspray. To keep such a tattoo as long as possible, it should be applied to areas of the skin that rarely come in contact with water. Otherwise, the picture will begin to crack on the first day after application.

Body aerial tattoo

To apply this type of tattoo, you will need a special gun spraying water-based paint. Aerial tattooing is similar to body art, the only difference is in the area of ​​application, which is much smaller with the aerotatu. The resulting drawing has high detail and exceptional quality, though it lasts no more than 7-8 days.

How is aerial tattooing done?

First you need to prepare an airbrush: rinse it and fill it with the necessary paint. You also need to prepare a ready-made stencil for the drawing or create it yourself, after drawing and cutting it out of paper. Before spraying the paint, you need to thoroughly degrease the desired area of ​​the skin. For this, medical alcohol is suitable.

After that, using a special hypoallergenic glue, stick the stencil on the desired area of ​​the skin and cover it with paint, from time to time pressing and releasing the trigger of the gun. Then the stencil needs to be removed. If there are any irregularities in the picture, they need to be corrected immediately. If desired, you can give the tattoo brightness and beauty, decorating it with sparkles or colored rhinestones.

Glitter tattoo

This type of tattoo can be done with glue and small sparkles. The pattern, which consists of an iridescent glitter, has a rather spectacular appearance. If the pattern is applied to a place that is practically not in contact with water, it will remain on the skin for up to 14 days. Also, such a pattern can be perfectly combined with other types of temporary tattoos.

How is glitter tattoo done?

Glitter tattoos are often made using ready-made stencils. This gives them an undeniable advantage: for sequins, detailed drawing is not needed, they only fill in the already prepared drawing. Before applying a tattoo, you need to thoroughly degrease the desired area of ​​the skin, since the firmness of the pattern will depend on the level of its dryness. Then firmly stick the finished stencil onto the skin.

Apply some special glue to the stencil and remove it while the glue remains wet. Then, using a brush, with driving movements, you need to apply the desired shades of glitter to the glue. Leave the stencil in this state for a couple of minutes, then with the help of a wide flat brush, remove the excess sparkles and fix the tattoo with a special fixing spray.

Crystal tattoo

This type of temporary tattoo is more suitable for women. It is done by sticking stones on the skin in the form of a pattern. The glue for such tattoos is absolutely harmless, does not cause an allergic reaction and irritation. Subject to careful handling, such tattoos can last up to 6-7 days.

How to make a crystal tattoo?

There are two ways to make crystal tattoos: on your own or through a ready-made stencil. Of course, ready-made patterns can be made much faster, but such a pattern will not last long. Sticking each pebble on your own is a laborious task, but in the end you will get a much better picture that will last much longer.

To make such a tattoo, first draw a sketch of the drawing using a thin marker. After that, stick the stones along the sketch lines with glue. Here everything will depend on your desire and imagination, they can be of any color and shape. After the procedure, the area of ​​skin with stones cannot be wetted for a day.

To make a tattoo on the skin or not - here everyone decides for himself. But if you still decide, first try to make a temporary tattoo, since there are more than enough options for it today.


Watch the video: DIY: permanent TATTOO at home 100% water proof. Sneha with you (June 2024).