March 27: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays March 27th.


Holidays March 27

International Theater Day

At the mention of the words "theater", "stage", one involuntarily recalls the names of outstanding artists, believable scenery, a foyer and a lively audience, looking forward to the start of the performance. Opera, drama, comedy, ballet and other genres - there is everything in the theatrical art. Imagine that once theaters did not exist. But there were special rituals and ceremonies that were held at the very dawn of mankind, and they resembled modern theaters. Only the task of the rites was different. The purpose of the people was not to inspire the public, but to appease the gods, earn their respect and patronage. So in Ancient Egypt, "performances", organized in the temple in honor of Osiris - the god of craft and agriculture, began to be performed annually from the third century BC. Such ritual actions gave impetus to the development of modern theaters.

International Theater Day is celebrated by the whole planet, annually on March 27. And this holiday was established in 1961 at the eleventh Vienna Congress of the International Institute of Theaters (abbreviated as MIT) with the consent of UNESCO. According to the charter of a cultural organization, its activities are aimed at strengthening peace, friendship between countries and peoples, regardless of skin color and eye shape. The Russian Federation has also been a member of MIT since 1959, and since 1961, a permanent member of the Executive Committee of MIT.

Day of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

It is hard to imagine that until the 19th century there were simply no special armed groups on guard of order, ensuring security for the population and rushing to help in emergency situations. Soldiers who were completely unprepared for military service acted in their place. Modern internal troops do not know breaks - they are struggling intensely and efficiently for public safety.

Today, internal troops constitute the most important security network of the Russian Federation. By their activity they protect the fatherland and every citizen living in it, stand guard over order, protect the rights and freedoms of ordinary people. The homeland entrusted them with a very responsible mission to suppress, as well as punish, criminal activity and manifestations of terrorism. We wish all the employees of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation success and patience in their hard work, prosperity, happiness and good health.

March 27 on the folk calendar

Benedict's Day (Skotnik)

March 27, people commemorate the memory of St. Benedict (or Benedict). Benedict of Nursia became the founder of the Western monastic movement. The Orthodox tradition is revered as the reverend.

On Venediktov day in Russia it was supposed to treat cattle and other domestic animals, since it was during this period that spring molt bothered them. Cattle, as a rule, were taken out into the yard and combed with small scallops, saying: "Do not be lazy on cattle and bow to the cattle." Pigs were also looked after today, washing them with warm water.

Close attention on March 27 was focused on signs. It was believed that frost on this day foreshadows exactly the same weather in a week, but the thunderstorm was a good omen, promising a warm, fertile and moderately humid summer. Strong drops along with fog testified to a rainy summer. According to legend, on Venediktov day it was impossible to go hunting, fishing, chopping wood and sharpening knives in the house.

Historical events of March 27

March 27, 1330 - The Ipatiev Monastery was founded

The famous Ipatiev Monastery is located at the intersection of the Kostroma and Volga rivers. And he became famous for the fact that in its walls Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov, the first king of the dynasty, received a blessing for reign. Ipatiev Monastery is an ancient architectural structure that has "survived" to the present day. The foundation of the monastery began in early 1330. A legend dating back to the sixteenth century says that the founder of the Ipatiev Monastery was a native of the Golden Horde - a Tatar murza named Chet. Once, seriously wounded, he sailed along the Volga, saw a structure in front of his eyes and decided to rest there. At night, Chet had a dream where the Mother of God appeared to him and promised to heal him if a young man erected a holy monastery in honor of St. Hypatius at this place. Chet obeyed, received a blessing, and recovered.

March 27, 1841 - Tested the first steam fire engine

On this day, the world first tested a steam engine to extinguish fires, designed by inventor Hodge. The first steam engine was a 14-foot and 8-ton colossus, which was moved with the help of two horses. After several tests, the machine was found to be too heavy and inconvenient to use. With the advent of the steam engine and its use in fire pumps, it was possible to increase the efficiency of fire fighting. At the end of the 19th century, the Russian fire system first acquired several steam engines. For a long time, water was used to extinguish the fire, but when certain substances (oil, gasoline) were burned, it did not give the desired result, therefore, a few years later, an alternative and more effective means of extinguishing fires was proposed - extinguishing foam.

March 27, 1968 - The legend of the Soviet cosmonautics, Yuri Gagarin, died

The first astronaut of the Earth was barely 34 years old when he was overtaken by a tragic accident. Everything happened during a training flight, performed together with the pilot Seregin. Both heroes died in a plane crash. The circumstances of their death were hidden for a long time, and even now in the incident there are a number of inconsistencies and puzzles, which scientists are no longer destined to solve. The MiG-15 was thoroughly tested before takeoff, just like the physical health of both pilots - everything was normal, nothing portended a tragedy. According to the conclusion of the government commission, which worked at the scene of the accident, the plane fell into a tailspin in the air and, several times twisting, crashed into the ground. But for what reason the MiG-15 could fall into a tailspin - it’s completely not clear.

Born on March 27

- Quentin Tarantino (born in 1963) - American filmmaker, actor, screenwriter, producer and cameraman. At the age of 20, Tarantino wrote his first script, and after starting shooting an amateur film called "The Birthday of My Best Friend", but this picture never came out. It was during this period that Tarantino realized that he wanted to work in Hollywood. Inspired by the goal, he got there ... a janitor. However, soon his bright talent was noticed and appreciated.

- Mstislav Rostropovich (born in 1927) - Soviet, Russian cellist, conductor and talented pianist, People's Artist of the USSR, public figure in the field of protecting human rights and freedom (including spiritual).

- Wilhelm Roentgen (born in 1845) - an outstanding physicist, the first-ever Nobel Prize winner in the history of physics. Scientific activity was mainly directed to experimental physics. His research related to electromagnetism, crystals, optics, and molecular structures. In 1895, Roentgen managed to discover a specific radiation, later called X-ray. For the discovery of rays, the scientist received the Nobel Prize in 1901.

Birthday March 27

March 27 will celebrate the birthday: Alexander, Augustus, Lazarus, Ivan, Filet, Benedict (Benedict), Michael, Theodosius.


Watch the video: Amazing Calendar Trick (June 2024).